Mirror's Edge/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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* Seriously, no-one's mentioned ''the goddamn combat system?'' You have a game which is all about conserving your momentum to get more power out of moves, and yet there's no [[One -Hit Kill]] moves from anything less than full sprint - instead you, a petite woman with bare hands, go toe-to-toe with the body-armour wearing Mooks and ''punch them?'' You can take their weapon, but only when they're [[Pistol Whipping]] you - not when it would be much more useful, like when they have the barrel aimed at your head. Also, are all of the loading screen combos possible? I've never seen her do a spinning kick in the game...
** Five feet nine inches isn't really "petite". Especially for an Asian woman.
** Wall-Run Kick. She'll spin and make you spin, too, if you happen to be an opposing Blue. Try it in chapter 1, just as you come out the tail of Centurion Plaza, before you hit the L-Train tracks. Use the blue on the right as target practice, as he's next to the wall. Later levels, they seem to understand to avoid walls. (Slide and nutpunch does good on the less armored blues.)
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** After extensive playthrough on hard and test of faith mode I can quiet happily state that YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO STOP MOVING IN A FIGHT. Never go toe to toe with people, use your surroundings to keep running, looping around behind them and smacking them on the way past.
** The real trick to the combat is knowing when to fight, and when not to fight. There's a number of enemies who can't be lured into a disarm easily, can't simply be punched to death, and will automatically counterattack with a shove if you either punch or jumpkick them (the first enemies in the Prologue do this, and also drop ammoless guns if you manage to perform a disarm). Enemies with red auras are ones you're supposed to fight, and generally are much less intelligent. It also helps to know that slide kicks are the best attack in the game, since they are always safe and effective. You can't be counterattacked during a slide kick (enemy attacks like pistol whips will miss since you're sliding) whereas you can be hit out of a punch or jumpkick. Follow the slide kick with two punches and you've got an effective combo against every enemy. If you can wallrun kick, disarm or stomp an enemy, it's usually best to do so, but otherwise you can always rely on slidekick -> punch -> punch -> repeat as necessary. Stick with only two punches in the combo, as a third usually results in getting shoved back, and obviously try to lure enemies into fighting one at time.
** Yes, because giving a petite woman with bare hands a bunch of [[One -Hit Kill]] moves TOTALLY makes sense. Combined with the unique and realistic 1st person platforming, this combat system fleshed out the feel of the game.
* Is the entire country a totalitarian state, or just the city? If the game takes place in America, how is that even possible?