Mistborn/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Anti -Hero]]: Type II, mostly. She can be ruthless and has a dark streak in her, but at the end of the day she's fundamentally a good person. She does sometimes veer into Type III territory, most notably when she assaults Cett's keep with Zane in book 2.
* [[Badass]]
* [[Badass Cape]]: Mistcloaks are very cape-like and Vin wears one for quite a while. They're the most common symbol of a Mistborn; when you see someone wearing one of these, you look away, mind your own business, and pray to the Lord Ruler that they're not after you.
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* [[The Hero]]: She's the main character of the books, and evolves into the [[Big Good]] and biggest [[Badass]] on the good guys' side after {{spoiler|Kelsier dies}}. Subverted in that {{spoiler|she's ''not'' actually the Hero of Ages}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}
* [[Jeanne D 'Archetype]]: How the skaa see her, more or less. Vin herself finds this ''very'' bothering.
* {{spoiler|[[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]}}: The ending of ''The Well Of Ascension''. Full stop.
* [[One -Man Army|One Woman Army]]: Elend actually refers to her as 'an army' in ''The Hero Of Ages''.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Her mom was crazy and tried to kill her. Her dad was high priest of the [[Corrupt Church]] and never knew nor cared that she existed. She was raised, more or less, by her half-brother, who wound up abandoning her too.
* {{spoiler|[[Physical God]]}}
* [[Pint -Sized Powerhouse]]
* [[Real Women Never Wear Dresses]]: Averted with a vengeance. Vin's mostly a tomboyish [[Action Girl]] in terms of personality, but that doesn't mean she can't take the opportunity to appreciate fancy dresses, dance parties, or other traditionally feminine interests.
* {{spoiler|[[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: Empress Vin is every bit as [[Badass]] as Vin the Mistborn insurgent was}}
* [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism]]: Very, very much on the cynical side. Becomes less cynical and learns to trust others as the series goes on.
* [[Street Urchin]]: At first
* {{spoiler|[[Taking You Withwith Me]]}}
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: Vin is almost this ensemble in one person.
* [[Waif Fu]]: Justified by her ability to burn pewter- she may ''look'' small and harmless, but she can acquire incredible superstrength pretty much whenever she needs it.
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=== Kelsier ===
* [[Alternate Character Interpretation]]: In-universe. No one is entirely sure whether he's just an egotistical [[Glory Hound]], a [[Magnificent Bastard]] bent on rather spectacular revenge, or a [[Guile Hero]] who really does care for the ideals of the revolution, possibly [[Well -Intentioned Extremist|a little too much]].
* [[Anti -Hero]]
* [[Badass]]
* [[Byronic Hero]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Mentor Occupational Hazard]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[My Death Is Just the Beginning]]}}
* [[The Obi -Wan]]: To Vin.
* [[Rebel Leader]]
* [[Sad Clown]]: He always laughs and cracks jokes as a way of rebelling against [[Crapsack World|how bleak the world is]].
* [[Shrouded in Myth]]: He worked hard to make himself a semi-mythic figure.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: Often veers perilously close to this.
=== Sazed/ {{spoiler|Harmony}} ===
* {{spoiler|[[Ascend to Aa Higher Plane of Existence]]}}: {{spoiler|Near the end of ''Hero of Ages,'' Sazed claims Ruin and Preservation and ascends to godhood. By ''Alloy of Law,'' he is known as Harmony.}}
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: He manages to incapacitate a Steel Inquisitor early in the first book; it happens off-camera, but it's the first instance of a Steel Inquisitor encounter being treated as anything other than "run or die".
* [[Battle Butler]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Religious Russian Roulette]]}}: During ''Hero of Ages'', while {{spoiler|trying to come to terms with Tindwyl's death}}.
* [[Super Strength]]: When he taps his pewterminds.
* {{spoiler|[[Yin -Yang Bomb]]}}
=== Elend Venture ===
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* [[Cain and Abel]]: {{spoiler|he's Abel}}
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: In ''Hero of Ages'' he has a brief one before {{spoiler|Preservation}} manages to snap him out of it.
* [[Non -Action Guy]]: {{spoiler|at least until the third book}}
* [[Not So Different]]: In ''Hero of Ages'' he starts to realize his actions as emperor are very similar to what the Lord Ruler did to keep the empire intact.
* [[Rebellious Princess|Rebellious Prince]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Took a Level In Badass]]: Twice. First under Tindwyl's tutelage in ''Well of Ascension'', and then another after becoming Mistborn himself at the end of that book.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Unskilled but Strong]]: As a Mistborn, he's got more raw allomantic power than anyone in the series short of the Lord Ruler himself- but he's also the first to admit that Vin has a far more subtle affinity for her powers}}. It turns out that his is because {{spoiler|he acquired his Mistborn powers directly from the same metal that was used to grant the ''original'', near-godlike Mistborn their powers by the Lord Ruler.}}
* [[Wide -Eyed Idealist]]: Politically, at least.
* [[The Wise Prince]]
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Especially when dealing with Ham.
* [[Getting Smilies Painted Onon Your Soul]]: An arguable and generally benevolent case; he often toys with the emotions of those around him, lessening the effects of negative emotions such as fatigue, fear, or sadness, in order to emphasize the effect of positive emotions the subjects already feel.
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: As noted below under [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]], he's overbearing, manipulative... and caring to a fault.
* [[Hidden Heart of Gold]]: He's not nearly as selfish as he acts but prefers to downplay this.
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Suffers one of these {{spoiler|After seeing all the suffering and death at the fall of Luthadel. He gets better by the next book, with Sazed's help}}
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: He appears, at first, to be a pompous, selfish, lazy, egotistical, and manipulative scoundrel. All of this is absolutely true, but it becomes clear (especially in the second and third books whenever he becomes a point-of-view character) that at least as much of his manipulation goes toward helping others as toward getting his own way.
* [[May -December Romance]]: With Allrianne Cett
* [[Non -Action Guy]]: Despite carrying around a dueling cane, there's little indication that Breeze is a warrior of any kind.
* [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism]]: Claims to be on the cynical side, despite his actions and emotions pushing him toward idealism.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Has something of this sort of relationship with Ham, due to the latter's insistence on submitting philosophical questions for consideration.
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* [[Good Is Not Nice]]
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Despite being mainly a grumpy old ex soldier, he has a deep passion for his art as a carpenter.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Parental Substitute]]: To his nephew, Spook.
* [[Power Nullifier]]: To an extent; as a Smoker, he's immune to emotional allomancy himself and can shield others from being detected by Seekers, but he can't interfere with other allomantic powers.
* [[Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior!]]: He's the oldest member of the crew, and also the grouchiest and most standoffish, but his word is good and when he gives his loyalty, he means it. See [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]].
* [[Sixth Ranger]]: From the perspective of the other crew members- though he joins up near the beginning of the book, he's the only major crewmember apart from Vin who Kelsier has never worked with before.
* [[Sour Supporter]]
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* [[Big Brother Bully]]: Bizarrely mixed with [[Big Brother Instinct]]. He abused Vin because he thought that [[Broken Bird|breaking her]] was the only way she'd survive.
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|Nice Job Breaking Her, Big Brother]]: It's pretty clear that Reen was cruel to Vin primarily because he thought that she'd only survive if he toughened her up and taught her to always be suspicious and cynical. Unfortunately, this ''also'' lead directly into the [[Broken Bird]] nature she exhibits, particularly early in the series. Probably an example of why emotionally damaged cynical [[Jerkass|Jerkasses]], even well-intentioned ones, shouldn't raise kids.
* [[Parental Substitute]]: To Vin, after their mother went crazy.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: {{spoiler|Sacrificing his life rather than telling the Inquisitors where to find Vin}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Immortality]]: The same way as the Lord Ruler; in fact, he's still alive two hundred years later in the sequel}}.
* [[Implacable Man]]
* {{spoiler|[[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]}}: Deliberately.
* {{spoiler|[[Phlebotinum Rebel]]}}: Initially. {{spoiler|He kills every other Inquisitor in Kredik Shaw, then helps Vin fight the Lord Ruler}}.
* [[Sour Supporter]]: He's extremely skeptical of his brother's motives in fighting the Lord Ruler, and helps the group more ''despite'' Kelsier than ''because of'' him.
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* [[Jive Turkey]]: He speaks a certain dialect of street slang. It is very nearly utterly incomprehensible to both the reader and to anyone in-setting. At least one bit of translation is given in ''The Hero of Ages'', saying that 'wasing' means 'was doing,' and 'wasing the run of there' means 'I was running to that place'. It's ''still'' confusing.
** {{spoiler|Hilariously, by the time of The Alloy of Law this once annoying street slang is now known as High Imperial.}}
* [[Overshadowed Byby Awesome]]
** [[What Measure Is a Non -Badass?]]: His attitude about himself. It motivates him to try as hard as he can to be useful and he ends up powerleveling in badass in ''The Hero of Ages''.
* [[Super Senses]]: Especially in ''The Hero of Ages''.
* [[Tagalong Kid]]
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* [[Badass Beard]]: Vin even calls it a "monster".
* [[Big Bad Wannabe]]: Cett presents himself as a powerful, [[Card -Carrying Villain]] tyrant {{spoiler|but he's neither as evil or as powerful as he'd like you to believe}}.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]: Played with; he has the personality, but is actually a cripple.
* [[Card -Carrying Villain]]: Subverted. He certainly talks the talk, but then does a [[Heel Face Turn]].
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Allrianne initially tricks him into it. Vin's threats cement it.
* [[Obfuscating Disability]]: Subverted. Vin thinks he's faking his paralysis to hide being a very powerful Mistborn. {{spoiler|Nope- it's genuine, and he's had the condition since childhood}}.
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* [[The Chick]]
* [[Hidden Depths]]
* [[May -December Romance]]: With Breeze
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: More like Obfuscating Superficiality. Most of what you see ''is'' Allrianne's real personality, but it's not all there is to it, and she's much smarter than she looks.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: She's the Girly Girl to Vin's Tomboy. Yes, even Vin at her most feminine looks ''plenty'' tomboyish next to Allrianne.
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* {{spoiler|[[Hidden Depths]]: She may look and act like a sad, rather naive girl- but she's also a Misting, and her brother's hidden bodyguard}}.
* [[Morality Pet]]: To her brother Quellion {{spoiler|and later, to Spook}}.
* [[Wide -Eyed Idealist]]: She's basically Vin's opposite in this regard; where Vin doesn't trust anybody easily, Beldre wants to trust everybody and thinks she can solve the conflict between her brother and Spook just by talking it out. {{spoiler|Actually, that probably would have worked if Ruin hadn't been prodding both Quellion and Spook to act more and more irrationally}}.
=== Alendi ===
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* [[Start of Darkness]]: {{spoiler|Subverted, because he was never the Lord Ruler, and though he was heading towards dark territory he never fully jumped off the slippery slope before he was killed}}.
* [[Wangst]]: His journal is full of it, in Vin's opinion.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: Though he apparently became quite ruthless, he always remained dedicated to helping the world and ''not'' taking up the power of the Well of Ascension for himself. {{spoiler|Which is why Ruin chose him in the first place}}.
=== Preservation/ {{spoiler|Leras}} ===
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* [[A God Am I]]
* {{spoiler|[[Anti -Villain]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Disc One Final Boss|Book One Final Boss]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Crazy Prepared]] / [[Survivalist Stash]] : The supply caches and shelters he built across the Final Empire in case of his death.}}
* [[Evil Overlord]]
* [[God -Emperor]]
* [[God Is Evil]]: What the skaa certainly think, and with good reason. {{spoiler|The truth's a bit more complicated. He really does mean well and his harshness is arguably necessary, but Ruin's been attacking his mind for the last thousand years. And it's getting to him.}}
* [[Healing Factor]]
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* [[Magnificent Bastard]]
* {{spoiler|[[My Death Is Just the Beginning]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[No Immortal Inertia]]}}
* [[Physical God]]
* [[Shrouded in Myth]]: A large part of the series deals with finding out what kind of man the Lord Ruler really was, and where the man ends and the myth begins.
* {{spoiler|[[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]}}
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: Unusually, both inverted and played straight. [[Word of God]] is that {{spoiler|Rashek}} actually grew as a person as a result of acquiring and being forced to responsibly use godlike power; pity that the {{spoiler|hemalurgy}} he used brought him into telepathic contact with {{spoiler|Ruin, who wormed his way inside his head and drove him to increasingly brutal, irrational, and tyrannical actions in the name of the greater good}}.
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* [[Alpha Bitch]]: She's in a court, rather than school, setting, but otherwise fits the trope to a "t" {{spoiler|though she's rather more dangerous than most}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Dark Action Girl]]}}
* [[Murder the Hypotenuse]]: Not Vin's intention, but Shan ''was'' Elend's fiancee, and {{spoiler|Elend does make a dark joke along these lines in ''Hero of Ages'', mentioning that Vin married him after killing his fiancee, his [[Abusive Parents|father]], his [[Cain and Abel|brother]] and [[God -Emperor|his god]], to boot}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Not So Harmless]]}}
* [[The Reveal]]: For most of her appearances, she's built up as practically a female [[Harry Potter|Draco Malfoy]]- arrogant, obnoxious, and annoying, but ultimately harmless. {{spoiler|Then it turns out she's a Mistborn nearly as powerful as Vin}}.
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* [[Sanity Has Advantages]]: He certainly thinks so, and feels he has to compensate for his self-admitted insanity.
* [[Shadow Archetype]]: To Vin.
* [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]]
* [[The Starscream]]: Subverted. He continually pretends to try and kill Straff, because that's what Straff expects, but he has no real desire to do it- he points out that if he did, Straff would already be ''dead''.
* {{spoiler|[[Villainous Breakdown]]}}
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* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good|Destruction Cannot Comprehend Life]]
* [[Dead Person Impersonation]]: Pulls one of several people, notably Kelsier (to {{spoiler|Spook}}), the Lord Ruler (to Penrod), and {{spoiler|Reen}}. Vin sees through the last pretty quickly, at least when {{spoiler|it's more than just the voice}}.
* [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]]
* [[Hannibal Lecture]]: Loves doing this to Vin.
* [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]]: {{spoiler|When Ruin and Preservation worked together to create the world, they both put part of themselves into humanity, thus allowing humans to both preserve and destroy. Thus, when Vin absorbed Preservation's power (just as planned) she could use that same power to attack and destroy Ruin, unlike Preservation.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Man Behind the Man]]}}
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]
* {{spoiler|[[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]: He could have prevented his eventual defeat simply by not forcing Marsh to read the message he intercepted from Spook}}.
* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]: His very nature is the end of all things, and {{spoiler|part of the bargain that allowed the two gods to create life at all stipulated that Ruin would eventually get to destroy it all.}}
* [[Our Gods Are Greater]]
* [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]: {{spoiler|''Two'' cans. His power is sealed in the Well of Ascension, and his body is atium... also known as ''the single most valuable substance in the Empire.''}}
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: He can't see or directly affect words written in metal- a rather potent weakness, as his greatest success came from {{spoiler|altering written records, especially prophecies}}. He also can't read minds, though he can influence them if the person has a Hemalurgic spike.
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=== Yomen ===
* [[Anti -Villain]]
* [[Badass Bookworm]]
* [[The Chessmaster]]: Barring the Lord Ruler and Ruin themselves, he's probably the smartest "bad guy" in the series.