Monster Hunter International: Difference between revisions

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* [[Knuckle Tattoos]]: A truck driver that's an innocent victim of a monster rampage has "LOVE" and "HATE" tattooed on his knuckles. Later, {{spoiler|Agent Franks}} is seen with "HATE" on the knuckles of his left hand. {{spoiler|The arm and its attached hand was taken from the dead trucker, Franks replacing a limb lost earlier in the chapter.}}
* [[Living on Borrowed Time]]/[[The Last Dance]]: {{spoiler|After Owen is bitten by a zombie, he uses his last couple of hours to trade himself for his brother, and lead a one-man assault on the Condition's inner sanctum}}.
* [[The Mole]]: Much of the first two-thirds of the book is spent trying to root out a mole at MHI headquarters. {{spoiler|There's more than one.}}
* [[Monster Protection Racket]]: It's revealed that {{spoiler|Hood used to work for MHI, and was secretly using necromancy to cause zombie outbreaks for his team to put down during slow periods}}.
* [[Mugging the Monster]]: The Condition sends a trio of human Mooks to kidnap Owen's father. Said father is an ex-Green Beret who earned the ''Medal of Honor'' in Vietnam and earnded the nickname "The Destroyer". Cue offscreen [[Curb Stomp Battle]].
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* [[Religion of Evil]]: The Sanctified Church of the Temporary Mortal Condition serve the [[Eldritch Abomination|Old Ones]], and want to deliver Owen to them to curry favor. Oh, and they're [[necromancer]]s.
* [[Shapeshifter Guilt Trip]]: Invoked repeatedly while the team tries to beat some information out of a Doppelganger.
* [[Take That]]: When Owen finds out the Monster Control Bureau are fighting the above mentioned [[Religion of Evil]] he asks why the feds don't just burn their church to the ground like they normally do. When he doesn't get any bites he notes the agents present either don't get the reference or are too [[The Stoic|stoic]] to fall for his taunt.