Monster Hunter International: Difference between revisions

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* [[Added Alliterative Appeal]]: Jerome Jermaine Jones, aka Trip to friends.
* [[All of Them]]: Milo's answer when asked how many gun laws Abomination breaks.
* [[Always Save the Girl]]: [[Playing Withwith a Trope|Played with.]] At the big climactic showdown, {{spoiler|Koriniha cuts Julie's throat to encourage Owen to use the artifact's power. Owen realizes this would fubar the whole world by letting in the Old Ones, so he doesn't. As he's carrying Julie past what's left of Captain Thrall, Thrall uses the last of his appropriated artifact juice to heal her.}}
* [[Artifact of Doom]]
* [[Angels, Devils, and Squid]]
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* [[Crazy Prepared]]: Most Hunters become this in the course of their work. The combat suit Hunters use is designed to be prepared for as many situations as possible.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: The orcs wear mostly black, have warty green-grey skin, yellow eyes and tusks but are definitely good guys
* [[Dragon Withwith an Agenda]]: {{spoiler|Koriniha, priestess to the Old Ones.}}
* [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]]: Pretty much every monster myth known is true. Most can be killed with sufficient application of [[More Dakka|dakka]], [[Stuff Blowing Up|explosives]], [[Kill It Withwith Fire|fire]], or combinations of the above.
* [[Friendly Sniper]]: Being team sharpshooter, and an all-around nice girl, Julie is this.
* [[Gorn]]: Few people/things just die in ''Monster Hunter International,'' mortal or otherwise.
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* [[Silver Bullet]]: Julie explains them to Owen in their first meeting. Silver is too light and hard to engage barrel rifling properly, resulting is a fast, light bullet with low damage and poor accuracy. Instead MHI uses a modified [ Corbon Pow'r Ball design]: a hollowpoint round with a silver ball inside the cavity. As it's also ''expensive'', it's only available in .45 ACP and .308 Winchester Magnum. The MCB uses a different design that relies on powdered silver in a polymer matrix, available in 9mm Parabellum, 5,56mm NATO and 7.62mm NATO.
* [[Shotguns Are Just Better]]: Zig-zagged; Owen's personal shotgun ''is'' better, but most Hunters prefer rifles or carbines, with an occasional submachinegun.
* [[Shout-Out]]: From Earl Harbinger: "You can know that of a surety, and I swear upon all that I hold holy, I will track you down to the ends of the world, reach down your throat, and [[Married... Withwith Children|pull your spine out your mouth]]."
** One of the hunter team patches is a [[Sluggy Freelance|mini-lop bunny armed with a switchblade.]] Another has [[Samurai Jack]] as a logo.
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]: Agents Myers & Franks. Myers is the polite, educated one, and Franks is the quiet, brutal one who's quite capable of [[Curb Stomp Battle|curb-stomping]] the hero, Owen Pitt.
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* [[Do Not Taunt Cthulhu]]: Owen earned the ire of the Old Ones because {{spoiler|they blame him for the thermonuclear warhead that was launched through the inter-dimensional portal (and slightly injured one of them) at the end of the first book}}.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: The Old Ones.
* [[Everything's Worse Withwith Bears]]: Armored zombie bears, to be precise. Grant briefly freaks out and complains that it's "unfair" to armor zombies.
* [[Groupie Brigade]]: When Owen Pitt's brother Mosh, a [[Heavy Metal (Music)|Heavy Metal]] guitarist of some renown, is brought to MHI headquarters, he's followed by a gaggle of adoring Orcs, who refer to him as "Great War Chief."
* [[Frankenstein's Monster]]: Many of the zombie creatures that attack MHI headquarters are amalgams of various animals. {{spoiler|Also Agent Franks}}.
* [[Knuckle Tattoos]]: A truck driver that's an innocent victim of a monster rampage has "LOVE" and "HATE" tattooed on his knuckles. Later, {{spoiler|Agent Franks}} is seen with "HATE" on the knuckles of his left hand. {{spoiler|The arm and its attached hand was taken from the dead trucker, Franks replacing a limb lost earlier in the chapter.}}
* [[Living Onon Borrowed Time]]/[[The Last Dance]]: {{spoiler|After Owen is bitten by a zombie, he uses his last couple of hours to trade himself for his brother, and lead a one-man assault on the Condition's inner sanctum}}.
* [[The Mole]]: Much of the first two-thirds of the book is spent trying to root out a mole at MHI headquarters.
* [[Monster Protection Racket]]: It's revealed that {{spoiler|Hood used to work for MHI, and was secretly using necromancy to cause zombie outbreaks for his team to put down during slow periods}}.
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* [[Finns With Fearsome Forests]]: Heather's grandfather, and much of the town, are from Finland. The grandfather was a werewolf-hunting sniper who passed the [[MacGuffin]] on the Heather. Another Finnish resident of Cooper Lake, Aino, comes along to the final battle despite being well into his seventies.
* [[Fish Out of Water]]: Earl, born and raised in [[Deep South|Alabama]], in Michigan, where it is snowing.
* [[Fun Withwith Acronyms]]: Special Task Force Unicorn, aka STFU.
* [[Gorn]]: Taken [[Up to Eleven]] when Earl and a local drive a snow cutter (think a combine-sized snowblower) through a mass of undead werewolves. Earl pronounces the resulting slurry of werewolf as the most disgusting thing he ever seen
* [[Heroes Want Redheads]]: {{spoiler|Heather}}, who ends up retaining most of her humanity despite being a new werewolf, and Earl's new love interest.
* [[Kill It Withwith Fire]]: Earl uses a hospital's oxygen tank to set a fire to kill a newly turned werewolf who {{spoiler|is immune to the effects of silver}}, quoting the trope name when setting it up.
* [[Mundane Utility]]: {{spoiler|Heather}}, a junk-food adict whos mother had diabetes, is ''thrilled'' to learn that werewolfs burn enough calories that she can eat anything she wants without gaining weight.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: {{spoiler|Heather's reaction to learning that the first thing she did as a werewolf was eat her dog.}} [[Heroic BSOD]] ensures.