Monster Hunter International: Difference between revisions

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* [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]]: Pretty much every monster myth known is true. Most can be killed with sufficient application of [[More Dakka|dakka]], [[Stuff Blowing Up|explosives]], [[Kill It with Fire|fire]], or combinations of the above.
* [[Friendly Sniper]]: Being team sharpshooter, and an all-around nice girl, Julie is this.
* [[Five-Token Band]]: The newbie hunters include a black-man, an (ethnically) Chinese dude, and a stripper. This is noted in story with the group start calling themselves the rainbow squad and Owen notes they just need a lesbian and a guy in a wheelchair to complete the set.
* [[Gorn]]: Few people/things just die in ''Monster Hunter International,'' mortal or otherwise.
* [[Government Agency of Fiction]]: The Monster Control Bureau.