Mother 3/Drinking Game: Difference between revisions

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* Every time someone or something is [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]], take a shot.
* When traveling underwater in Chapter 7, take a shot and hold it in your mouth. [[Oxygen Meter|When your party is about to drown]], garble to simulate the effect. When you refill your oxygen from the [[Ho Yay|big-lipped, mermen-shaped oxygen machines]], swallow your shot and start from the beginning. You can take a break during underwater battles, and stop entirely when you reach the surface.
** Allow the party to drown and go back to the beginning, however, and you'll have to down the shot you were holding AND the take another shot right after. Going underwater again starts the entire process over again. [[This Is Gonna Suck|Have fun with that]].
* If you allow the [[Unwinnable|Ultimate Chimera]] to touch and kill your party during Chapter 7 and {{spoiler|the bathroom dungeon in Chapter 8}}, take three big shots.
* Take a shot every time this game's ([[Fan Translation|initial]]) [[No Export for You|Japan-only]] status is brought up on [[This Very Wiki]].
* If you first encountered a massive [[Spoiler]] from this game through ''[[Super Smash Bros.|Super Smash Bros. Brawl]]'', and you run into the matching event while playing this game, take 2 big chugs for each.
** If you've played through ''Brawl'' and discovered '''every''' spoilerific piece of information about ''[[Mother 3]]'' from it, down a full glass. Now, try not to pass out.