Awesome Moments in NYPD Blue include:

  • Det. Andy Sipowicz and co. have just brought in a violent criminal, who's repeatedly spitting out the ol' "If I wasn't in chains, I'd show you" line. He calls out Andy in particular, calling him "a bitch" who's only that brave around him because of the handcuffs and backup. Andy - who'd been sucker punched by the universe repeatedly lately - decides to cowboy up and put the thug in his place. He turns off the interview room's camera, uncuffs the perp, and opens a window (with a visible fire escape), then tells the thug to take his best shot; get past him to that window, he's home free. The thug makes every excuse in the book not to rise up ("It's a set up", "There's cops waiting outside the window", etc.) When it's clear the thug isn't going anywhere, Andy recuffs him and delivers the verbal Coup De Grace:

Andy: Just remember; you got everything you asked for... and this "bitch" didn't flinch.

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