Minimonsters/Heartwarming: Difference between revisions

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* When Frank has an [[Tender Tears|emotional breakdown]] over the aforementioned rejection, both [[Sleepyhead|Lupo]] and [[The Big Guy|Momses]] quickly go to comfort him, and defend him when [[Gang of Bullies|Morty's gang]] [[Kick the Dog|laugh at him]] for this.
* Frank and Gus' brotherly relationship is one of the most heartwarming in the entire comic, and it shows there at full force. Gus [[Big Brother Worship|adores and idolizes]] Frank greatly, enthusiastically telling Miss Hit how much of an honor is sitting with him in class while complimenting him. When Victor tries to take over as leader, Gus is the most outraged at this, and immediately joins Frank in investigating the disappearances. It goes around the other way, too: Is [[Word of God|pretty much stated]] Gus is Frank's best friend and, rather than putting him in danger, tells Gus to call the police and stay away from the conflict to protect him while the rest of the Gang goes to stop Miss Hit personally. Seriously, these two [[Heterosexual Life Partners|really care for one another]].
* Frank, despite being annoyed at Lupo's [[Sleepyhead|constant sleepiness]], shows he cares a lot for him when he made him a security belt for his narcolepsy as a school project. This gets even more heartwarming when at the end {{spoiler|Lupo was the only one who managed to pass the school assignment, and gave him Victor's truth mirror as thanks.}} Lupo's [[Batman Gambit]] against Victor was partially motivated by him considering Frank the gang's true leader, and happily calls him such when he comes back after (accidentally) defeating Quasim in Victor's place.
* [[Jerkass|Victor]] has spent the entirety of the album being a jackass [[The Starscream|starscream]]-wannabe. After the reveal of {{spoiler|the whole [[Jekyll and Hyde|Henrietta/Miss Hit]] trainwreck}}, you would think [[Dirty Coward|he]] would just go back home and get out of this, especially after being utterly humiliated. [[OOC Is Serious Business|Instead]], he joins Frank, Lupo and Piruja in stopping Miss Hit and rescue everyone. Granted, he's still abrasive as always, but the fact [[It's All About Me|he]] '''willingly''' joined to help his [[With Friends Like These...|disliked]] friends to save people he doesn't give a crap ''for no reason whatsoever'', it's an incredibly powerful [[Pet the Dog]] moment. Maybe he's [[Hidden Heart of Gold|not so bad]] after all...
** This is even more heartwarming considering that in the previous album he had no compunctions over leading the citizens of Villa Susto to their deaths (Which would easily be his [[Moral Event Horizon]]), and in this album he reluctantly but willingly tries to save them from Miss Hit's machinations. Guess his time in Villa Susto is giving him some slivers of decency, however brief they may be.
* At the end of the album, {{spoiler|after Frank saves her, Henrietta sends him a photo of her as thanks. Frank himself ''tried'' to give her a gift: A Perfeccionator-ized butterfly. It's rejected by her dad due to her [[Ill Girl]] status, but his sister Francesca compensates by giving him a photo of her brother.}} Aaaww...
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* In one post-Perfeccionator story, Billy tries to be nice to Henrietta after the two are paired up in class. Given he's [[The Pig Pen]], though, his methods are [[Hilarity Ensues|hilariously]] [[Squick|inappropriate]], a fact not helped by Henrietta being an extremely [[Ill Girl]].
** Even though she's clearly discomforted by it, she patiently and politely deals with it, knowing he is just being friendly to her, at least until [[Vomit Indiscretion Shot|she has enough]]. Even so, she didn't snap into [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Miss Hit]] at any point in the story, which means a lot.
* In the latest storyline, Piruja and Henrietta's interactions in the Twilight Forest are pretty sweet to watch. Which quickly turnsturn hilarious when {{spoiler|Miss Hit}} enters the picture.
** Later, [[An Ice Person|Yokai]] rescuing the two of them from [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain|Flan Hellsing]]. This is a weird case as it serves as a backwards [[Pet the Dog]] moment, since [[Sticky Fingers|his]] [[Troll|personality]] wasn't established until much later.
** When Yokai [[Kick the Dog|stole Lupo's younger sister's doll]], Lupo was ''[[Berserk Button|pissed off]]'', showing his [[Big Brother Instinct]] full-time.