Neon Genesis Evangelion/Fanfic Recs/Marty Stu: Difference between revisions

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== What the statuses mean ==
* '''Complete''' - [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]
* '''Ongoing''' - The fic is being updated on a regular basis,<ref>which can mean anything from a few days to a few months</ref>, or has received an update after being tagged as Dormant or Dead.
* '''Dormant''' - Either: The author has placed the fic on hiatus; or the fic has gone for several months to a year or more without an update but the author has not pronounced it dead.
* '''Dead''' - The fic has not been updated in several years, or the author has specifically said that it will not be updated.
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* ''Recommended by'': [[User:Tacitus]]
* ''Status'': Complete
* ''Synopsis'': Tom Dyron -- 16Dyron—16-year-old fighter pilot, rock musician, and championship wrestler -- joinswrestler—joins the ''Eva'' team some time after the defeat of the Angels (utterly ignoring the last few episodes of the show) to deal with the latest threat -- thethreat—the Invadors. Yes, that's spelled right. In the process, he drinks a lot, wrestles, bags Asuka, drinks some more, sets up Shinji with Rei, pilots a spaceship, blows up a planet, wrestles, gets the other pilots to join his band, and talks like Steve Austin. There's also John, who contributes nothing to the plot, but is special.
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* ''Recommended by'': [[User:Space Chief]], [[User:Tacitus]]
* ''Status'': Complete
* ''Synopsis'': After the angels have been seemingly defeated, the devil shows up in Tokyo-3 and causes Shinji to wet his pants. Issei, a new Eva pilot (in distressingly tight shorts) soon follows and promptly [[Ho Yay|hooks up with Shinji]]. Together, they fight [[Star Wars|Chewbacca]] and [[Manos: The Hands of Fate|Torgo]], find a portal to hell under their bed, watch people explode and -- whyand—why haven't you clicked the link yet?
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* ''Recommended by'': [[User:Looney Toons]], [[User:Shay Guy]], [[User:Willbyr]]
* ''Status:'' Ongoing
* ''Synopsis:'' A young Irishman finds himself forceably inserted into the Evangelion world -- byworld—by being forceably inserted into the brain and body of Noriko Nagato, a 14-year-old Japanese girl who has "miraculously" survived a plane crash, only to discover she is now the Fourth Child. But how did he get there? What did that weird dream with Kaoru Nagisa mean? Why are the real Noriko's memories coming back? And just what is up with the delusional girl in school who thinks she's [[Haruhi Suzumiya]]?
