Basic Trope: A girl wears shorts under her skirt.

  • Straight: Alice kicked a ball while wearing a skirt, but everyone saw that she was wearing shorts underneath it.
  • Exaggerated: The shorts are long enough that they can even be seen when Alice is standing up straight.
  • Justified: The shorts under the skirt are extremely short.
  • Inverted: Alice's shorts are being worn over a skirt, I know, doesn't really make sense.
  • Subverted: Alice is wearing only panties under her skirt.
    • Alice is going commando.
  • Double Subverted: Upon realizing she forgot to put her shorts on, Alice puts them on under her skirt, and over her panties.
  • Deconstructed: Alice was originally wearing shorts under her skirt, but she found the shorts uncomfortable so she took off the shorts underneath.
  • Reconstructed: Alice was afraid that people see her panties, so she puts shorts on under her skirt.
  • Averted: Panty Shot
  • Defied: Alice's short get caught on a branch and they're ripped off.
    • Bob pulled off Alice's shorts

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