Mohs Scale of Science Fiction Hardness/Speculative Science: Difference between revisions

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* The Menace From Earth (also by Heinlein) posits a sublunar colony that doesn't require a ton of future-tech but would be absurdly expensive to build with today's technology. Beyond that, the story sticks tightly to realistic extensions of the current technology. The protagonist is even engaged in drafting the design for a starship that anticipates engines that haven't been invented.
* ''[[I Miss the Sunrise]]'' is set far in the future, but doesn't rely on [[Applied Phlebotinum]]. Many of the technologies present are described in great detail and generally work according to real physics.
* ''[[OrionsOrion's Arm]]'' falls at the softer end of this category. Things that are almost certainly impossible can be accepted but only so long as it is shown that they don't violate any known laws of physics. [[Our Wormholes Are Different|Wormholes]] that might [[Logic Bomb|violate causality]] undergo Visser collapse, extremely fast sub-light speed travel with [[Reactionless Drive|Reactionless Drives]] has ridiculous amounts of math preventing violations of thermodynamics, brains the size of stars can be made but are subject to all the problems that come with it like light delay between different parts and the constant threat of turning into an actual star.
* Charles Pellegrino's ''[[Flying To Valhalla]]'' and ''[[The Killing Star]]''. The Valkyrie spaceships (and their alien equivalents) are a design [[wikipedia:Project Valkyrie|seriously proposed]] by Pellegrino and Jim Powell. And, unfortunately, the [[Kinetic Weapons Are Just Better|major source of mayhem]] is pretty plausible too.
* Steven Gould's ''[[Helm]]'' brings two major science-fiction elements: [[Terraform|terraforming]] and technological [[Brainwashing]]. The former is described in significant detail in an early chapter, and the terrain depicted of the book reflects the planet's history. The brainwashing is treated in less detail, but its mechanism of operation is convincing nonetheless.