My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2/E07 May the Best Pet Win: Difference between revisions

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[[File:maythebestpetwin_5020.jpg|frame| "So, you all think you got what it takes to trope my episode, do ya? Well, we'll just see about that!" ]]
{{quote| '''Rainbow Dash:''' ''Can't settle for less cause I'm the best!''<br />
'''Fluttershy & Dash:''' ''[[Let's Duet|So a contest we will see]]!''<br />
'''Rainbow Dash:''' ''Who's the number one, greatest, perfectest pet''<br />
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'''Rainbow Dash:''' ''And [[Title Drop|may the best pet win]]!'' }}
{{quote| Written by Charlotte Fullerton}}
Rainbow Dash is [[All Just a Dream|awoken]] by her friends' pets from [[Nightmare Dreams|a crazy dream]] where she's attacked by a creepy chimera-like monster made up of… [[Crashing Dreams|her friends' pets]]. The other ponies arrive soon afterward, and Applejack explains that they're at the park for their weekly [[Added Alliterative AppealAlliteration|Pony Pet Play Date]]. Feeling a bit left out, Rainbow Dash admits she might want to have a pet someday, whereupon Fluttershy [[Genki Girl|enthusiastically drags Rainbow to her cottage]], prattling on about the wonderful animals available. Once there, Fluttershy and Rainbow [[Let's Duet|sing a jaunty tune]] about finding the perfect pet for Rainbow Dash, ending with her announcing a competition to do just that.
Before long, Dash is briefing her pet contenders on the upcoming challenge. When Fluttershy comes up and places a turtle<ref>Actually, it's a [[Insistent Terminology|tortoise]]</ref> in the lineup, Rainbow Dash complains, but Fluttershy browbeats her into giving him a chance, as he's been trying to find a home for the longest time. Dash puts the pets through a series of events to test their speed, agility, guts, style, [[Department of Redundancy Department|coolness, awesomeness, and radicalness]]. Despite finishing last every time, the tortoise [[Determinator|persists in competing]]. At the end, Rainbow Dash commends his effort, but she's narrowed her choices down to an owl, a falcon, an eagle and a bat.
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=== Tropes ([[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S2 E7/E07 May the Best Pet Win/YMMV|YMMV tropes can be found here]]) ===
* [[Added Alliterative AppealAlliteration]]: "Pony Pet Play Date in the Park." Later, "Great galloping galoshes!" is uttered by Applejack.
** The 'appeal' part is averted though with -- [[Leaning Onon the Fourth Wall|pause for dramatic effect ]]-- ''Ghastly Gorge!'' '''[[Overly Long Gag|Dun dun dunnnnnn]]!!'''
* [[Adorkable]]: Fluttershy when she hears Dash wants a pet.
** And the Tortoise.
** And, for once, Rainbow Dash, in her prep-school outfit while posing with the owl.
* [[Affectionate Gesture to Thethe Head]]: Rainbow Dash condescendingly does this to Twilight Sparkle when the latter makes a comment that "cool", "awesome", and "radical" are all the same thing.
{{quote| '''Rainbow Dash:''' You ''would'' think that, Twilight. And that's why ''you'' [[Accidental Innuendo|would never qualify to be my pet]].}}
* [[Art Evolution]]: Applejack's freckles no longer disappear as she runs.<ref>this happened in Season 1 due to animators screwing up when they created AJ's standard run cycle.</ref>
** Fluttershy pawing at the ground when nervous is nothing new, but the small clouds of dust she kicks up are.
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* [[Bow Ties Are Cool]]: [[Memetic Mutation|Rainbow Dash always dresses in style.]]
* [[Brutal Honesty]]: By Applejack near the beginning:
{{quote| '''Rainbow Dash:''' Not much point in a Pony Pet Play Date for a Pony without a pet, right?<br />
'''Applejack:''' ''Exactly!'' }}
* [[Burning Rubber]]: Rainbow Dash does this at one point, leaving a trail of ''rainbow'' flames behind her.
* [[Call Back]]: "...[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 /E16 Sonic Rainboom|Yay]]?"
** Also all the pony pets besides Opal and Angel, as we haven't seen them in a while.
** In the starting dream sequence, Rainbow Dash's first reaction to Owlowiscious's hoot is "[[Who's Onon First?|Who?]]"
** At the beginning of the song, we see the mallards from ''Griffon the Brush Off''.
** One of the outfits Rainbow Dash wears in the "Style Competition" includes Rarity's scarf from ''Dragonshy''.
* [[Captain Obvious]]: During the song.
{{quote| '''Fluttershy:''' I'm sensing you want an animal who can fly.<br />
'''Rainbow Dash:''' [[Deadpan Snarker|Ya think?]] }}
* [[Cats Are Mean]]: Played straight as always with the ever-upset Opal, but averted with Fluttershy's "puddy tat," who is affectionate (although it still fails to impress Rainbow Dash).
{{quote| '''Rarity:''' Say you're sorry, Opal!<br />
''(Opal hisses)''<br />
'''Rarity:''' ...She's sorry. }}
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: Twilight mentioned that a pet needs "care and attention, love and affection." {{spoiler|Take a wild guess at what the tortoise showed towards Rainbow Dash to help him win.}}
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* [[Comically Missing the Point]]:
** Many of Fluttershy's suggestions for Dash's new pet. Rainbow clearly states she wants a pet who can fly, yet three-quarters of Fluttershy's suggestions include animals like a bunny, a cat, an otter, and a ''seal''<ref>[[Informed Ability|But he totally caught ten feet of air after breaking the water that one time!]]</ref>.
{{quote| '''Rainbow Dash:''' Cutsie-wootsie? Have you even ''met'' me?}}
** Also, Rainbow herself, invoked by Applejack and Twilight.
{{quote| '''Rainbow Dash:''' Any questions?<br />
'''Applejack:''' ''(aside)'' I got one: Does she understand what a pet ''really'' needs?<br />
'''Twilight Sparkle:''' Yeah, like care and attention, love and affection! }}
* [[Cool Pet]]: The episode is about Rainbow Dash's attempt to find one of these.
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* [[Cool Shades]]: Rainbow Dash adopts these during her "radical" pose.
** [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] by the turtle <ref> ahem, ''[[Running Gag|tortoise]]''</ref>, donning a pair when Rainbow Dash talks about needing a "cool pet".
* [[Continuity Nod]] This is not the first time Fluttershy's noticed [http[My Little Pony:// Friendship Is Magic/Recap/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagicS1E23TheCutieMarkChroniclesS1/E23 The Cutie Mark Chronicles|so many wonders]].
* [[Cute Kitten]]: The "puddy tat" Fluttershy nominates as a potential pet is [[Tastes Like Diabetes|ridiculously doe-eyed and adorable]]. Rainbow Dash isn't swayed by the [[Cuteness Proximity]] one bit.
* [[Dandere]]: Fluttershy goes from hoping Dash won't be mad at them and pawing the ground nervously to positively [[Squee|Squeeing]] when Dash suggests she's interested in getting a pet.
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** [[Catapult Nightmare]]: After dreaming of falling a great distance, Rainbow Dash bolts up out of her makeshift bed on a tree branch.
** [[Crashing Dreams]]: Her freaky dream turns out to be a result of the rest of the mane cast's pets being noisy around her tree. But one would wonder how Gummy and Angel even make noises that would get her to think of them subconsciously.
*** [[Fridge Logic|Maybe she subconsciously assumed all the pets were in one place?]] Dreams don't have to make sense after all.
* [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]: Rainbow Dash shows elements of this when coaching to see who will be her new pet. It's mostly front-loaded, as she tries to let the animals down gently when giving criticism.
* [[Empathy Pet]]: Rainbow Dash and Tank share a key element: Loyalty.
* [[Exact Words]]:
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Rainbow Dash:''' But I said whoever crosses the finish line ''with'' me gets to be my pet.}}<br />
'''Pinkie Pie:''' You ''did''! You ''did'' say that! She ''did'' say that! That was the rule! }}
* [[Everything's Worse Withwith Bees|Everything's Worse With Wasps]]: Averted. Fluttershy offers a wasp as a ''pet'' and it acts relatively benign.
* [[Expy]]: The tortoise to the one from "The Tortoise and the Hare." Both were not expected to win, but put forth [[The Determinator|their best effort anyway]], and this tenacity<ref>[[Gesundheit]]</ref> [[Underdogs Never Lose|paid off in the end]].
** However, in a bit of a twist, the tortoise in this episode doesn't actually win the race himself, but comes out on top in a different way.
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** All of the competitor pets demonstrate a large amount of intelligence, awareness and ability, such as the falcon displaying embarrassment when it was pointed out that he didn't come back to get Dash when she was caught under the avalanche; or the montage of the pet's attempts to impress her with fencing, knitting and so forth.
* [[Gesundheit]]
{{quote| '''Rainbow Dash:''' Today I learned what the most important quality ''really'' is: a certain kind of spirit, a [[Buffy-Speak|sticktoitiveness]]. A never-give-up, can-do attitude that's the mark of a ''real'' winner! {{spoiler|And this tortoise has it!}}<br />
'''Twilight:''' Tenacity!<br />
'''Rainbow Dash:''' Gesundheit. }}
** Oddly taken literally when Rainbow Dash asks this of the eagle after the [[Leaning Onon the Fourth Wall]] bit, holding up a tissue.
* [[Graceful Loser]]: The falcon politely shakes {{spoiler|Tank's hand}} despite being obviously crushed by Rainbow Dash's [[Loophole Abuse]].
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* [[Grade System Snark]]: Rainbow Dash tries to cheer up the tortoise by stating he gets "an A for effort" and that she would "give [him] a gold star" if she could find one.
* [[Hammerspace]]: Where Spike apparently keeps a quill and scroll handy.
** [[Fridge Brilliance|Living with Twilight Sparkle has taught him]] that at any given moment Twilight can [[Super OCD|decide to prepare triple-redundant to-do lists]] or [[Once an Episode|dictate a letter to the Princess.]] [[Crazy Prepared|He's never been caught off-guard in this regard even once.]]
* [[The Hedge of Thorns]]: There is one in the Ghastly Gorge where the pets pass through.
* [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard|Hoist by Her Own Petard]]: Rainbow Dash's bragging while flying backwards causes the avalanche that traps her. [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 E5/E05 Griffon the Brush Off|You'd think Rainbow would have learned her]] [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 /E21 Over a Barrel|lesson about not watching where she's flying.]]
* [[The Hypnotoad]]: The butterfly uses his wings to hypnotize Opalescence and easily snags away her toy while she's entranced.
* [[Hypocritical Humor]]:
** Rainbow Dash claiming that the contest "isn't a game, you know," and explaining immediately afterward that "these ''games'' will determine..."
** We have this bit between Fluttershy and the rest of the main cast (sans Rainbow Dash, who's on Tank's back). Keep in mind that she's been [[Insistent Terminology|correcting Rainbow Dash that Tank's a tortoise]] the entire episode every time she calls him a turtle.
{{quote| '''Pinkie Pie:''' Wait! Look!<br />
'''Fluttershy:''' It's the turtle!<br />
'''Everypony Else:''' Tortoise!<br />
'''Fluttershy:''' [[Whatever]]. }}
* [[I Don't Like the Sound of That Place]]: Ghastly Gorge. Even Rainbow Dash is obviously put off by it, and she's the one trying to assure the other contenders that it's not as bad as advertised.
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** [[Insistent Terminology|Tortoise.]]
* [[Lampshade Hanging]]: Noted in a few other tropes, but explicitly calling back to the duet…
{{quote| '''Pinkie Pie:''' You got your perfect pet, right?<br />
'''Fluttershy:''' The best of the best like you wanted, remember? It can fly and it's not a squirrel! Should we sing about it again? }}
* [[Second Place Is for Winners|Last Place Is For Winners]]: {{spoiler|Even though the tortoise comes in last during the race, he still gets to be Rainbow Dash's pet for being the most loyal to her. And because of the exact rulings she placed for the race.}}
* [[Late to Thethe Punchline]]: Fluttershy is two minutes into the song before she gets the impression that Dash wants a flying pet, despite Dash making it pretty clear within the first thirty seconds that this is what she wants.
* [[The Law of Conservation of Detail]]: The camera keeps focusing on the tortoise during the song [[Foreshadowing|for a reason]].
* [[Leaning Onon the Fourth Wall]]: Rainbow Dash, several times, such as whistling along with [[Ride of the Valkyries (Music)|the background music]] as well as:
{{quote| '''Rainbow Dash:''' And so the final tie-breaking contest is going to be...''(to herself)'' [[Dramatic Pause|pause for dramatic effect]], ''([[Beat|beat]], then to everyone)'' a race against me! ''([[Jump Cut|jump cut]])'' Through Ghastly Gorge! [[Sting (music)||Dun dun]] [[Saying Sound Effects Out Loud|dunnnnnn]]!! ([[Stock Sound Effects|hawk screech]]<ref> which was made by [[Noisy Nature|an eagle]]</ref>)}}
* [[Let's Duet]]: Between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.
* [[Loophole Abuse]]: {{spoiler|Rainbow Dash utilizes this to name the tortoise her pet, even though the falcon crossed the finish line first.}}
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* [[Misplaced Wildlife]]: Fluttershy has an otter and a seal among the woodland critters she cares for. The otter might very well be a river otter, and thus have an excuse. The seal, however, has no excuse for its presence far from any ocean.
** Well, there are three seal species that live in freshwater. However, they all live exclusively in one lake, lake Saimaa, lake Ladoga and lake Baikal, for the Saimaa seal, Ladoga seal and Baikal seal, respectively.
* [[Mix -and -Match Critters]]: Rainbow's opening nightmare. And hinted at during the song:
{{quote| '''Rainbow Dash:''' The bat would be awesome, but the wasp I'm digging too. Do you have something in a yellow-striped bat?}}
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: Rainbow Dash is flying along in the race, being awesome and cocky as usual… hits the side of the gorge, pretty standard… starts an avalanche, nothing she can't handle…and then she's stuck at the bottom of the gorge with her wing pinned under a rock, crying out "Don't leave me!" to the competing pets.
* [[Musical World Hypotheses]]: The duet in this episode seems to follow the Adaptation Hypothesis. Fluttershy even makes reference to the song at the end of the episode:
{{quote| '''Fluttershy:''' It's the best of the best like you wanted, remember? It can fly, and it's not a squirrel. Should we sing about it again?}}
* [[Mythology Gag]]: Rainbow Dash seems to be back to [ dressing in style].
* [[Never Say "Die"]]: Averted, to some degree, in the tortoise's "radical" display: The course includes a ring of fire, a guillotine and a pool of circling sharks. However, the pool appears to be a wind-up toy, based on a turning key on its side. And of course, the tortoise never gets a chance to actually run through any of the obstacles.
** Rainbow Dash also worries that her pinned wing will leave her trapped forever. The thought of dying of starvation rather than simply being stuck indefinitely doesn't seem to occur to her (though it may depend on your interpretation of her fears).
* [[Non Indicative Title]]: The animals are competing to become a pet, and as such, are not yet pets.
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* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: Watch as the bold and majestic eagle… knits Rainbow Dash a sweater?
* [[Removable Shell]]: During the "Find a Pet" musical number, the turtle<ref>[[Running Gag|Tortoise!]]</ref> pulls his head into his shell and pokes it back out through the tail end so he can look behind him.
* "[[Ride of the Valkyries (Music)|Ride of the Valkyries]]": Plays [[Source Music|and is whistled by Rainbow Dash]] during the race through [[Added Alliterative AppealAlliteration|Ghastly Gorge.]]
** [[Public Domain Soundtrack]]: No [[Suspiciously Similar Song]] here!
* [[Ridiculously Cute Critter]]: Several of the pets offered by Fluttershy. Taken [[Up to Eleven]] with the "puddy tat."
* [[Running Gag]]:
** During most of Rainbow's tests, she exclaims:
{{quote| ''Sort of X...not X...pretty X! Could be more X/X-er.''<ref>X being such qualities as "fast", "agile", or "awesome".</ref>}}
** Characters calling the tortoise a turtle, then being corrected.
* [[Sand Worm]]: The [[Punny Name|"Quarray eels"]].
* [[Schizo -Tech]]: {{spoiler|Tank's flying device,}} to start, but there's a mention of "bullets" in the duet, and {{spoiler|Tank gets his name when Rainbow Dash describes him as being "like a tank."}}
** Judging by the telltale magical aura around it, {{spoiler|Tank's flying machine}} has been [[Magitek|enchanted]].
* [[Shaped Like Itself]]: "I can't be stuck here forever! It's like...''forever!''"
* [[Shout -Out]]:
** When discussing the turtle at the end of the episode, one of the ponies exclaims "He shows such... tenacity!" immediately followed by "He's like a tank!" In [[World of Warcraft]], a Tenacity-spec hunter pet is one that takes on the [[Stone Wall|role of a tank]]. And turtles are the most common example of this type of pet.
** The duck during the radical skills challenge looks a lot like [[Looney Tunes|Daffy Duck]] doing one of his famous dance routines in that [[Nice Hat]].
** When Dash takes off near the ground, she leaves behind [[Back to The Future|two flaming trails of rainbow fire]] and also weaves through her potential pets in the style of a [[Tron|lightcycle]].
** Fluttershy's "[[Looney Tunes|puddy tat]]."
** When {{spoiler|Tank's [[Schizo -Tech]] helicopter is introduced}}, there is a short [[Apocalypse Now|reprise of "Ride of the Valkyries".]]
* [[Simple Yet Awesome]]: Again, several of the pet candidates could pull this to impress Rainbow Dash. Who would have guessed that a bald eagle could knit a sweater so fast?
* [[Somewhere an Ornithologist Is Crying]]: This episode falls for the common trap of giving a bald eagle the red-tailed hawk's screech, at least twice.
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{{quote| Today I learned what the most important quality really is; a certain kind of spirit; a [[Buffy-Speak|sticktoitiveness]]. A never-give-up, can-do attitude that's the mark of a real winner! And these tropers have it!<br />
Tenacity!<br />
[[Gesundheit]]. }}
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