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* Draco = Ashley: The heroine is ''so'' in love with this character. [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|It's a total fluke that she keeps thinking about another guy!]]
* Britney = Melanie: Meek girl the heroine hates for no reason.
** Or maybe it's a [[Troll Fic]], essentially [[Gone With the Wind]] if it was a bad [[Harry Potter]] fanfic. The author's name isn't Tara, but he/she came up with the name as a [[Shout -Out]] to [[Gone With the Wind]].
== My Immortal is [[Show Within a Show|a fic within a fic]]. ==
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== My Immortal is a clever theological re-interpretation. ==
In [[Paradise Lost]], Satan is the protagonist and God the antagonist. Tara is trying to argue that what we call God isn't a God because he is good or anything. God is worshipped because he won the war against Satan. Like if Hitler won WWII he would be the hero. See [[WrittenbytheWritten By the Winners]]. By making the Christians evil preppy paedo's and the goffs the good guys she is arguing that Christianity's God isn't such a wonderman after all. By being a Satanist Tara is backing up a fallen dictator.
== ''[[Harry Potter]]'' is in fact a ''[[My Immortal]]'' fanfic. ==
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== Tara is a [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Goth]]. ==
She figured out that simply marching into cities with a Barbarian horde doesn't work anymore, so she went about writing the worst fanfiction ever and let civilization destroy itself.
* Alternately, she's the other kind of [[Goth]], and actually knows about the roots of the scene. In chapter 28, there's the line "Red vevlet lined da blak box", which is almost a direct quote from "Bela Lugosi's Dead" by [[Bauhaus]]. Since this was written without a "geddit," it seems likely that this was a stealth [[Shout -Out]] to any "actual" goths who might be reading.
== Tara Gilesbie is a troper ==
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== There's actually been a severe [[The Plague|Ebola Zaire]] outbreak at Hogwarts, and this is the [[Apocalyptic Log|disjointed ramblings]] of a sufferer. ==
Think about it. The [http://en.[ Zaire#Signs_and_symptomsSigns and symptoms|symptoms]] include irritability (explaining why everyone's so angry at each other), psychosis (explaining...[[Crack Fic|well, everything, really]]), bleeding from needle sites or cuts (explaining how much blood flows out when Ebony slits her wrists), red eyes due to internal haemorrhaging (explaining Vampire's "red contact lenses"), occasional haemorrhaging ''from'' the eyes (explaining the [[Tears of Blood]]), [http://en.[ |petechia]] (perhaps explaining the odd makeup patterns), general malaise (explaining how depressed everyone is), and extreme and disturbing inflammation of the sex organs (explaining why the author says "thingy" and "u-know-wat"–she doesn't want to [[Squick]] us out.) The story, which a sufferer believes to be her life's chronicle, ends abruptly when the author goes into the final stages of the disease, [[Nightmare Fuel|convulsing on the ground, gushing blood, virus, and bits of sloughed-off internal tissue everywhere]] before she finally, almost mercifully, [[Cruel and Unusual Death|dies.]] The only thing ''not'' explained here is that Ebola usually causes you to puke up massive amounts of food, digestive juices, and [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick|your own intestinal tissue]]. Then again, the author may have left that out in order to prevent her readers being squicked (like why she called genitals the above euphemistic terms), or else it might be an entirely different strain of Ebola that doesn't cause bloody vomiting.
== "Azerbaijan" isn't a misspelling of "Azkaban"; Professor Sinister, Snap, and Loopin were all ''actually sent there''. ==