Neon Genesis Evangelion/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Apocalypse Maiden]]
* [[Artificial Human|Artificial]] [[Humanoid Abomination]]: See below.
* [[Attack of the 50 -Foot Whatever]]: Bonding with Lilith causes the resulting hybrid being (commonly referred to as [[Fan Nickname|"Giant Naked Rei"]]) to grow gigantic, and then ''monumentally'' gigantic.
* [[Badass Adorable]]
* [[Badass Bookworm]]
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{{quote| ''The gulf dividing men and women is deeper and wider than any ocean.''}}
Ponytailed, [[Perma -Stubble]]-ed, confident, and charismatic, Kaji is half [[James Bond]] and half [[Handsome Lech]] -- and he switches back and forth frequently and without warning. Exactly ''whose'' side he's on in the [[Gambit Pileup|wheels-within-wheels]] world of ''Evangelion'' is almost impossible to determine. He seems to be a [[Double Agent]] at the very least; he may even be working for more than two powerful entities, although his own personal drive to know the truth of Second Impact, the Eva project, and the rest of SEELE and NERV's secrets are his truest motivation.
He and Misato were lovers in college, but by the start of the series have been broken up for several years. Asuka [[Clingy Jealous Girl|has a crush on him]] and is [[The Glomp|anything but subtle about it]], but to his credit [[Chivalrous Pervert|he does not take her up on her premature offers]]. It doesn't help that, in some continuities, he's strongly hinted [[Squick|to have been her guardian after her mother's death]]. Much to Misato's chagrin, Kaji flirts with several of the female staff, including Ritsuko and Maya. As the series progresses, Kaji and Misato renew their stormy relationship, and Kaji briefly [[Big Brother Mentor|becomes more of a father to Shinji]] than Gendō ever was. Tragically, he digs too deep when he rescues Fuyutsuki from SEELE after they kidnapped the old man shortly after the 14th Angel. SEELE (or NERV) responds by having him assassinated.
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* [[The Mole]] / [[Reverse Mole]]: He's all over the mole map.
* [[Murderer POV]]
* [[Perma -Stubble]]
* [[Smoking Is Cool]]
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Is calmly smiling even when he's about to be shot to death.