Mystic Ark: Difference between revisions

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* [[Heroic Mime]] -- Taken to extremes. Even your party members don't say a word once infused, making it seem as if you aren't working with them so much as you are animating their body like a golem.
** The game pokes fun at your own character's silence, with barkeep NPCs asking why you never say anything.
* [[Just -So Story]] -- Giant's World.
* [[The Mario]] -- Remeer/Ferris; strong attack power yet not as strong as Reeshine's, and with magic that's effective yet pales in comparison to Miriene's or Meisia's. Tokio and Kamiwoo could also be considered this, although their attack and magic are both less effective than the hero's.
* [[Mythology Gag]] -- The game's intro shows a spinning tile capturing the protagonists in the same way King Lemele recruited the heroes of [[The 7th Saga]].