Mother 3/WMG: Difference between revisions

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* I always imagined Fassad was afraid of death and Pokey promised his needle would not be pulled if he aided him in his schemes, while, of course, still intending to pull his needle anyway. His life ended up not being consequential to Pokey's plans, though. Fassad was also sort of a jerkass himself, so that could also be his reasons for joining up. He sort of filled the role Pokey filled in Earthbound as "annoying recurring antagonist". Had he not died himself, I could easily see him filling the role as the main villain of a Mother 4 or something, much like Pokey's transition from lackey to head honcho.
** Two possibilities [[Mc Jeff|I]] thought of...
*** 1) Fassad was something like the comic book [[Whatever Happened to The Man of Tomorrow?]]. The other Magypsies took up primping and cross-dressing just so they'd have something to do. Fassad may have simply gotten tired of it and decided to do something else.
*** 2) It's also possible that he was a [[Token Evil Teammate]] all along. (Music Jargon warning) Did you know that the Locrian mode is the only mode that has a tritone rather than a perfect fifth as the mid-interval? And that the tritone was historically associated with evil, and called the Devil's Chord?
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Moved this from "Grand Unifying Guesses" since only two games are involved. Get ready for a [[Wall of Text]].
Let's start from the beginning. In ''Mother 3'', [[Psychopathic Manchild|Porky]] corrupts the Nowhere Islands and creates a capitalist dictatorship (monarchy?) metropolis [[For the Evulz|for giggles]], and screws around with genetic engineering to create [[Mix -and -Match Critters|biological]] (see page image/quote) and [[Cybernetics Eat Your Soul|mechanical]] chimeras. At some point, the needles are pulled, and the Dragon destroys the entire world in a fiery apocalypse.
...''Or does it?''