My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/WMG/Setting/Shared Universes: Difference between revisions

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== The series takes place in the same world as [[Adventure Time]]. ==
-nods to the guy who said there's not enough tie-in theories on this page- Yet another permutation of the "post-apocalyptic Equestria" theory; this time, the current setting was a result of the devastation caused by the Mushroom War. The usual "humanity was wiped out in a catastrophic nuclear war" (excepting Finn this time, of course) corollary still holds, and on top of that, whatever cataclysmic force ripped a giant chunk out of the Earth (as seen in that one orbital shot in ''Adventure Time'') also splintered the continents, separating what little life remained on the planet, and as the eons went by, the radiation and divergent evolution kicked in. On one landmass, we ended up with sentient ponies who built a new, monarchic society in the image of mankind's, while on the other, we got a weird grab-bag of inanimate objects (candy, desserts, ice, street signs...) brought to life and mutant animals forming a far looser, almost feudalistic society. Obviously, the former became Equestria, and the latter became the Land of Ooo. Ooo's weaker government and relative lawlessness are the result of their greater diversity and the disharmony that resulted from it, whereas Equestrians pretty much seem to agree on letting ponies rule everything (which may imply some degree of [[Fantastic Racism|pony-supremacist]] thought on the part of the ruling elite). On both sides, though, the collapse of developed civilisation brought on a return to a primitive, superstitious way of life for the new sentients of the earth, which heralded the return of [[The Magic Comes Back|magic and mythical creatures]] (I say that last part as a way of pacifying those who would crucify me for implying that ponies and magic are the way they are because they're radioactive...).
* The one remaining link between the two lands is Rainicorns, who were the result of ponies who migrated from Equestria to Ooo for one reason or another, and were changed over time by the differing environment.
* The chunk missing from Ooo's planet isn't really missing, it's out of phase - and it is Equestria. It exerts enough influence on Ooo's planet to keep it acting like a real sphere, and to stop the ground collapsing in to fill the gap; but other that, that huge chunk of planet has been shifted into another plane of reality. Princess Celestia had to create a new sun for Equestria because Ooo's sun is out of phase from Equestria, (except in places like the Everfree forest, which is peripheral enough to leech off the light and warmth of Ooo). The phase-shift is precarious, and has to be actively reinforced by Princess Celestia - who is desperate to keep her realm isolated from the relative chaos of Ooo.
* Could be the same universe as [[Regular Show]] then, as [[Adventure Time]] has been theorized to be the distant future of THAT show.
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== Equestria is the distant future of [[Hercules (Disney film)|Hercules]]. ==
Long ago, during a golden age of powerful gods and extraordinary heroes (the greatest and strongest being Hercules), a terrible set of events occurred. First, Hercules, having lived his mortal life, died and joined the gods, but his dear friend Pegasus was left behind. Worse, without its grand hero, ancient Greece fell to a series of natural disasters and unnatural monsters. Perhaps this was when Discord, the grand spirit of Chaos, came about and challenged the gods; or, perhaps the combined forces of monsterkind snuffed out mankind, and so threatened godkind.
In either case, the gods left the mortal world forever, but all was not lost. In this time, a hero had risen, who had struggled to defend his people: Pegasus, now lord of all equines. Before they left, the gods honored Pegasus with gifts. Many were merely artifacts or jewelry (one such piece, Harmonia's gift, still surviving to this day), but Zeus, in his gratitude, gave Pegasus 2 daughters, twin alicorns Luna and Celestia. When Pegasus finally passed away to join the gods in Olympus, Luna and Celestia lived on, and so were crowned princesses.
Without the gods to manage the world, the equines (now known as "ponies", and looking very different from their ancestors) had to make do with a bit of magic and elbow grease; the princesses themselves took care of the sun and the moon. In time, the ponies inherited the silly [[Schizo-Tech]] of their human forebears, and what remained of the palace that had stood upon Mount Olympus was converted into a grand pegasus capital, Cloudsdale.
== The four [[My Little Pony]] generations are of one [[The Multiverse|Multiverse]] ==
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* Ellen Mclain said in a recent interview she would love to do voice work for the show. A crossover with Half Life, Portal, or even ''[[Team Fortress 2]]'' may be more likely than we think.
** This must happen. Considering Ellen is best known for her work as GLaDOS, a Portal reference would be most likely... GLADOS PONY, DO WANT!
*** Off topic, but maybe Ellen could voice a villain in a future episode? She could even order around [[Team Fortress 2|a band of mercenary ponies!]]
== Equestria is on [[Kirby|Pop Star]]. ==
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== Equestria is a [[Warhammer 40000|former Daemon World of Tzeentch now taken by Nurgle]]. ==
Nurgle, as you know, is the god of despair and disease, but he also represents other things like parental love, tolerance, and, of course, friendship. Yep. Thing is, all of the Equestia is completely overtaken by some kind of mind-blowing disease that either twists the surrounding into the cute forms or forces the viewer to percieve the world that way - in fact, the My Little Pony world may be a toxic, diseased, disfigured hell beyond imagining. Furthermore... Let's see the antagonists - they are pretty much [[Lighter and Softer]] Chaos Gods. Discord is the most obvious, being chaotic, unpredictable and insane (Tzeentch); Windigos (I know about them from [[TV Tropes]] only so I may be wrong) are feeding on hatred and fighting - Khorne, eh? Nightmare Moon... Well, I would consider her Slaanesh since she's female, she has purple coloration, she tempts Rainbow Dash with sin of Pride, etc.
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== Literature ==
== The ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]''-verse is part of the [[Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game)|Cthulhu]] cosmology. ==
Based on how often the characters [[Sanity Slippage|go nuts]], especially Twilight the spellcaster.
* It's probably somewhere in the Dreamlands though.
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After a few hundred years of technological advances, of course. The Yahoos have nearly been wiped out as well.
* Taking this further, the Houyhnhnms were able to take enormous leaps and bounds in both technological, sociological, and moral concepts thanks to [[The Magic Comes Back|the magic coming back]]. The Yahoo could not cope.
* Gulliver just ran into a clan of Earth ponies during his stay, never encountering unicorns or pegasi, as this was long before the three groups united.
== The ponies are in fact the Gods of the [[A Song of Ice and Fire|Dothraki]]. ==
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Certain elements of both worlds are similar as is, such as the moon ''and'' sun orbiting the planet, magic seems to work on similar principles (i.e. everything being magic just not able to use it), and they both have a similar mix of mythical, fantastical and mundane species. It's been established that there are other worlds on the back of elephants riding turtles, so there could be an DiscEquestria out there. This would make other elements match up to: Celestia and Luna being gods, Luna's smaller because she's a small god since people stopped worshiping her while on the moon, Discord may be one of the nicer entities from the Dungeon Dimensions, Canterlot is their version of Cori Celeste (and the mountian it's on the Hub) and so on. Perhaps Ponies just haven't been up to the Rim yet, so don't know how flat their world is.
== Equestria is a Shadow within the [[Book of Amber|Amberverse]]. ==
On her way to deliver the Jewel of Judgment to {{spoiler|Random}} during the climax of ''The Courts of Chaos'', the Unicorn from whom the Amberites are descended stops and rests in a fast-time Shadow where a few years pass as minutes in "objective" time; though she intended to simply rest and regain her strength, it turned out some of the local equines were at least as charming as {{spoiler|Dworkin}}, and some progeny get left behind. Some time later the Courts of learn of a Shadow inhabited by sentient horses with Amberite blood on the distaff side, and a Lord of Chaos named Discord is assigned to monitor the situation.
The Shadow's fast-time nature means he eventually gets lonely, and he founds a little dynasty. After taking two of his descendants back to the Courts for Logrus training, they have a little falling out, and Discord gets pwnied. Their little rebellion slips through the cracks with the political situations as they are in Amber and the Courts; left without direction, the sisters rule together until a dispute leaves Nightmare Moon exactly where her name implies, and during the period of rebuilding that follows the newly crowned king of Chaos {{spoiler|Merlin}} stops by. Since he and {{spoiler|Random}} have the Amber/Chaos conflict under control he again has time for side projects, and he had to see the Shadow of friendly talking technicolor ponies to believe it. He and Celestia get on just fine, and he agrees to let her rule Equestria autonomously as a protectorate of the Courts of Chaos, in exchange for the chance to study the warped properties of the Shadow, such as how the local conditions caused the Chaos and Amber blood to stratify into three distinct pony races.
During one of his visits he meets an orphaned earth-type pony he adopts as his mascot, dragging her along on his travels through Shadow; this of course is Pinky Pie. On an ill fated visit to Amber she begins walking the Pattern, and of course is obliged to complete it; to {{spoiler|Merlin's}} surprise she's able to pull it off, but though she survives, her psyche is damaged and she's afflicted with a bleak, terrible depression. Unable to help her any other way, {{spoiler|Merlin}} attempts the desperate kill-or-cure of having her also walk the Logrus. It works, but in addition to the inevitable Logrus-madness that afflicts all it's masters, Pinkey Pie's memories are fractured. Even when she's recuperated and returned to Equestria, she remembers her old friend {{spoiler|Merlin}} as her beloved Granny Pie, the period after walking the Pattern as her time on the rock farm, and the period after walking the Logrus not well at all. Back in Equestria she's closely monitored by Celestia and her finest physicians. It's found that she has no conscious memory of her abilities to traverse Shadows or manipulate the Logrus, and after she's deemed competent to function in society she's placed with Mr. and Mrs. Cake in a sort of work home situation.
However! She has not in fact lost these abilities, she simply uses them reflexively and without consideration that everyone else can't perform the same feats. Offscreen teleportation? Short Hell-rides through convergent Shadows. Pulling party supplies from [[Hammerspace]]? No, just from alternate Shadows with tendrils of Logrus. She's one of the more powerful beings on Equestria, rivaling Celestia and Luna in that the latter two have never walked the Pattern and can't move across Shadows of their own accord. However Pinky Pie uses these masteries for such mundane purposes that it takes a while for reports off odd events to reach Princess Celestia; she, taking advantage of coincidental circumstances, arranges for her protege Twilight Sparkle (who possesses Endurance to rival that of the legendary Corwin and the potential to be the greatest master of their Shadow's brand of Sorcery, ever) to monitor the situation. Oh, and the inhabitants of Equestria were pretty badass even before the Unicorn and Chaos Lords starting sleeping with them; their most famous native was a little horsey by the name of Morgenstern! In conclusion, I look forward to reading the campaign logs of the first sessions of the ''My Little Pony Diceless Role-playing Game''.
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== Equestria shares a universe with the ''[[Firebringer Trilogy]]''. ==
* Unicorns are...well, unicorns, mostly Plainsdwellers (hence the descriptive names). Earth ponies are wild ''[[Call a Rabbit a Smeerp|daya]]''. As a result of interbreeding between pony kinds, ''daya'' now have the lifespan of unicorns (and occasionally give birth to unicorn and pegasus foals, as we've seen) and actually have them ''outmatched'' for durability.
* As for unicorns, it's now sufficiently rare for them to have goatees that Star Swirl's earned him an epithet.
* The difficult ones to explain would be the pegasi, really...and ''they're'' what happened when ''daya'' took up with {{spoiler|the [[Hybrid Monster|weird hybrid descendants]] of [[Interspecies Romance|Lell and Illishar]] (and similar pairings)}}.
** It's anyone's guess whether or not there are still any hippogriffs. They were, for some misbegotten reason, more fertile with ''daya'' than with either of their parent species ''or'' with each other (although pegasi, thankfully, dodged that bullet). Which leads us to...
** [[Winged Unicorn|Cerapters like the princesses]], who have the attributes and abilities of all ''three'' kinds (''not'' just unicorn and pegasus, as commonly believed) and may well be the ultimate outcome of pony-kind—well, at least, before ponies [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence|officially transcend]], anyway. They almost invariably have [[Metamorphosis|metamorphosed]] into that form from from exceptional unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies (Cadance—who seems to have been one at least since she was a filly—is not only an anomaly, but less a cerapter proper than a unicorn who happens to have been born with functional wings). {{spoiler|Most are scions of the line of Halla.}} There are never more than a few of them at a time, and most are [[Chessmaster|chessmasters]] to some degree. {{spoiler|There's likely a connection between cerapters and the now long-lost Mere of the Moon—which has certainly absorbed all ''kinds'' of weird new magic since then—but no one would be likely to be able to confirm that except the cerapters themselves. And ''they're not telling''}}.
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== Equestria is a domain of the [[Dresden Files|Nevernever]]. ==
The ponies in all their forms are Wildfaye under the protection of the Princesses who are independent Lords ala the Erlking and Santa Claus.
* Through the magic of the Elements of Harmony the Princesses have sealed the more dangerous aspects of Fae from their domain. This has the side effect of cutting them off from both Winter and Summer forcing them to micromanage their own ecology through an artificial Day/Night cycle maintained by the Princesses, Pegasi controlled weather and manned season changing.