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** And Vince claimed that the "circle stroke" was only the ''second'' gayest thing he'd seen Nelson (aka the [[Wholesome Crossdresser|"Divine Miss Vulpine"]]) do in the last 10 days. Though Nelson's also the least depraved member of the cast, [[Bi the Way|so he'd just be bi]].
** {{spoiler|Archie the stud Afghan hound, how he got rabies}}
** Vince is generally just depraved, though in episode 7 he threatened to [[Double Standard Rape (Male On Male)|bum Nelson to death]] if he messed up his territory. He also apparently regularly rapes the male cat in his territory.
*** [[Situational Sexuality|What happens on the island, stays on the island]]
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Double subverted in episode 10. Basically, a cyclist runs over Kali's dinner (a badger, if you're interested), and she swears to get revenge upon him. She builds it up to be something huge and then... it turns out that she merely crapped on his seat. However, about five seconds later, the bicycle explodes - it turns out that Kali had planted a bomb there all along.
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* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: [[Complete Monster|Vince]] draws the line at joining the BNP.
* [[Fake Band]]: Vermin, a group of random animals who always play the songs in every episode.
* [[Female Feline, Male Mutt]]: Inverted - Destiny is a female dog, and Marion is a male cat.
* [[Flock of Wolves]]: Sneaking into an office, Nelson [[It Makes Sense in Context|dresses up as a human]] in a moment of desperation to hide from an oncoming office worker, who turns out to be Tim the Badger...also dressed up as a human.
* [[Fourth Wall Mail Slot]]: [ here].
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* [[Funny Animal]]: Yes and yes.
* [[Furry Reminder]]: Not frequently as the characters are usually played close to their species' traits but happens to Nelson and Destiny on occasion.
* [[Girl -On -Girl Is Hot]]: The song "Everybody loves a Lesbian"
* [[Gold Digger]]: In the episode "Nelson and the Human", Destiny marries an old, mean-spirited and half-blind dog for his squeaky toy pig.
* [[Guy -On -Guy Is Hot]]: Kali seems very interested in [[Ho Yay|what happened between Nelson and Vince]] when they were stuck on the island.
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]: Vince
* [[Heroic Comedic Sociopath]]: Kali
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** The episode "Kali and the Urinary Infection" is about pretty much everything other than the aforementioned illness. This gets lampshaded.
* [[Non-Mammal Mammaries]]: Mainly [[Played for Laughs]] and appear on quite a few female characters but averted for {{spoiler|birds whose the lack of external genitalia is a plot point for an episode}}.
* [[One -Shot Character]]: Buttercup is central to Marion's story in episode three, but is never seen again after this (although her [[You Look Familiar|puppet gets recycled in episode eight]])
** Sandra as well, though her disappearance makes sense because she was killed at the end of the epsiode.
* [[Orphaned Punchline]]: "...and nailed it to her face!"
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** Marion making a statement, then adding the complete opposite of that statement behind his hand. Example: "[[Hamlet|To be or not to be, that is the question.]]" *behind hand* "That is ''not'' the question."
* [[Sadist Show]]
* [[Shout -Out]]: The second episode in season two has Nelson and Marion as [[Simon Pegg]] and Nick Frost in ''[[Shaun of the Dead]]''. Also, name of the Richard O'Brien-voiced dog doing the [[The Rocky Horror Picture Show|Time Warp]] parody was Riff Raff.
** Marion was once flatmates with [[Being Human|a vampire, a werewolf, and a ghost]].
* [[Situational Sexuality]]: Whatever happened between Nelson and Vince when stuck on that traffic island, it's not something to be mentioned in Vince's wedding speech.
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* [[Unrequited Love]]: Nelson/Destiny.
* [[Unsettling Gender Reveal]]: Marion's Siamese "wife" turns out to be a neutered tomcat.
* [[X Days Since...]]: Episode four has a petting zoo whose sign is "days free of E.Coli 3", then later someone altering the sign to zero.
* [[You Look Familiar]]: Several puppets external to the main cast get re-used in different roles, either as a [[One -Shot Character]] or as extras. This is probably down to budgeting, mind.
* [[You No Take Candle]]: Subverted. Nelson uses this to communicate with Rob the chimpanzee when they first meet, leading Rob to think that Nelson doesn't know normal English and respond in the same way.'
* [[Zombie Apocalypse]]: Parodied in one episode, only instead of "zombies", read "male dogs driven crazy by Destiny's pheromones".