Mood Whiplash/Other Media: Difference between revisions

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** There's a similar commercial for the Humane Society with sad, abused animals in cages, staring at the viewer with Sorrowful Eyes, over captions like "Why do they beat me?" "When will someone come get me?" while [[Sarah McLachlan]]'s "Angel" plays. Makes it hard to get back to the inanity of ''[[Cheers]]'' and the like.
** Hulu, which is basically TV online(complete with commercials) has this in spades. So you're watching a dramatic show where the main character just died/killed someone important/reunited with a lost family member when- Bam! A chipper commercial about makeup or iPods whith bright colors and upbeat music. The fact that most of the commercials aren't lined up to places where there originally should have been a break on the initial TV run just makes it all worse.
* ''[ One Sentence]'' splashes itself all over the [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism]], with one entry providing definitive proof that [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]], and the next stating unequivocally that [[Rousseau Was Right]]. Read down the front page, and you will find yourself [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|punching your fist in the air]], [[Downer Ending|weeping]] [[Tear Jerker|uncontrollably]], [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|awwwwwing]] and [[Crowning Moment of Funny|laughing hysterically]]. Often at the same time.
* The ''[[Post Secret]]'' books. One page will be a hysterically funny postcard, and the next will be about someone purposefully miscarrying their baby.
* [ This short comic] is, in fact, a perfect example of the trope.