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In [[Real Life]], a person's size is [[Pint-Sized Powerhouse|not a foolproof indication of their strength]]. Besides the fact that the short and wiry guy might know kung fu, the size of muscles is also not necessarily proportionate to their efficiency. You can usually expect that pure mass does bring a certain advantage in terms of potential power ([[Square-Cube Law|to an extent]]), but it's not a set rule. Leading experts in Broscience theorize that different weight training styles, say bodybuilder vs Olympic weightlifter, cause hypertrophy of different muscle cell components, in this case intracellular fluid (sarcoplasm) vs contractile protein complexes (myofibrils). Multiple training programs exist to increase strength without bulking up, especially for martial artists, who want strength without the limitation of flexibility excessive muscle can create.
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* Inner Power. It's a common spiritual idea that inner strength equates physical strength. This is often used as a justification in universes where [[Ki Attacks|the spirit is the true source of a character's strength]].
* [[Weak but Skilled]]. The seemingly weaker character is stronger because of his superior technique. This can work as a realistic justification until people [[Charles Atlas Superpower|start shattering mountains]] and punching out [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|giant monsters]].
* [[Bishonen]] + [[Beauty Equals Goodness]]. You can't have your [[Troubled but Cute]] hero grow huge muscles without risking certain death at the hands of the [[Fan Girl|Fan Girls]]s.
* [[Super Strength]]. Characters may have big muscles in comic books to denote being super strong, but elsewhere this is often an exception. Sometimes even in comics books.
* [[Rule of Cool]].
Note that this trope is specifically about instances in which the person with the seemingly weaker body possesses more actual ''strength'' than a muscle-bound opponent. This does not include characters who only win because of other characteristics that make them superior to their enemies, like speed or weapon proficiency. It's a common occurrence in [[Fighting Game|Fighting Games]]s that a [[Fragile Speedster]] is considered superior to the [[Mighty Glacier]] due to their speed and ability to perform [[Combos]], but they only fit here if they are not only faster, but their attacks actually pack more of a punch as well, in which case "What the hell, game designer? Where's our [[Competitive Balance]]?" Say hi to the [[Lightning Bruiser]], or don't.
Contrast [[Stout Strength]], where the character has the muscle, he just has fat on top of it as well, and [[Muscles Are Meaningful]], where the muscles DO make a difference.. When it appears on comic book heroes, it is always a case of [[Heroic Build]].
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*** Videl is actually one of the straightest examples of this, as even before she learned basic ki manipulation she was at least as strong as her father Mr. Satan, despite being a slender teenage girl with none of his huge muscles. As for why Gohan doesn't accidentally snap her in half, it's probably for the same reason real-life weightlifting champions can pet a kitten or pick up an egg without crushing it. Controlling your strength to use only the amount you want to for the task at hand is not difficult.
** The DBZ characters are, however, very muscular for the most part. It turns out that anything that boosts your ki energy will probably also build muscle mass. Really, once you start blowing up planets with mystical ki energy, physics can go out the window and nobody will care.
* The complete dependency on Shinsoo in ''[[Tower of God]]''. It is the one thing defining power and musclemass really means absolutely nothing. Not only does the [[Square-Cube Law]] come into effect, but being big is an entirely different problem when in some areas of the Tower the Shinsoo, which acts as air surrogate, is as dense a 4 °C water. Thus character with high Shinsoo resistance and control like [[The Hero|Baam]] and [[Tomboy Princess|Yuri]] have a huge advantage.
** Yuri and her clan, the Ha, is also a traditional case of being [[Charles Atlas Superpower|physically very strong]] while having a fairly feminine frame. Other characters, especially the damage dealing Fishermen can strengthen their body temporarily while inducing Shinsoo into their body.
* The CP9 of ''[[One Piece]]'' have the huge guy Blueno, but he's one of the weaker ones. By far the most powerful in the team is the lean (though tall) and attractive [[Knight Templar]] Rob Lucci. And then there is, of course, Luffy himself, who is one of the strongest people alive and has arms like sticks. Funnily enough, there was at least one occasion where he flexed his arms to reveal muscles larger than his head.
** Luffy's small arms are justified since he is made of rubber. Zoro, on the other hand, is just plain crazy. When he flexes, his arms become the size of his torso. When relaxed they are normal size. On the other hand, Sanji's kicks can smash down buildings but he's pretty consistently a bean pole.
** The same also applies to the admirals, Kizaru being the most prominent example; they are among the most powerful of antagonists, but all three [[Lean and Mean|are very thin for their height.]]
*** In the case of Kizaru, however, there's a justification for this. He can move at the speed of light -- withlight—with that sort of power you're always going to hit hard regardless of how much muscle you have, if only due to sheer speed.
** Before Alvida ate her Devil Fruit she had decent [[Stout Strength]] (being able to wield a large iron club), but she's still strong after eating even though it made her much skinnier (and more attractive).
** Also, Robin is a tall, slight woman with the strength of an above-average athlete, which is pretty weak compared to some of the monsters of the series. However, she easily makes up for it with her Devil Fruit ability, which allows her to ''break your back'' effortlessly.
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** A specific case of this is Nuriko, whose power is super strength, yet {{spoiler|he's skinny enough to convincingly crossdress as a woman.}}
* Kyohei and Sunako from ''[[The Wallflower]].'' Both are very waifish, and both can easily beat down ''crowds'' of enemies when they need to.
* L from ''[[Death Note]]'', who is 5'8" and weighs 110  lbs, is quite strong, and fights using capoeira. He even states at one point in the series, while in a serious fight with Light Yagami, that he is stronger than he looks.
* ''[[Soul Eater]]'' uses the combination of a healthy 'mind, body, and soul' to define strength and point out that it's not purely down to physical power. Characters who are shown to be extremely strong physically do not always appear as such; Maka and Kid for example, though the latter has the excuse of being a god. It doesn't hurt to be muscular, however, as characters like Black Star (especially) and Stein show.
* [[Inuyasha]] is pretty trim under that kimono, but he can uproot large trees and use them as weapons, pick up and carry a bolder larger than he is tall, etc. Even for a [[Half-Human Hybrid|hanyo]], InuYasha is incredibly strong, stronger than many full [[Youkai]].
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* Elves and Riders in the ''[[Inheritance Trilogy]]'' are often capable of feats of strength (and speed and magic too) beyond that of most humans, including humans with way bigger muscles. Eragon himself notes this in Brisingr by comparing his muscles to his cousin Roran's much larger muscles.
* ''[[Pippi Longstocking]]'' is perhaps the most famous example of this trope in literature. She can lift one of the area's strongest men... when the man is lifting 100-lb weights, and Pippi herself, as the article's image shows, has ridiculously skinny limbs.
* This trope is also used in the ''[[Dragaera]]'' novels. Dragaerans, while admittedly averaging about a foot taller than normal humans (or "Easterners", as they call them--theythem—they refer to themselves as "human"), tend to be much slimmer and trimmer as well. The only real exceptions are a few members of certain houses, like the Orca. Nevertheless, Dragaerans are quite a bit stronger than Easterners across the board.
* First played straight in ''Graceling'', as Katsa's extreme talent, flexibility, and speed make her too [[Badass]] for strength to matter much, but subverted once she meets another Graced fighter ({{spoiler|though of course Po's Grace is a bit more complex than that}}) and realizes her size and relative weakness do disadvantage her.
* The Doctor, in the ''[[Doctor Who]] [[Eighth Doctor Adventures]]'', can easily carry a grown man around, has threatened one of his companions with the fact he could break any bone in said companion's body (he was really stressed out at the time), and once stabbed a guy with his thumb. He's 5'8", "slight", and "bony".
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* In a word, ''[[Disgaea]]''. Someone who looks like [[media:dis-laharl1.jpg|this]] should not even be capable of lifting the sword he is holding, much less be able to deal absurdly high amounts of damage or lift and throw ten significantly larger people at once.
** Or blow up planets...
* ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]''' Sora, like most [[Kid Hero|Kid Heroes]]es, is short and has skinny stick limbs, their twiggyness only emphasized by his clothes and big shoes--yetshoes—yet he regularly beats the tar out of adult men and [[Mooks]] several times his size. For a villainous example, NPC Axel, especially the [[Bonus Boss]] version, should not be able to deal the damage he does with a frame like his.
** Same thing that applies to Axel, goes with Larxene.
*** This is lampshaded early on in the first game, with Maleficent openly stating that "the boy's strength is not his own". It's implied that a combination of the Keyblade's magic and [[The Power of Friendship]] is what allows him to kick so much ass.
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* The original ''[[Mega Man (video game)|Mega Man]]'' game allows you to gain the same strength as Gutsman, a boss robot at least twice your size. The strength Mega Man shows in the end of the fifth game needs to be seen.
* Saber from ''[[Fate/stay night|Fate Stay Night]]'' is a little over five feet tall and is built like a somewhat toned fourteen year old, and yet is capable of parrying blows from a ten foot tall crazed [[The Berserker|Berserker]]. {{spoiler|This is because of her Mana Burst ability, where she consumes magic to perform superhuman feats of strength and endurance. When she's suffering from mana deprivation, she's about as weak as she looks. It is explicitly stated that without magical energy she is weaker that Shirou and Rin in terms of physical strength.}}
* Kinda averted in [[Tsukihime]] and the [[Nasuverse]]. Arc and Saber are stated to be as weak as they appear if not for their high levels of supernatural magical energies. Then again, it does fit this trope in that [[Muscles Are Meaningless]] compare to magical energies and just about everyone that matters uses magical energies.
* Played with in ''[[Prototype (video game)|Prototype]]''. Standard human-sized Alex can lift cars and kick helicopters apart with about 3 hits and the {{spoiler|Supreme Hunter}} is a fair powerhouse despite not being much bigger. This is justified as both actually weigh far more than they appear on the surface. On the other hand, the standard human-sized Infected don't pose much threat in melee, Alex's Muscle Mass power ([[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]) noticeably increases his melee power, and the various [[Elite Mooks]] that do pose a problem in melee are hulking bruisers towering over Alex.
* Makoto Nanaya of ''[[Blaz Blue]]'', despite being a [[Petting Zoo People|squirrel girl]] who only weighs 49 kilograms (108 pounds), is one of the most powerful characters in the game, able to do a lot of physical damage with just her fists. This is not [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]] either. In one cutscene she drops from the air and leaves a large crater where she punched the ground and, to further let you know how powerful she is, she effortlessly picks up and carries off an unconscious Tsubaki like she were a rag doll.
* ''[[Mass Effect]]'''s Male Shepard is decently built, but stick his [[Distaff Counterpart]] in a dress and she's a waif. This doesn't stop her punching [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|krogan]] to death if she gets close enough. In the second game, Shepard is partially cybernetic and can fire a sniper rifle or shotgun that would shatter a normal human's bones.
** The sniper rifle in question, the [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|M-98 Widow]], is an ''anti-tank rifle''.<ref>"The Widow was never designed to be carried and fired by a human. Although this modified model can be carried, no ordinary human could fire it without shattering an arm."</ref>.
* One of the augmentations the Spartans received in the ''[[Halo (series)|Halo]]'' universe was a thyroid implant that increases their muscular density significantly (tying in to the real life science mention in the description). Spartan II's were "7 foot tall walking tanks" but they became known that way ''before'' their strength enhancing [[Powered Armor]] made them into near unstoppable soldiers. In a story surrounding the augmentation of John-117, at age 14 he already had an adult Olympic-level physique and after recovering from the thyroid implant he was physically far superior to a pair of ODST special forces soldiers, who made the mistake of [[Bullying a Dragon|trying to push him around...]]
* While not as scrawny as some of the other video game characters listed, in ''[[Team Fortress 2]]'', the Scout is able to sending enemies flying with a baseball bat, including the [[Mighty Glacier|Heavy.]]
* Cloud from ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]''. He's 5'7", making him the shortest human male in the cast. Also, while having very well defined muscles, is much smaller than [[The Big Guy|Barret]] or even Cid. Yet he's significantly stronger than anyone else in the party and in ''[[Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children|Advent Children]]'' he ''carries'' Barret ''one-handed'' at high speed.
** If Cloud doesn't count because of all his mako enhancements, then Tifa most definitely does. She looks like a waif, but she can keep pace with Jenova-enhanced [[Super Soldier|Super Soldiers]]s, and unlike Cloud, she has [[Badass Normal|nothing going for her but]] [[Bare-Fisted Monk|her martial arts training.]]
* Similarly, Fenris of ''[[Dragon Age II]]'' is an elf, which in this game means very thin and lanky, but specializes in two-handed weapons which not only include greatswords but hammers and axes as well. Helps that he has [[Applied Phlebotinum|Lyrium]] laced throughout his body.
* In ''[[Saints Row: The Third|Saints Row the Third]]'', at your complete whim you can change your hulking, muscular beast of a character to a stick-like [[Pretty Boy|bishie]] twerp on the spot via [[Magic Plastic Surgery|plastic surgery]], but you can still drop kick grown men, throw people across a highway, and manhandle a [[Elite Mook|brute]] with a baseball bat like it's no big deal.
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* While machines were adopted for weight training because they keep the weight from moving around in an unsafe manner, this has turned out to cause more injuries than traditional methods because it works out major muscle groups without also engaging stability muscles. In recent years, there's been a shift to "strongman"-style training with awkward loads (sandbags, water tubes, medicine balls, etc.) to give athletes control to back their strength.
* It's entirely possible for a diet to provide enough calories to get stronger, but not enough to gain muscle mass. It's much more common with vegetarian and vegan athletes who can reach their optimal protein intake with fewer total calories.
* Varvara Akulova. Amazingly strong and has been lifting weights since a very young age. At her early teenage years she could lift 350 &nbsp;kg (770 pounds) and herself only weighed 40 &nbsp;kg (88 pounds).
* Abraham Lincoln was unusually tall and thin, but according to several sources, [ was quite a good wrestler in his youth.]
