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''Welcome to '''Monster Hunter International'''.''
MHI is a contemporary fantasy/horror/GunPorn novel written by Larry Correia about a group of professional monster hunters. Correia's stated goal was to combine [[B-Movie]] monster tropes, but have the characters not be complete idiots. Consequently, in order to still present a threat, the monsters are much more powerful than in most B-movies, and the Hunters respond in kind. [[Grenade Launcher|Grenade launchers]]? Check. [[Sawed -Off Shotgun|Fully-automatic shotgun]]? Check. [[More Dakka|Claymore mines]]? Check.
MHI was originally self-published in 2008, but high sales through word-of-mouth advertising, especially on gun-related forums, attracted the attention of [[Baen Books]], which picked up the series.
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* [[Always Save the Girl]]: [[Playing With a Trope|Played with.]] At the big climactic showdown, {{spoiler|Koriniha cuts Julie's throat to encourage Owen to use the artifact's power. Owen realizes this would fubar the whole world by letting in the Old Ones, so he doesn't. As he's carrying Julie past what's left of Captain Thrall, Thrall uses the last of his appropriated artifact juice to heal her.}}
* [[Artifact of Doom]]
* [[Angels, Devils, and Squid]]
* [[Author Appeal]]. From the "About the Author" page: "Larry Correia is hopelessly addicted to two things: guns and B-horror movies."
* [[BFG]]: [[I Call It Vera|Abomination]] is a fully automatic shotgun with attached grenade launcher, which gets a more detailed description than most of the human (or otherwise) characters.
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* [[Meganekko]]: Julie.
* [[More Dakka]]: Much, ''much'' more Dakka.
* [[Named Weapons]]: Abomination, as noted above. Being a Saiga-12 shotgun, it's probably a [[Shout -Out]] to Firefly.
* [[Noodle Incident]] One team is unavailable when Earl calls all Hunter Teams to Alabama to deal with the threat, due to hunting a luska in the Bahamas. Owen is told he's better off not knowing what it is; the very name of the thing makes [[The Big Guy|Sam Haven]] shudder.
* [[Nuke'Em]]: The MCB's backup plan for taking care of Lord Machado. {{spoiler|It misses him and instead annoys an Old One}}.
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* [[Proud Warrior Race]]: The Orcs
* [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits]]: MHI is not allowed to recruit openly, so most of their new hunters are the survivors of monster attacks. They come from all sorts of backgrounds; the Amazing Newbie Squad, for example, has a stripper, a teacher, a librarian, and an accountant.
* [[Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies]]: Sort of subverted. {{spoiler|Most of the important characters end up being killed in a battle with demons in chapter 22, but Owen finds a way to rewind time by five minutes and bring them all back. They all remember dying, and are grateful for the second chance at life.}}
* [[Silver Bullet]]: Julie explains them to Owen in their first meeting. Silver is too light and hard to engage barrel rifling properly, resulting is a fast, light bullet with low damage and poor accuracy. Instead MHI uses a modified [ Corbon Pow'r Ball design]: a hollowpoint round with a silver ball inside the cavity. As it's also ''expensive'', it's only available in .45 ACP and .308 Winchester Magnum. The MCB uses a different design that relies on powdered silver in a polymer matrix, available in 9mm Parabellum, 5,56mm NATO and 7.62mm NATO.
* [[Shotguns Are Just Better]]: Zig-zagged; Owen's personal shotgun ''is'' better, but most Hunters prefer rifles or carbines, with an occasional submachinegun.
* [[Shout -Out]]: From Earl Harbinger: "You can know that of a surety, and I swear upon all that I hold holy, I will track you down to the ends of the world, reach down your throat, and [[Married With Children|pull your spine out your mouth]]."
** One of the hunter team patches is a [[Sluggy Freelance|mini-lop bunny armed with a switchblade.]] Another has [[Samurai Jack]] as a logo.
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]: Agents Myers & Franks. Myers is the polite, educated one, and Franks is the quiet, brutal one who's quite capable of [[Curb Stomp Battle|curb-stomping]] the hero, Owen Pitt.
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=== Monster Hunter Vendetta adds the following tropes: ===
* [[Achievements in Ignorance]]: Crossing over with [[Children Are Innocent]], a young Julie Shackleford befriends a {{spoiler|shoggoth}}.
* [[All Trolls Are Different]]: The trolls here seem to conform to the classic [[Dungeons and Dragons]] template, with the addition of being internet-savvy, and having several million dollars that they need your help to get out of [[Four One Nine419 Scam|Nigeria]].
* [[Badass Abnormal]]: Agent Franks is shown to actually be {{spoiler|Frankenstein's Monster}}.
* [[Defeat Means Friendship]]: Owen earns the respect of the gnomes after fending off a swarm of them.
* [[Dead Guy, Junior]]: Milo's newborn daughter, named after {{spoiler|Sam Haven}}.
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: {{spoiler|One of the Old Ones is killed when the protagonists use a doomsday weapon against it.}}
* [[Ditch the Bodyguards]]: Owen is instructed by the Monster Control Bureau to stay at MHI's compound as bait for the [[Religion of Evil|Church of the Temporary Mortal Condition]]. However he's a pro-active kind of guy, and prefers to take the fight to them.
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** Several werewolves were employed by their national governments as this. Sam Haven is also shown to have been this, single-handedly clearing a cruise liner of monsters after his SEAL team got killed and his [[The Neidermeyer|Neidermeyer]] CO [[Cower Power|hid]].
** It's also subverted: Earl quickly realises that the situation is too big for him to handle and tries to call in his team, but the phones are down. He ends up rallying the locals and gaining a few allies along the way.
* [[Shout -Out]]: The luska is finally revealed, and it's a Sharktopus.
* [[The Southpaw]]: Earl is right-handed, but shoots a sniper rifle left-handed so he can maintain his sight picture and work the bolt faster.
* [[Tastes Like Chicken]]: Averted with the luska. Earl doesn't care for the taste, but he was ravenously hungry on a full moon.
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