My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Headscratchers/Season 2: Difference between revisions

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*** The whole scene was a long reference to the final scene of [[Star Wars|a New Hope]] and I vaguely recall Han Solo or someone doing something similar. It's also possible she is just acknowledging how cool she thinks it is.
*** ''[ This]'' should cover any oddities in the characters behavior.
*** OP here. Thanks for putting up with me. I was aware that the scene was a gigantic [[Shout -Out]] to [[Star Wars]], but I didn't remember the winking part. Though really, that just reinforces the [[Ship Tease]] idea.
* After Applejack got all "discorded", she seemed to lie in response to any question that she's asked, and the only time she tells the truth it's a random statement about what she's seeing rather than a direct question. Thus, why didn't Twilight ever think to start asking questions to Applejack [[Double Negative|as double negatives]] like "So what didn't you see in the hedge maze before I found you?" Since she has to lie all the time, she'd end up saying what she saw. Granted, there probably wouldn't have been time to do something that complicated to undo the brainwashing for all the others, but still it would have been cool!
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** You're right, it is in your opinion. Vultures tend to look like [ this], and also aren't held in high esteem outside those who recognize their ecological importance. If she was looking for coolness and flight ability, a clumsy, ugly vulture (in Dash's likely opinion) wouldn't make it past the first round (thoguh how Tank managed to do so is beyond me).
*** Tank managed to last as he did for two things: He was accepted in the first place to humor Fluttershy, and he never let the little fact that Rainbow Dash told him he had lost(several times) intimidate him.
*** Different person from the OP, here, but I object. Vultures ''are'' incredibly cool animals, and they do ''not'', all look like the same either. You get ''tons'' of variation, from the [ fluffy-headed griffon vulture]<ref> She gets a pet Gilda!</ref>, to the [ striking lammergeier], to the frankly-awesome [http[wikipedia:// percnopterus.JPG |egyptian vulture]]. I don't even know where you got the misconception that they're clumsy, other than from watching too many cartoons about them. They are incredibly elegant while in flight, and the [http://en.[ Condor|california condor]] in particular, has one of the largest wingspans of any bird in the world (beaten only by the wandering albatross, I believe), and can stay aloft for hours with hardly a beat of its wings. Awesome indeed. The one problem, though, is that they ''are'' rather lazy fliers, preferring to soar and glide rather than the fast-paced sorta stuff that Dash is fond of, but then again, Dash is kinda lazy too, so that might work out.
*** No, it wouldn't. The vulture shown in the episode isn't depicted as awesome at all, or at least, Dash didn't find it so.
* Fluttershy taking care of otters and seals. Okay, its probably a river otter. But a seal? How is she taking care of it that far from the ocean?
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** They're [ bad apples].
** When you put their cutie marks together, they make a whole apple. It means they work well together. They just use their particular talents(special and otherwise) for [[Jerkass|swindling]] instead of good.
* If cider was in deficit, why was Pinkie allowed to buy a whole armful of mugs? Wheter it was done [[Shout -Out|intentionally]] or [[Hilarious in Hindsight|not]], the whole setting strongly reminds me of the memetic Soviet-era [ beer lines], and believe me, if somepony'd tried to hog the beer like this, they would've been explained the wrongs of their way swiftly and painfully. Even taking the [[Sugar Bowl]] into account, shouldn't there've been an outrage from the line?
** I think the best and only answer here is that Ponyville simply isn't Soviet Russia. The ponies are all forgiving, friendly, and closely knit. Even the bitterest ponies seem more likely to mope to themselves than actually start a confrontation.
*** Hogging cider is distinctly unfriendly, so by the transitive property so is helping someone hog it.
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** Doesn't the Phoenix rebirth thing only happen once every thousand years? If they die due to other causes, they might actually be killed off for real, or at least until the next thousand years is up.
** A phoenix is reborn after dying of old age. Whether they can be reborn after dying from being eaten or otherwise mauled is yet unknown.
*** There is a real world species that has biological immortality, the [http://en.[ nutricula|immortal jellyfish]]. They can still die from disease and injury.
** Maybe they only get reborn a limited number of times before they die permanently.
*** So...phoenixes are [[Time Lord|Time Lords]]?
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*** I've got it! They type in... Horse Code!
*** A) Pun of the year. B) The keys probably function something to the effect of "select letter", "type selected letter", and a space bar. It would be slow going (or would have to be magically enhanced), but it would probably work okay.
*** Perhaps it works in a similar principle as the [http://en.[ keyboard|chorded keyboard]].
* Cheerilee's involvement at the end felt off for a few reasons. Most significantly, what was the reason why she decided to step in and demote Diamond Tiara? If it was because of public annoyance with the articles, shouldn't it have happened before the Crusaders wrote their resignation letter? If it was due to the resignation... note that the Crusaders didn't actually blame Tiara for their actions and instead said that public feedback drove them to continue, so why would Cheerilee find her accountable? The blackmail apparently never went public, so that wasn't a nail in her coffin.
** As the editor, Tiara had final authority over whatever was printed. The Crusaders could've written whatever they wanted, but it would've never made it in the paper without Tiara's approval.
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*** She's their primary authority figure and has been for over a thousand years, yes. But even if the other ponies ''believe'' her to be an actual goddess as we'd understand the concept -- unclear at this time since pony religion hasn't really come up in the show at all, probably so as not to needlessly wake sleeping [[Moral Guardians]] --, that doesn't necessarily make her one in fact. (That the ancient Egyptians supposedly believed in the divinity of their pharaos didn't exactly endow ''those'' with mighty supernatural powers either as far as we can tell.)
*** The indications are that Celestia simply ''is'' more powerful than the normal ponies, and indeed probably one of the more powerful entities in the setting. She can control the sun as a single pony -- the play somewhat implied it took more than one normal unicorn to do it. She broke a spell cast by Twilight Sparkle -- herself a force to be reckoned with on the series' power scale -- as if it were nothing. She wielded the Elements of Harmony both with the help of her sister and single-handed -- something it currently takes six ponies to accomplish. Queen Chrysalis very, very obviously didn't consider beating her in open combat even a remote possibility until it had already happened. Does this mean she's a goddess? Not necessarily... but it ''does'' mean that Celestia is a force to reckon with. Combine it with her apparent immortality... and "goddess" is the word that would spring to most people's minds.
*** Ultimately, speculations about Celestia's "power level" are just that -- speculation -- because we don't have all that much solid ''information'' to go by. Moving both the sun and the moon on time for a thousand years during Luna's/Nightmare Moon's exile is arguably her most impressive feat to date, but that's really only ''one'' trick (and one that could be [[Hand Wave|explained away]] as an expression of her personal special talent and her specifically being Luna's sister if need be), and beyond that we don't see her exercising whatever personal magical powers she may have much at all. Perhaps worse, her known track record in facing [[Big Bad|Big Bads]] by herself (i.e., without the Elements of Harmony) is three losses out of three so far: Nightmare Moon is strongly implied to have imprisoned her offstage easily enough, she's not even shown to ''try'' taking on Discord herself when he breaks free, and against Chrysalis she finally officially loses onscreen. [[The Omnipotent]] who simply decides to [[All Powerful Bystander|keep losing on purpose for some reason]]? Just a literal [[Incredibly Lame Pun|one-trick pony]] with [[Hundred -Percent Adoration Rating|great PR]]? Something in between the two extremes? [[Your Mileage May Vary|You decide.]]
** Or it's possible that Celestia simply held back on unleashing her full power out of fear of the other ponies in the room getting hurt, using only the bare minimum she though would be needed, then taken out by a sucker punch.
* If changelings feed off emotions, why do they have fangs?