Neglectful Precursors: Difference between revisions

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'''The plaintiff:''' The [[Adventurer Archaeologist]] claims that the Neglectful Precursor has left this galaxy and not provided a proper means of child support. He further alleges that the abundance of [[Sealed Evil in a Can|sealed evils]] [[Evil Is Not a Toy|with flimsy seals and easily found keys]], the leaving of outstanding debts with ancient enemies bent on collecting from humanity, and the presence of [[Zombie Apocalypse|civilization-shattering plagues]] are clear signs of neglect. The plaintiff demands that the ancients stop [[Pointless Doomsday Device|leaving dangerous weapons]] [[Lost Superweapon|lying about]] for villains to acquire, or else make access to them [[Empathic Weapon|morality-sensitive]], so only heroes can use them to pay off previous debts.
'''The defendant:''' Claims that since they've become [[Energy Beings]] thousands of years ago, they have [[Ubermensch|evolved]] [[Above Good and Evil|past]] [[Blue and Orange Morality|conventional morality]] but are nonetheless caring for humanity or ''[[Humanity on Trial|"testing it"]]'', evidenced by their "wise" decisions to [[You Are Not Ready|hold back]] [[Lost Technology]] until we're ready to use it, and scatter [[MacGuffin|the keys]] to important technology so it can be used again. They defend their "long distance parenting" as character building, making sure the [[Sorting Algorithm of Evil|threats humanity faces]] are in line with its skill, and that there's always ''one more'' [[Lost Superweapon]] around for each. They assure the court they [[Omniscient Morality License|"always knew we would win."]] And finally, the defendant argues that there needs to be a cutoff point where their actions, inaction, and remaining artifacts stop being the excuse for everything bad that happens in the universe-- thatuniverse—that they did the best they could under circumstances beyond our comprehension-- andcomprehension—and where the younger races start realizing that they are [[Humans Are Bastards|responsible for their own mistakes.]]
'''The Verdict? ''You'' decide!'''
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* The Prosecution would like to present evidence in the case against the much-vaunted Protoculture from ''[[Super Dimension Fortress Macross]]'' for being irresponsible forebears:
## Created the [[Person of Mass Destruction|Zentradi race]] solely for the reason of waging war, to the point the Zentradi [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|don't know how to do anything else]].
## They involved themselves in [[Escalating War|Escalating Wars]]s that led to the development of [[Weapon of Mass Destruction|Weapons Of Mass Destruction]] capable of wiping out entire solar systems.
## Their [[Person of Mass Destruction|creations]] were possessed by beings from [[Another Dimension]] that nearly annihilated the Protoculture itself. Instead of destroying them, they merely [[Sealed Evil in a Can|imprisoned them]] and left them there for further generations to deal with.
## They seeded Earth with life, but left behind an overseer in case things got too nasty just so it could put [[Humanity on Trial]] and trigger the [[The End of the World as We Know It|destruction of life on Earth]] if it found mankind lacking.
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* Your Honor, I would like to mention the Unnamed Aliens from ''[[Happy Seven]]''. They were fighting so much they created a super weapon strong enough to blow up the universe, hid it inside Earth, then left.And, then they waited till there was actually less then 5 minutes left to decide to come stop the machine.
* Your Honor, the people of ''[[Gall Force]]'' Earth would like to present their case against the Paranoids and Solenoids. They left humanity with no means to maintain civilization. We acknowledge the solenoids preserved data for human use, but rather than share it immediately, they chose to send it where it would not be found until after humans had reinvented space travel. Furthermore, they deliberately left out information that might have warned the humans of the dangers it presented! The discovery led to the conflict between humanity and the MME, which resulted in the loss of millions of lives and massive damage to Earth’s ecosystem.
** Your honor, my clients only acted as they did in attempt to end the cycle of violence, not perpetrate it. It was hoped that the humans would be ready to accept their terrible legacy by the time it was uncovered. The humans’ own scientists were able to realize the dangers sufficiently to warn their leaders against using the alien technology recklessly, and they were ignored. We also ask the court to consider that the gift of data left behind contained {{spoiler|technology to rebuild damaged planets.}} Finally, we have recently obtained information which appears to suggest that, due to a {{spoiler|[[Stable Time Loop]]}}, the solnoids and paranoids own [[Neglectful Precursors]] appear to have been {{spoiler|the humans and their MME and yuman creations.}}
* In the manga [ ''Hotel'']. Humanity are precursors to the sentient computers, one (Louis) who's task is to ensure that the DNA of all Earth life is protected and a second who's task is to protect the DNA of humans in order to colonize another world in hopes of saving the species. While the creations of Louis may or may not be independent sentient robots separate from itself the creation of his counterpart in space certainly are ... we're assholes who did nothing but cause Earth to die and died in the process ourselves leaving Earth an unlivable wasteland.
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* Your Honour, for unbelievable neglect, incredible incompetence, blinding hypocrisy, and a refusal to take any responsiblity at all for crimes, misdemeanours, or even basic sapient decency, the prosecution requests that The Ancients of the [[Stargate Verse]] be given the highest punishment the court will allow. A summary of their deeds and lack thereof is as follows:
## Refuse to help normal people [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence|ascend]] to [[Energy Beings]] save on their own merits, and punish those who do. Fair enough, but they also won't allow ''anyone'' who ascends to help mortals, bringing down the banhammer at the slightest sign of rule-breaking.
## Refuse to help any of the "lower beings" ''at all'', including against monstrous, [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]] beings that will kill or enslave everything in their path. Which is EXTREMELY hypocritical considering they CREATED ALMOST ALL OF THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE! (see below) Anyone of their kind that ''does'' attempt to help are treated ''worse'' than those that attempt to help them ascend. Witness: Daniel Jackson.
## Rarely took security measures (and almost never left instructions) regarding the ''legions'' of [[Pointless Doomsday Device|Pointless Doomsday Devices]]s they left like so much trash throughout various galaxies, leaving good people to pray and hope that using them wouldn't horribly backfire while evil people were practically gleeful at all the fun toys left lying around. The Goa'uld managed to go from a fairly mindless parasitic species to for thousands of years the single greatest threat in the Milky Way galaxy using Ancient leftovers, including a device which made them functionally immortal even with highly flawed copies.
## Directly responsible for the creation of '''two''' horribly powerful, ravenous, immensely destructive beings (the [[Horde of Alien Locusts|Replicators]] and the [[The Virus|Wraith]]). Predictably, they did precisely dick to stop either of them.
## One of aforementioned [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]] beings managed to learn how to ascend and attempted to use the Ancient knowledge for his own benefit. The Ancients responded by only partially de-ascending him, leaving him with all the Ancient knowledge and some of the powers (including being impossible to properly kill), and not only didn't bother to fix their mess but, again, punished anyone else of their kind who tried to fix it.
## Worse, they deliberately chose to take this course of action in regard to Anubis in order to guilt trip the person who ascended him, despite the fact that she had the best of intentions. Even if her decision was wrong, this is still the equivalent of punishing her for giving a gun to someone she did not know was a murderer, by allowing the murderer to keep the weapon and letting him loose in a building full of helpless children.
## The justification given for their constant absence is [[Alien Non-Interference Clause|not wanting to involve themselves with mortal affairs]], believing they do not possess the right to wield such power in such a way. Yet when the Ori, beings comparable to the Ancients to whom they should have no such restrictions, set their sights on the Milky Way galaxy they are allowed to just waltz in on a technicality. In addition, they are perfectly willing to break this non-interference clause when ''their own'' well-being is at stake, sending Morgan Le Fay to stop Merlin (who at the time was descended and should have been out-of-bounds) when he made a device capable of killing ascended beings.
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== Tabletop Games ==
* ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'': The Craftworld Eldar. The very literal [[Defector From Decadence|Defectors From Decadence]] saw what the debauchery of their civilization would result in and tried to stop it. They failed, and in a last resort to survive they constructed small artificial planets to escape the downfall of their species. That they seem to regard the failure to prevent the heart of their empire turning into [[Negative Space Wedgie|The Eye of terror]] as "Neglectful" and they are now actively trying to fix the damage they've done, the Court finds that they have already plead Guilty and have sentenced themselves to an eternity of Community Service.
* Your honor, The Empire would like to bring before the court the other Old Ones from ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]''. Creating a race of [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]]s through overuse of magic, shoving the burden of cleaning up their own mess onto their creations, making sure the only people who understand the plan were a group of [[Reptiles Are Abhorrent|lizard-people]] who may or may not have misinterpreted the entire thing (and are pretty anal anyways), and then packing up and leaving? The Empire accuses them of being neglectful in the highest degree!
** According to the background, the reason that their gates failed was because said toad-like lizard creatures (the fourth generation of them, to be precise) were responsible for maintaining their magic portals. It wasn't actually their fault that the gates failed, and once they did, it was either escape or die. And in ''Warhammer'', escape is an infinitely more desirable alternative to death.
* The ''[[Scarred Lands]]'' franchise. The backstory to the series is a war against the amoral creators of the world, the Titans, and their rebellious children, the Gods. The Gods were unable to completely kill the Titans, so they just maimed and imprisioned them. Despite completely oblierating two of the Titans, the other Gods were left mostly whole and just imprisoned. Since then, the remains of the Titans has damaged the land and corrupted countless creatures, even the two who were almost destroyed. Despite the fact that the Gods now rule the world, they haven't shown themselves to be in any hurry to clean up their mess.
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* ''[[Star*Drive]]'' is filled to the brim with ancient alien ruins, some of them quite advanced. Humans of various faiths (Hatire and Ancientist) find religious inspiration in these ruins, but this probably wasn't the intent of the precursors.
* Blackmoor and Evergrun, two ancient civilizations from the [[Mystara]] ''[[Dungeons and Dragons|D&D]]'' setting, aspired to technological greatness but succeeded only in damn near [[Apocalypse How|blowing up the world]]. Oh, and they left some spare nukes sitting around for their barbaric successors to tinker with, which is why the Known World now has a contaminated wasteland called the Broken Lands in the middle of it.
* ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'' -- The—The [[Hate Plague|Dracorage]] Mythal. Making the device designed to put ''all dragons in the world'' at once into [[Ax Crazy|murderous madness]] may be justified by the extreme situation those ancient elves faced. But leaving it around for the rest of eternity (it survived even severe damage to the Weave)? Especially considering its short activation by a comet was not an inherent feature, but merely a control condition that could be changed by a competent enough wizard--whichwizard—which eventually happened.
