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* [[Spider-Man]] had his [[Neutral No Longer]] moment in his origin story after his refusal to stop a thief on the grounds that it was [[Someone Elses Problem]] got his Uncle Ben killed. He gave up on using his powers for fame and fortune and became a superhero.
* It takes nearly the ''entire series'' for [[Star Wars Legacy|Cade Skywalker]] to stop being a selfish [[Jerkass]]. After the Sith have endangered and killed just about everyone he gives a damn about, Cade declares war on them though he still doesn't accept the Jedi calling yet. ''That'' doesn't happen until the ''[[Final Battle]]''.
* [[Doctor Strange]] started out as a [[Dr. Jerk]] who cared only about himself. When circumstances confined him to the hidden retreat of the Ancient One, he realized very quickly that magic is real -- and that it can be used for evil. Though he had come to the Ancient One to heal his hands, he changed his request and asked to learn magic instead, so he could fight back.
* Uatu [[The Watcher]] is a prime example. His race of omniscient watchers swears an oath of neutrality. But as Galactus approached Earth, intent on consuming it, Uatu spoke directly to the [[Fantastic Four]], telling where to find the Ultimate Nullifier. Not a direct alignment change, but enough involvement to end his neutrality.
== Film ==
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* The more diplomatic types will be disappointed, as this is forced onto the player in the third act of ''[[Dragon Age 2]]''. After {{spoiler|Anders destroys the chantry}}, there is no middle ground left, and no way to resolve the situation peacefully.
* Another one from [[BioWare]] and [[Star Wars]]: Jolee Bindo from ''[[Knights of the Old Republic]]'' is a [[Knight in Sour Armor|ex-Jedi in Sour Armor]] who left the Order and had self-exiled himself. Despite being neutral on the [[Karma Meter]], and making a good show of not caring about the outcome of the current war, he is very quick to scold a player's Dark Side acts. When it comes down to the wire, he chooses the path of a Jedi and will positively ''refuse'' to join you if you choose Dark Side.
* In ''[[Mega Man Zero]] 4'', the human refugees of [[New Eden|Area Zero]], known as Caravan, prefer to stay out of the war between the [[La Résistance]] (who they only see as terrorists with petty goals) and [[The Empire|Neo Arcadia]] (which has fallen into dictatorial rule under a [[Complete Monster]]). However, over the course of the game, upon seeing that the Resistance's goals were no different from their own, the Caravan finally welcomes their help in fighting off and finally defeating the Neo Arcadian army. At the end of the game, in fact, [[Tear Jerker|they all mourn for]] {{spoiler|Zero's [[Heroic Sacrifice]], knowing that all of it would never have been possible without his efforts.}}
* In ''[[Rogue Galaxy]]'', [[Broken Hero]] Deego Aegis could care less about the Morarty family taking over Vedan. He would like nothing more than to [[Drowning My Sorrows|spend the rest of his life drinking away at his friend Angela's bar.]] However, once the Morarty Family burns down her bar, Deego is more than willing to make a stand against them.
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** This serves as an allegory for pretty much the entirety of the occupation. The insurgents have had much, ''much'' less concern for innocent life, detonating devices in near schools, restaurants, and other public places. This has led to a lot of the civilians siding with the occupation forces.
* Really, this trope has pretty much been America's [[Planet of Hats|Hat]]. Examples:
** The U.S. sat out the Cuban rebellion against Spain for about fifteen years until the ''USS Maine'' blew up in Havana Harbor, which got the U.S. into [[Spanish American War|the war against Spain]].
** The U.S. stayed neutral in [[World War One]] until it looked like German victory was imminent ''and'' the Germans were caught attempting to form an offensive alliance with Mexico against the United States.
** The U.S. didn't really start to help the Allies in [[World War Two]] until after the fall of France, and did not get into the war until after Pearl Harbor, and did not declare war against Germany until after Germany declared war against the U.S.
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** In 1990, American ambassador April Glaspie met with then-ruler of Iraq Saddam Hussein to ask him about the troops he was massing on his border with Kuwait and the threats he was making toward Kuwait. He apparently assured her that he was just saber-rattling to win diplomatic concessions on a border dispute, and she seems to have understood him to say that he was committed to resolving the dispute peacefully. She famously assured him, however, that the U.S. has "no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait....the Kuwait issue is not associated with America," and he may have taken that as a green light to invade Kuwait. Suffice it to say that when he did, the U.S. sent troops to the Persian Gulf, first to defend Saudi Arabia, but then to liberate Kuwait.
** Later in that decade, during the Balkan wars that followed the break-up of Yugoslavia, the United States did not intervene for several years in the war in Bosnia, but did finally decide to back Croat intervention on the side of the Bosniaks against the Serbs, after watching Serb attacks on Sarajevo and other Bosnian towns on the news every night for years. Then, when the Serbs went to war in Kosovo to attempt to prevent that province from breaking away, the U.S. decided to intervene directly, launching an air campaign against Serbia.
** Also during the 1990s, the United States was neutral in the civil war in Afghanistan between the Taliban and the Northern Alliance, even as the Taliban took over most of the country, pushing the Northern Alliance into a tiny strip of territory in the north. After September 11, 2001, however, the United States intervened in Afghanistan on the side of the Northern Alliance, and removed the Taliban from power; the war continues to this day, however.
*** So, yeah, this trope could easily be given the alternate title of "American Foreign Policy."
* Italy in both World Wars. In [[World War I]], Italy was supposed to immediately enter the war on the side of Germany and Austria-Hungary, but refused due a loophole and stayed neutral for about a year before entering the war AGAINST them. In [[World War II]] it happened TWICE: first Italy was supposed to join Germany as soon as France and Britain declared war, but stayed neutral until the war appeared to be already won and attacked France and a small British colony just for the show, only to find out that the British Empire wouldn't surrender; in 1943 an invaded Italy sued for peace and became neutral again until the German reinforcements sent to help the defense were ordered to become an occupation force.
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