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** Colonel Volgin is small time compared to the one behind most of the Metal Gear Solid series, {{spoiler|Major Zero. Although his status as a villain is only revealed in the final (for that storyline anyways) game, when it is the implications of so much of what this man has done becomes apparent. Not only did he create a shadow organization meant to control every facet of human life, but he created a system meant to completely subjugate and ultimately enslave humanity in a cyclical hell of controlled military conflict for generations to come, simply because he felt sour about bitter differences between himself and Big Boss. And on top of that, he attempted to destroy and manipulate his former friend with a variety of despicable tactics, such as threatening and manipulating a Costa Rican-American girl to become a crazed agent and saboteur in order to destroy Big Boss' reputation. It was also enough to cause Kazuhira Miller, who briefly with Zero as a means to expand MSF, to have implied to quit working with him out of disgust for nearly ruining MSF. It's uncertain where exactly Zero crossed that moral event horizon, but he certainly did. So did most of Big Boss' former "friends", save Ocelot and EVA.}}
** In ''[[Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker]]'', it's revealed that Hot Coldman set up what happened in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater]]''. In other words, {{spoiler|he's the reason The Boss got killed because he feared her growing influence}}. Basically, he's behind one of the biggest [[Tear Jerker|Tear Jerkers]] in video game history and even being indirectly responsible for Major Zero's fall as well. [[Complete Monster|Worse is that he shows absolutely no remorse for what he did and even a little glee]]. If that's not enough, he also instigates a nuclear apocalypse again, and it is implied that he was the one responsible for the butchered [[A Is]] in 4 (Coldman makes some statements that parallel the [[A Is]] foresaking The Boss's will when developing the War Economy.).
** Vamp in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty]]'' crosses it when {{spoiler|he murders Otacon's sister, Emma}}.
** In the first ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'', Liquid Snake is pretty much an evil son-of-a-bitch from the beginning, but {{spoiler|the kid gloves are off when it's revealed that he was impersonating Master Miller after having him killed.}}
* [[Persona 3|Strega]] does this throughout the game. Chidori is the only one who manages to pull a [[Heel Face Turn]] {{spoiler|(and even she [[Redemption Equals Death|dies as a result]])}}. Takaya is the worst of the three {{spoiler|killing one of the most [[Ensemble Darkhorse|beloved]] characters in the game. Oh, and did I mention that said beloved character is also a major [[Stoic Woobie]]?}}.