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* ''[[Rat Race]]'': Rowan Atkinson's character is showing a baby the key to a 2 million dollar prize when he accidentally drops it into the baby's diapers... which leads to him getting thrown off a moving train.
* In ''[[The Wizard (film)]]'', Haley got herself and her friends away from Putnam by accusing him of being a pedophile. Loudly. In a crowded public area.
* In ''[[Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium]]'', Eric and Henry The Mutant (don't ask) end up making friends. Henry learns to quit being so much of a boring adult, and let his inner child out through playing with Eric. Eric's mother comes home and assumes the worst, even though she told Eric to make friends -- shefriends—she clearly only meant ones his own age.
* Overzealous mass-hysteria regarding child abuse was criticized in the film ''[[The Man Without A Face]]'', complete with a [[Tear Jerker]] example of [[Entendre Failure]]. {{spoiler|Although there is some ambiguity as to whether something actually did happen. The book the film was based on was a good deal less ambiguous about it.}}
* In ''[[Daddy Day Care]]'' the protagonists are assumed to be child molesters just because they're men running a day care.
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*** Tratchenberg developed a crush on [[Hugh Laurie]] during filming of that episode. At one point she wrote "I love you" on her inner thigh before a scene where he'd see it.
* ''[[Bones]]'' - Booth and Bones are investigating a children's beauty pageant, looking for a killer with uneven hips. Bones, being Bones, gets right to it and grabs the nearest person to check before Booth can stop her. Of course it's a little girl, who screams, "Molester!" Booth smooths things over with the security guard who sympathizes against the over-reaction in light of the murder investigation (he advises that they just WATCH the pageant in order to observe all the kids).
* In ''[[Burn Notice]]'', Michael pays a bunch of [[Street Urchin|Street Urchins]]s to pretend that a [[Mook]] tailing them was a molester to the policeman standing nearby in order to get said mooks off his back.
** For extra hilarity, the mooks were FBI agents, and when one of them reaches for his wallet & identification, both cops pin them to car and immediately cuff them, thinking they were reaching for a gun.
* ''[[The Daily Show]]'', as seen on the picture above. They later tried other variations like "Jon Stewart Looks at Children's Things" and "Uncle Jon Wants to Show You Something".
