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{{quote|'''Gus''': In these situations, we must emulate the Prime Minister.<br />
'''Dave''': What, cock it up and then blame someone else?|''[[Drop the Dead Donkey]], Pilot episode''}}
|''[[Drop the Dead Donkey]], Pilot episode''}}
Most of the time, characters will [[It's All My Fault|blame themselves]] for things going south. But there are some cases where the character who ''really'' is to blame will blame everyone else instead. Common variations include:
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The formal term for this is the [[wikipedia:Fundamental attribution error|"fundamental attribution error."]]
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
== Anime and Manga ==
* ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'': From her first episode onward, Asuka always blames Shinji when missions and training go wrong, whether it's ''her'' mistake or completely beyond anyone's control. For variety, she also rips into him for apologizing for something he had no control over.
* Happens all the time in ''[[Ranma ½|Ranma One Half]]''. When something bad happens, the characters '''demand''' that the fault lies with someone else. Examples of note include Ranma not accepting responsibility for causing Ryoga to turn into a pig even though he pushed him into the spring. Ryoga blamed Ranma for missing the fight there were supposed to have before Ranma moved away, even though Ryoga was the one who missed the fight due to his own faulty sense of direction. Similarly [[Takahashi Couple|every argument Ranma has with Akane]] is somehow always Ranma's fault. This trope is to be expected since the author herself describes the series as a [[Played for Laughs|Gag Manga]].
* Taken a bit further than normal in ''[[Fushigiboshi no Futagohime]]'': An episode has Altessa blaming Sophie for losing at a track meet, even though it's Altessa who started the whole thing by knocking over Sophie's basket with a ball. It's taken a bit further because she decides to retaliate in the following episode at a balloon race between their kingdoms. Amusingly, instead of getting all defensive against Altessa's accusation, Sophie brushes off her threat of retaliation with "You don't have to pay me back"... she's [[Cloudcuckoolander|that kind of character]].
* Bulma during the Shadow Dragons Arc in ''[[Dragon Ball GT]]'', she somehow manages to blame Goku for starting the cycle of looking for the dragonballs, despite him not even knowing about them until she showed up looking for them.
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** A particularly vicious example can also be found when Akito attacks Hatori with what looks like a vase, blinding him in one eye, and immediately starts asking the maimed doctor "Hatori, what's wrong?" before accusing Kana, Hatori's innocent would-be fiancee, of being responsible for Hatori's pain. Kana ends up agreeing, and the whole situation goes downhill from there.
* ''[[Azumanga Daioh]]'': Tomo just can't take a lesson about her [[Jerkass]] behavior when she gets bitten by Mayaa. She'll "never trust an animal again" after she was the one treating it aggressively.
* In an early ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'' episode, Ash is right on the verge of capturing a Weedle, when he is rudely interrupted by a samurai, who challenges him to a Pokémon match. During said match, which is a [[Mirror Match]] between their two Metapod taking Harden commands, the Weedle manages to escape back into its tree and alert the Beedrill, who capture Ash's Metapod. In one of the series' earliest [[Broken Aesop|Broken Aesops]]s, Ash is forced to learn a lesson about not making excuses about not finishing what he started, even though it was the fault of the samurai, [[Hypocrite|who berates him for all of this]], that Ash wasn't able to finish in the first place, all because he didn't have the courtesy to wait until Ash was done. Even after all is said and done, and Ash rescues Metapod, he's still short one Weedle, which would eventually evolve into a Beedrill.
* Partial example from ''[[Code Geass]]'': Ohgi holds resentment towards Zero for his abandonment during the Black Rebellion and subsequent one-year disappearance, yet never takes his relationship with Villetta, the person linked to at least some degree with the two, or [[Love Makes You Dumb|his resulting carelessness]], into account.
* ''[[Persona 4: The Animation]]'' in episode 20, the girls of ''[[Persona 4: The Animation]]'' continue to insist that the guys are perverts [[Accidental Pervert|because they walked in on them at the hotsprings.]] [[Insane Troll Logic|They conveniently choose to ignore that Yukiko was the one who caused the mix up in the first place.]]
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* [[Black Hole Sue|Haruhi Suzumiya]] from [[Haruhi Suzumiya|The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya]] acts this way in the way she abuses other characters to get her way, such as blackmailing the computer club president into giving her a free computer lest she releases some pictures (that she set up and took) of him molesting Mikuru and claims he tried to rape her. Her treatment of Mikuru as well, and in one instance, nearly gets her punched by an angry Kyon due to the abuse Haruhi heaps on the poor girl.
** Other times however, she isn't aware of things that happen as she's [[Locked Out of the Loop]] due to special circumstances, such as when she nearly destroyed the world due to a fit of jealousy when Kyon seems to be getting a little too friendly with Mikuru. And later on, [[And I Must Scream|repeating the same two weeks of summer over 15,000 times]] because she wanted to do more activities with her friends.
* ''[[Paranoia Agent]]'' is entirely about this.
* In the Doma Arc of ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'', Rex has a grudge against Joey stemming from the latter winning his Red Eyes B. Dragon card in Duelist Kingdom, ''completely'' forgetting that ''he'' is the one who decided to up the ante and wager it against Joey's Time Wizard.
== Comicbooks[[Comic Books]] ==
* ''[[Spider-Man]]''
** [[Hero with Bad Publicity|This is the norm in pretty much any adaptation in the entire franchise. Poor Spidey gets blamed by villains and civilians alike for pretty much every sucky thing that happens to them, regardless of whether or not its their own fault or it's a villain's doing in which it's completely beyond Spider-Man's control.]]
** One of the best known examples is Eddie Brock, who blames Spider-Man for destroying his journalistic career in both the 616 and [[Spider-Man (film)|Maguire/Raimi movie]] continuities, when in both cases all Peter did was expose Brock's lack of due diligence (616) or ethics (film). In 616, Brock said he knew who a serial killer was, only for Spider to bring in the real crook while Eddie's guy turned out to be a serial confessor whose story he did not sufficiently investigate. In the films, Peter busts himBrock for selling photoshopped pictures to the Daily Bugle, a fundamental violation of journalism.
** Peter Parker's boss J. Jonah Jameson is guilty of this from time to time as well. His irresponsible journalism often puts people's lives at risk, but he always blames Spider-Man for causing the problems.
*** Subverted in ''Amazing Spider-Man'' <nowiki>#654</nowiki> {{spoiler|where Alistair Smythe kills Jameson's wife, Marla (who took the hit that was meant for him). He even says that he's not going to blame Spider-Man, instead saying that "[[It's All My Fault]]."}}
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** It gets taken to ridiculous extremes in Spider-man. There was a girl who kept being in the wrong place at the wrong time and kept having to deal with an insane crisis with Spider-man in some manner. This happens for years because Peter just happened to go to the same school as the woman. So because of this, she shut herself in and became an extreme recluse and thought Spider-man was stalking her. She blamed him for ruining her life. Nevermind that he was saving the day, it was his fault that her life was so miserable. She reports this to the Daily Bugle where Peter Parker, of all people, took her picture for her story.
*** Decades later, with Spider-man long dead, the now elderly woman is still a recluse. When an angry Mary Jane called her out on slandering Spider-man, she admitted that the real reason she did that was because it made her feel special. Deep down she actually ''liked'' the idea of a superhero being interested in her. Without Spider-man her life is now completely empty.
* The entire basis of [[Doctor Doom]]'s vendetta against the [[Fantastic Four (Comic Book)|Fantastic Four]] is that he is unable to accept that Reed Richards was actually right when warning him of a critical error in his calculations during an experiment Doom was conducting. Doom dismissed Reed's warnings as [[You're Just Jealous|jealousy]], only for the experiment to literally blow up in his face. The idea that Richards was correct -- andcorrect—and therefore, in Doom's eyes, smarter than him -- washim—was so abhorrent to Doom that he concluded that Reed had deliberately sabotaged Doom's experiment, and so [[Disproportionate Retribution|has attempted to creatively kill Richards and his family on numerous occasions]]. Even more jarring is that the retcon shows that Doom really was right and Richards was indeed wrong: the machine worked perfectly. It blew up because Doom used it to take a peek into [[Hell]]. <ref>This is played slightly differently in the Ultimate Universe - Reed's calculations were fine, but Victor altered them & caused the accident that transformed them all. When Reed calls Victor out on this, he claims that he didn't cause the accident but that Reed's calculations were ''so'' wrong that even he couldn't fix them.</ref>
** To be concise: Doom isn't so much "[[Never My Fault]]" as he is "Always [[Fantastic Four|Reed Richards']] Fault". Basically, everything that has gone wrong with Doom's life, everything that is currently wrong with Doom's life, and everything that might possibly go wrong with Doom's life is ''all'' Reed Richards' fault. NO exceptions.
* In the ''[[Squadron Supreme]]'' limited series, Nuke blames Tom Thumb after his parents died. {{spoiler|Though it's obvious that Nuke's power killed them, he blames Tom for ''not finding a cure for cancer'' in time.}}
* Despite [[Magneto]]'s desire to help his fellow mutants and deliver them from persecution his actions have probably done more to hurt his cause (and harmed more mutants) than he has helped. Naturally, this is always humanity's fault.
* Countless European [[Disney Ducks Comic Universe|Scrooge McDuck]] stories have Scrooge engaging in this. A common story template goes like this: Scrooge starts worrying that he's losing money (or in most cases not making as many billions as he used to). Scrooge whines about it to [[Donald Duck]] who either gives him a well meaning suggestion or simply makes a random remark that gives Scrooge an idea. Scrooge immediately implements said idea spending a ton of money. Said idea fails due to a reason that could have been anticipated with a market test or ''simple common sense''. Scrooge laments the loss of the money... and immediately blames Donald, with the story ending with Scrooge chasing him with the intent of causing bodily harm.<br /><br />Here's a concrete example of the above: in one story, Scrooge notices that his business is slowing down... because Scrooge already produces ''everything'' and there are no markets to expand into. Scrooge goes to Donald's house ''in the middle of the night'' to whine about it prompting him to snidely remark "You'd even sell ''dreams'' if you could, wouldn't you?". This gives Scrooge the idea to do just that. He enlists Gyro Gearloose to create a dream selling business via a machine that accesses your greatest desires and turns them into a dream stored in a tape that you can "replay" while you sleep. The business is a success... then Scrooge finds out that ''all his other businesses'' are going under thanks to people gradually replacing their non essential possessions with dreams (why have anything else when you can relive your innermost desires every night?). Guess who Scrooge blames?<br /><br />In another comic, Scrooge [[Crying Wolf|stages several robberies]] just to keep employees on their toes. Naturally, nobody believes him when he is genuinely robbed, but instead of acknowledging that he is at fault, he gets angry at Donald for not helping him.
** Here's a concrete example of the above: in one story, Scrooge notices that his business is slowing down... because Scrooge already produces ''everything'' and there are no markets to expand into. Scrooge goes to Donald's house ''in the middle of the night'' to whine about it prompting him to snidely remark "You'd even sell ''dreams'' if you could, wouldn't you?". This gives Scrooge the idea to do just that. He enlists Gyro Gearloose to create a dream selling business via a machine that accesses your greatest desires and turns them into a dream stored in a tape that you can "replay" while you sleep. The business is a success... then Scrooge finds out that ''all his other businesses'' are going under thanks to people gradually replacing their non essential possessions with dreams (why have anything else when you can relive your innermost desires every night?). Guess who Scrooge blames?
** In another comic, Scrooge [[Crying Wolf|stages several robberies]] just to keep employees on their toes. Naturally, nobody believes him when he is genuinely robbed, but instead of acknowledging that he is at fault, he gets angry at Donald for not helping him.
* [[Donald Duck]] himself is not immune to this trope, [[Depending on the Writer]]. It's not like he doesn't want to work... it's just that no job is available in a two-meters range from his sofa. Not his fault, really. Daisy is probably cosmically endowed with this trope: if you find her admitting any fault, you get a prize.
* [[Infinite Crisis|Superboy Prime]] kills a multitude of people, but refuses to take responsibility. Coming from a world where he was the only superhero, and being parented by a [[Golden Age]] Superman, he thinks the DC universe is full of degenerates. In his mind, it's '''their''' fault that he's driven to kill. No one agrees with him.
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* Pre-Flashpoint, Deathstroke's entire motivation for hating the [[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|Teen Titans]] and trying to kill them was that he blamed them for the loss of his family. In reality, Deathstroke himself was the one who drove them away with his life as an amoral mercenary. Averted in one storyline when he eventually realized he was a terrible father. He enacted a scheme to endear his remaining two children to the Teen Titans so they could have the family he couldn't give them.
== [[Fan FictionWorks]] ==
== Fan Fiction ==
* [[Assumptions]]: Rainbow Dash's huge ego makes it downright impossible apologize to Caramel, [[Nice Guy|who has been nothing but kind to her]], after he find out she nearly killed him with a botched aerial trick. Rainbow chooses to fly away in shame rather than admit she wronged him, but later halfway-apologizes, which Caramel accepts.
* There have been quite a few ''[[Harry Potter]]'' fanfics written from the point of view of the Slytherin students. Very often in these stories, the Slytherins view themselves as the victims of injustice, of rampant "anti-Slytherin prejudice." The fact that people dislike or distrust the Slytherins ''never'' seems to be the Slytherins' fault for being bigots, bullies, or otherwise openly cruel and hostile to other students, [[Fantastic Racism|particularly Muggle-borns]].
** The real kicker is that [[Misaimed Fandom|the writers of these stories (and their supporters)]] [[Draco in Leather Pants|actually seem to believe that the Slytherins are right]]. No matter how horribly the Slytherins behave, the writers always seem to attribute any display of animosity toward them to "anti-Slytherin prejudice."
** Elsewhere in the fandom, this is a trait frequently attributed to Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, who will make spectacularly bad decisions and then shift the blame for their consequences to his underlings or political opponents.
* In ''[[The Blue Blur of Termina]]'', Tatl stops Sonic from going after the Skull Kid and, as a result, gets left behind and accidentally injured by the imp. She immediately blames Sonic who, in turn, immediately calls ''her'' out on it:
{{quote| '''Sonic:''' ''If it weren't for ''you'' and your friend, you wouldn't even '''be''' in this mess!''}}
== [[Film]] ==
* In ''[[Caddyshack]]''. Rodney Dangerfield drops his anchor into another boat. The other boat sinks, yet all Rodney says is "You scratched my anchor!"
** Of course, it's okay because the other guy is a gigantic dick, and even though Dangerfield is even more of a dick than that to him, he's a charming, amicable schmoozer to literally everyone else.
* Epitomized by the comic duo [[Laurel and Hardy]]. Whenever things went wrong, Hardy would blame Laurel (regardless of what part of the blame he truly carried) with a reproachful "here's another nice mess you've gotten me into".<br /><br />This schtick is borrowed by ''[[Illuminatus]]!'' where various different figures appear dressed as Laurel and Hardy, e.g. The Flood, everyone except Noah and Co have been drowned for their sins by a vengeful God. Jehovah (as Ollie) turns to Lucifer (as Stan) and says, "Now look what you made me do!" Lucifer cries. Hiroshima, a mushroom cloud rises above the city. Tens of thousands have been killed in a split second. President Truman (as Ollie) turns to Albert Einstein (as Stan) and says, "Now look what you made me do!" Einstein cries. etc.
** This schtick is borrowed by ''[[Illuminatus]]!'' where various different figures appear dressed as Laurel and Hardy, e.g. The Flood, everyone except Noah and Co have been drowned for their sins by a vengeful God. Jehovah (as Ollie) turns to Lucifer (as Stan) and says, "Now look what you made me do!" Lucifer cries. Hiroshima, a mushroom cloud rises above the city. Tens of thousands have been killed in a split second. President Truman (as Ollie) turns to Albert Einstein (as Stan) and says, "Now look what you made me do!" Einstein cries. etc.
* Likewise, Moe of ''[[The Three Stooges]]'' was quick to pin blame and administer physical punishment against Larry and Curly (or Shemp), even when whatever hilarious accident that had happened to Moe was his own fault.
* ''[[Spider-Man (film)|Spider-Man]]'':
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** [[Smug Snake|Eddie Brock]] hates Peter for costing him the staff job at the Bugle. There are consequences to framing a man for robbery, and falsifying journalistic documents, Eddie. This is actually [[Truth in Television]]: people who plagiarize rarely admit that what they're doing is wrong, and/or tell themselves they're a special case.
* C-3PO is famous for this, especially in ''[[Star Wars]]: [[A New Hope]]'' when he decides to go a different direction than R2-D2 in the Tatooine desert.
{{quote| '''R2-D2''': *beckoning whistle*<br />
'''C-3PO''': Where do you think you're going?<br />
'''R2-D2''': *squawk*<br />
'''C-3PO''': Well, I'm not going that way. It's much too rocky. This way is much easier.<br />
'''R2-D2''': *beep*<br />
'''C-3PO''': What makes you think there are settlements over there?<br />
'''R2-D2''': *beeping and whistling*<br />
'''C-3PO''': Don't get technical with me.<br />
'''R2-D2''': *angry squawks*<br />
'''C-3PO''': What mission? What are you talking about?<br />
'''R2-D2''': *beeping and whistling*<br />
'''C-3PO''': I've just about had enough of you. Go that way. You'll be malfunctioning within a day, you nearsighted scrap pile. *kicks R2*<br />
'''R2-D2''': *startled beep*<br />
'''C-3PO''':*walks off* And don't let me catch you following me begging for help, because you won't get it.<br />
'''R2-D2''': *sad whistling leading into a loud yelp*<br />
'''C-3PO''':*turns around* No more adventures! I'm not going that way<br />
'''R2-D2''': *angry honk and some muttering*<br />
Next scene:<br />
'''C-3PO''': That malfunctioning little twerp. This is all his fault. He tricked me into going this way. But he'll do no better. }}
** In ''[[Revenge of the Sith]]'', Anakin blames Obi-Wan for turning Padmé against him. ''Of course'', it couldn't have been your [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope|sharp descent]] into [[Face Heel Turn|violent murder and villainy]], no...
*** Later on, Anakin, waking on the slab, initially has this reaction to being told that he had killed Padme. He thinks that he loves her, always will, could never will her death - but he remembers the cold terror he felt when thinking of her death (said terror is called "the dragon" in the text. [[It Makes Sense in Context]]) that made him create Darth Vader, and he remembers Vader's fury and hatred...
{{quote| And there is one blazing moment in which you finally understand that there was no dragon. That there was no Vader. That there was only you. Only Anakin Skywalker.<br />
That it was all you. Is you.<br />
Only you.<br />
[[My God, What Have I Done?|You did it]]. }}
* Used rather darkly in ''[[The Last King of Scotland]]'', after [[Glorious Leader|Idi Amin]] has realized that exiling the Asian population of Uganda was a serious political mistake.
{{quote| '''Amin''': You should have told me not to throw out the Asians in the first place.<br />
'''Nicholas''': I did!<br />
'''Amin''': But you did not persuade me! }}
* In ''[[The Lion King|The Lion King 2]]'', Zira blames Kovu for Nuka getting himself killed trying to get the attention and praise [[The Unfavourite|she never gave him]]. She even weeps for her elder son briefly [[Ignored Epiphany|before turning her sorrow into anger]] at her youngest.
** Scar to Simba in the first film. [[Blatant Lies|"...and if it weren't for you, he would still be alive!"]]
*** Although in this case it's less a refusal to admit responsability and more an attempt to guilt-trip Simba.
* ''[[The Santa Clause (film series)|The Santa Clause]] 3: The Escape Clause''.
{{quote| '''Jack Frost''': (examines a sign he's "supervised" the elves putting up.) Very nice! I've done it!<br />
(The sign falls down and shatters, and he glares at the elves.)<br />
'''Jack Frost''': Look what you've done! }}
* A non-comedic example can be seen in ''[[Repo! The Genetic Opera|Repo the Genetic Opera]]'' where Rotti and his kids use a constant (and [[Ear Worm|catchy]]) chorus of this to convince Nathan that [[It's All My Fault]].
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* Sean from ''[[The Social Network]]'' particularly has this problem. He blamed the Winklevii and/or Manningham for {{spoiler|"planting" the coke and calling the cops for catching him with underaged interns.}} He also doesn't seem to get how record companies would be pissed to see you take money away from them, chalking it up to the companies not having a sense of humor.
== [[Literature]] ==
== Literature ==
* ''[[Jurassic Park]]'': In [[Michael Crichton]]'s novel, Hammond <ref>who's more of a [[Jerkass]] than in [[The Film of the Book]]</ref> has a long internal monologue in which he blames everyone except himself for the disaster. Then he [[Karmic Death|gets eaten]].
** Gennaro, too, is a largely irresponsible man who has allowed significant monetary investment in a project he did very little checking on, under a man (Hammond) he knew to be unsavoury, and yet whenever something goes wrong he's the first one to start bitching at someone else. Eventually Grant [[What the Hell, Hero?|calls him on it by slamming him into a wall]] and [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|spitting it all into his face]].
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* The ''[[Mass Effect]]'' EU book ''Ascension'' had an exiled quarian cooperate with Cerberus as revenge for (as he thought) his people banishing him from the Flotilla for no reason. Keep in mind, this same quarian had attempted to ''sell his people to the Collectors''.
* ''[[The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde]]'': Even when writing his final letter, Jekyll refers to Hyde ([[Freudian Slip|mostly]]) in the third person, insisting Hyde's actions were not ''his'' actions. "[E]ven now I can scarce grant that I committed [them]."
* ''[[Oblomov]]'' is completely unable to change his life by himself; when he gets unhappy he decides to blame Sachar instead. Now Sachar is a [[Jerkass]] and whatnot, but still [[Mis BlamedMisblamed]].
* ''[[In Death]]'': A number of the villains will always blame everyone but themselves when something goes wrong. ''Divided In Death'' had Dr. Mira explicitly telling Eve that Blair Bissel refuses to blame himself and that he ''has'' to blame someone else for everything going wrong for him.
* ''Sisterhood'' series by [[Fern Michaels]]: A number of villains essentially go around with this attitude. Senator Webster in ''Payback'' stands out with refusing to accept the blame for having multiple affairs, and then feebly trying to blame his wife Julia Webster for giving him AIDS. She had to pretty much shove the evidence in his face and spell out that recklessly having sex with women caused him to get AIDS, and he passed it on to her, plain and simple! Owen Orzell AKA Jody Jumper in ''Home Free'' actually averts or defies the trope by coming out and admitting that he is responsible for what he has done and nobody else.
* In ''[[Atlas Shrugged]]"'' by [[Ayn Rand]], this trope is played straight by every single villain.
* [[Ring Lardner]]'s novel "You Know Me Al" is a collection of letters from a young pitcher trying to break into the big leagues. Whenever he writes about one of his poor pitching performances, he starts by saying that he always takes responsibility for his failings (usually with a [[Title Drop]]), and then immediately blames everyone else on the team for his loss.
* The bully ringleader in ''[[Let the Right One In]]'', Johnny, feels this way towards the protagonist, Oskar, smashing him in the head with a piece of wood... while he and a lackey were ''throwing him into a frozen lake''. He retaliates by holding Oskar's head ''in the path of an oncoming train''. Oskar in turn retaliates by burning the bullies' school desks. Unfortunately, the scrapbook with Johnny and his [[Teens Are Monsters|older brother Jimmy's]] only photos of their father is in his desk. They respond by nearly drowning him, then preparing to ''cut out his eye''. Never once does Johnny acknowledge his horrible treatment of Oskar which drove him to this.
* ''[[The Onion]]'':
* ''[[The Onion]]'''s* Jean Teasdale is an odd example since she does this not out of egotism but out of hereither [[Selective Obliviousness]] or [[Cloudcuckoolander|complete lack of understanding]] [[The Pollyanna|about how the real world works]], even when the evidence is right in front of her face. She got fired for browsing eBay instead of working, but she insists it's because the boss just didn't like her. In a more extreme example, another article has her talk about how a local magazine called her the worst columnist ever, and she proceeds to completely ignore the reasons they give ([[HypocriticalI Resemble That HumorRemark|which she demonstrates perfectly in that very article]]) and conclude that they can't handle her sassy, in-your-face style.
** ''[ Shitty Human Being Blames Decreased Daylight This Time]''.
** ''[ Clinton Already Working On Follow-Up Book Casting Blame For Failures Of First]''
* In ''[[Who Cut the Cheese?]]'' by Mason Brown, Cover successfully blames Duck for ruining a cheese depot.
== [[Live-Action TV]] ==
* A common variant that shows up in most crime dramas involves an escaped convict seeking revenge on the cop who arrested him, the lawyer who helped convict him or the witness who testified against him, as payback for landing him in jail. The criminal never accepts that it's their own fault for breaking the law in the first place. This attitude is sometimes, unfortunately, [[Truth in Television]].
* ''[[Only Fools and Horses]]'': The Trotters have a strong habit of blaming each other when things go pear-shaped. However, the person being blamed always calls the accuser out on it. One example of note, in one of the TV specials, quite similar to the Scrooge McDuck example above: after Cassandra kicks Rodney out for [[Not What It Looks Like|seemingly taking another woman out to the pictures]], Rodney worries that Cassandra's father is going to fire him, as he's left a message saying that there's something important they need to talk about. [[During the War|Uncle Albert tells one of his war stories]] about a stoker who was facing a court-martial and handed in his resignation. [[Karma Houdini|Because he was the only stoker on the ship, they had to refuse his resignation and cancel his court-martial]]. Rodney follows suit, thinking that Cassandra's father will turn down the resignation, since it's so close to Christmas and more orders are coming in. When Rodney meets him, it turns out he just wanted to talk about the extra workload. Then he finds Rodney's resignation and accepts it. Rodney blames Albert.
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* In season one of ''[[The Cosby Show]]'' Claire tries to cheer Rudy up by baking gingerbread. Claire then announces that it'll be a family project, even though Vanessa's mad at Rudy for bothering her when she was trying to do her homework, and Denise has better things to do. Rudy pours flour all over the floor. An argument erupts ending in Rudy running out of the house claiming that she's not a baby. Claire gets mad at the older girls and says that she hopes they're proud of themselves. She apparently forgot whose bright idea it was to force the gingerbread project on everyone in the first place.
* ''[[Mystery Science Theater 3000]]'': During Mike Nelson's tenure as the leading man, the bots frequently pulled this on Mike. Most notably when they persuade him (against his better judgment) destroy his eyelash mites with the nanites, then treat him as a glory-hungry [[General Ripper]] leading a Vietnam-like conflict when things go wrong, '''then'' berate him for how filthy his eyelashes get afterwards and ask why he wanted to get rid of the mites anyway. Not to mention the times the moments ended with Nelson [[Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds|blowing up planets]].
* ''[[Lois and Clark]]'': Humorously played with in the pilot episode, which sees Lois and Clark captured and tied up by the bad guys after Lois has pressured Clark into breaking into a suspicious warehouse. Lois angrily blames Clark for their current situation. Clark angrily points out that ''he's'' not the one who wanted to break into the warehouse in the first place. After a moment's pause, Lois realizes that he's right - and this triggers an outburst of self-pity about how her recklessness and competitiveness [[Freudian Excuse|all stems from her upbringing]], how her father never paid any attention to her and how she competes with everyone and sleeps with guys from work to compensate for her hidden insecurities, thus leading Clark to save their lives out of frustration with her [[Wangst|wangstingwangst]]ing as much as anything else.
** The hilarious bit comes when Clark just rolls his eyes at this and breaks the chains binding them. Even ''[[Superman]]'' couldn't stand listening to that.
* A running gag on ''[[Top Gear]]'' iswas that Jeremy Clarkson deniesdenied all responsibility for things that gowent wrong, blaming the others or claiming it was unintentional (e.g. "I may have accidentally put a cow on the roof of my car.")
* A subplot in an episode of ''[[The West Wing]]'' revolves around someone suing the President for making a remark about the safety of American cars, following which his wife was killed in an accident when she didn't wear a seatbelt. This inspires Sam to work on proposals for increased safety regulations for the auto industry, only for the President himself to shoot him down, pointing out that as much as he sympathises with the husband's loss and his need to find someone to blame, he can hardly be held responsible if someone chooses to use an off-the-cuff remark he made as an excuse to ignore common sense safety guidelines.
* Lois from ''[[Malcolm in the Middle]]'' is like this often. In one point she gets into an argument with a cop over whether she cut off another car or not and is given video proof that she did, yet still insists that the video is inaccurate. {{spoiler|It was, but she didn't need to know that.}}
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* In the ''[[Red Dwarf]]'' episode "Me^2", Rimmer is moving out of the sleeping quarters, and states his belief that without Lister holding him back he should finally be able to succeed. Lister lampshades this trope by calling Rimmer out on always pinning the blame for his lack of success on everything but himself.
* In an episode of ''[[Lizzie McGuire]]'', Matt and Lenny get left behind on a field trip. They flip a coin to decide whether to go back to school or spend a day on the town. When his parents confront him about not trying to get back to school, Matt claims that "I wanted to do the responsible thing. And I did, I did! Is it ''my'' fault that the ''penny'' told me to take the rest of the day off?"
* Lord Zedd pulls this off as early as his first appearance in ''[[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]]''. When Goldar apologizes for his loss (as the Rangers finally defeated the Piranhtishead Monster), Zedd snaps and blames Goldar, Squatt, and Baboo (the latter two had nothing to do with the episode) for the loss. He even blames Rita when their honeymoon goes sour when the Rangers are victorious.
* [[Guilt Complex|Believe it or not]], [[Doctor Who|The Doctor]] started off this way. He was the first to point fingers when things went kablooey, both when it was his fault and when no one was to blame. Notable examples include shouting at and insulting [[Kick the Dog|his own granddaughter]] when Barbara and Ian stumbled into the TARDIS and accusing the aforementioned ''humans'' of ''sabotaging the TARDIS''. Yeah, he was kind of a [[Jerkass]].
* Ricky in ''[[Trailer Park Boys]]'' is always saying this about the harm he's caused. Except for one time when it actually ''isn't'' his fault.
* In ''[[Smallville]]'' nothing is ever [[Lex Luthor]]'s fault. He'll blame his [[Archnemesis Dad|dad]], Clark, Lana, and anyone else he can before accepting that his slide into villainy is by his own choice. This is actually a fairly major part of his characterisation, and something that Clark calls him out on in the Season 7 finale. Major Zod exhibits similar traits; after {{spoiler|throttling his lover to death and thus killing his unborn son, he blames Clark, claiming that he made Faora betray him}}.
* In ''[[Black Books]]'' this is Bernard's default attitude. One episode involves around a quarrel between Bernard and Manny that isn't resolved until one of them has the strength to apologize:
{{quote| '''Manny:''' Bernard I'm sorry! It was my fault you toasted my hand!}}
== [[Music]] ==
== Music ==
* An early Straylight Run demo includes a track called "It's Everyone's Fault But Mine". Which, given its subject matter (the singer's estrangement from his old band, Taking Back Sunday), might be a fairly accurate title.
== [[Newspaper Comics]] ==
== Newspaper Comics ==
* At one point in ''[[Calvin and Hobbes]]'', Calvin blames Hobbes for breaking the battery case of a beanie, even though Calvin was the one who broke it. Played with in that after Hobbes calls him out on it, saying he had just been sitting there watching Calvin work when it snapped. Calvin then tearfully admits that he knows, and that having Hobbes take the blame will make him feel better.
** On top of that was Calvin's decision to not take part in elections when he's an adult, with the final reasoning of "It's easier to blame things than fix them."
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* Lucy from ''[[Peanuts]]'' is quick to blame others for things that were often her fault in the first place, the worst example of this being "It's Your First Kiss Charlie Brown" (see in [[Western Animation]], below).
== [[Radio]] ==
== Radio ==
* In one episode of ''[[I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue]]'', Jeremy Hardy makes a joke which could be seen as offensive. Tim Brooke-Taylor immediately follows it with the comment "That was Jeremy Hardy who said that..." Moments later, Tim makes a joke which is groaned by the audience and follows it, again, with "That was Jeremy Hardy who said that..."
** And in another episode, Tim makes a joke which gets a mixed reaction, before saying "Oh, you shouldn't say that. Shush, Jeremy." <ref> Part of the joke is that Jeremy is both younger and more 'alternative' than the regular cast, so he's more expected to make offensive jokes.</ref>
== Tabletop Games ==
* In ''[[Paranoia]]'', the mission debriefing tends to devolve into ''[[Blame Game|everyone]]'' [[Blame Game|doing this at once]].
== Theater[[Tabletop Games]] ==
* In ''[[Paranoia (game)|Paranoia]]'', the mission debriefing tends to devolve into ''[[Blame Game|everyone]]'' [[Blame Game|doing this at once]].
* [[Into the Woods]] has a song named [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|"Your Fault"]], which involves all the 'heroes' placing the blame for the [[Darker and Edgier]] second act on each other. ([ See here]). The witch proceeds to [[What the Hell, Hero?|call all of them out on their behaviour]] in a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|The Reason You Suck]] [ Song].
* ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'' 4e mostly failed (as in, drowned in maelstrom of retroclones and d20 OGL products) because... [ of the gamers who discussed D&D3.x!] If no one pointed out its bugs, and everyone just praised it, the developers and managers (who for their next number had ''voting on WotC site for specific isolated features one by one'') would ''surely'' get their concepts articulate and coherent - [ needless random mashing of terms from previous editions] and widely ridiculed gems like [ nonsensical arcade elements] or "[[CamelCase|GloomGloom]]" [[I Don't Like the Sound of That Place|naming scheme]] being, somehow, side effects of making the game non-optimizable (wait, who even said it could - much less should - be a ''good thing''?).
** In the same vein, [[Forgotten Realms]] was effectively erased and replaced with another setting under the same name, with some names borrowed (see the creativity problem above). This didn't roll well with most old fans, and surprise, this set heavily intersects with "the ones who ''have money to buy stuff''". Whose fault that could be?.. Cue the loud astroturfing (which touched even tvtropes) that shifted on Ed Greenwood blame for all and any stupid stunts that were ever done by TSR/Wizards/Hasbro editors to his novels<ref>''Spellfire'' was [[Executive Meddling|"trimmed"]] until the plot was [[Plot Hole|cut into disconnected pieces]]. Later he was told to fix their mess within specified word count - ''and then it was cut again, beyond their own limit''.</ref>, whole series of books<ref>Like [ characters being one-arc, except the few "prominent" ones].</ref> and Realms in general, often despite loud protests of himself and other authors, which all was publically clarified years ago. E.g. "signature characters" frog-marched in limelight to death and beyond - which is supposedly because [[Creator's Pet|Authors Luvs Them]], even though it was common knowledge in the fan circles for years that Ed consistently expresses desire to (and, as much as he can, ''does'') write about relatively "common" folk rather than Elminster; ditto for Ed cosplaying as Elminster at a convention (at TSR request). It's less clear with Salvatore, but the notion that [ Drizzt became his "albatross"] is generally accepted as feasible, too.
== [[Theatre]] ==
* ''[[Into the Woods]]'' has a song named [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|"Your Fault"]], which involves all the 'heroes' placing the blame for the [[Darker and Edgier]] second act on each other. ([ See here]). The witch proceeds to [[What the Hell, Hero?|call all of them out on their behaviour]] in a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|The Reason You Suck]] [ Song].
== [[Video Games]] ==
* Stross from ''[[Dead Space 2]]''. He was unintentionally responsible for the death of his wife, Alexis, and their son. Unable to accept it, the Marker slowly drives Stross more and more insane as time goes on, {{spoiler|eventually becoming [[Face Heel Turn|actively antagonistic]] and trying to kill Isaac and Ellie}}. It's not that Stross wants to hurt them, it's just that Stross wants someone, ''anyone'', to validate what he's seeing and tell him his family's deaths wasn't his fault, which is why he listens to what the symbols from the Marker are telling him.
* ''[[Dynasty Warriors|Dynasty Warriors 4]]''. Dong Zhuo's campaign. If Lu Bu defeats Diao Chan in the final act of the campaign. "Why did you take Diao Chan into battle. You are the one that killed Diao Chan!"
* ''[[Ace Attorney]]'' -- both—both humourously and seriously.
** In the third case of the first game, Gumshoe blames Phoenix for Edgeworth's state of depression. Maya aggressively counters "If he's depressed it's all your fault for doing sloppy detective work!" this leaves an embarrassed and humbled Gumshoe lost for words.
** Also played seriously in ''Trials and Tribulations'' in the final case of the game. {{spoiler|Godot blames Phoenix for Mia's death, despite the fact that there was nothing he could do to prevent it. Godot then blames Phoenix for Maya currently being in danger, when it was actually his plan (that he didn't tell Phoenix or Maya about) to save Maya that put her in that situation in the first place, also resulting in the death of her mother. At the end of the game, he did admit that it wasn't Phoenix's fault, and that he just needed someone to blame. [[We Could Have Avoided All This|He also admitted that if he had came to Phoenix in the first place, Misty Fay would still be alive]].}}
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* Professor Kuriakin in ''[[Fahrenheit (2005 video game)]]'' tells Lucas Kane that the Oracle must never kill directly. Instead, he possesses a random proxy to commit the murder.
* By the time of the final battle in [[Portal 2]], {{spoiler|Wheatley's incompetent management has left the Enrichment Centre on the brink of self-destruction. Wheatley rants at Chell for running off with Glados after he "reluctantly" assumed power, when in reality he jumped at the opportunity to take over and then tried to kill Chell and Glados. He even goes so far as to claim that there's nothing wrong with the facility, and all the alarms and warnings going off are just a conspiracy by the two of them trying to sabotage him, even as his lair starts to catch fire and the ceiling collapses around him.}}
* In most ''[[Super Mario (franchise)|Super Mario]]'' games that give him a voice, Bowser shifts the blame for his plans failing to his underlings or allies upon defeat. The most ludicrous case is ''[[Mario & Luigi: Dream Team]]'' when {{spoiler|he blames Antasma for his defeat when Bowser himself double-crossed him and threw him under the bus when he felt like [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|he didn't need him anymore]].}}
* ''[[Project Wingman]]'': The [[Final Boss]] keeps blaming those darn mercenary dogs for everything going wrong even after personally {{spoiler|unleashing [[Fantastic Nuke]]s in defiance of the just-signed ceasefire.}}
== Web Animation ==
* ''[[Homestar Runner]]'': In the Strong Bad Email "long pants," Strong Bad edits down a lengthy email into nothing like what it was originally (by ''drawing on his laptop's screen with a magic marker''), then blames the sender when Homestar appears wearing Daisy Dukes and later freaks out over [[Stylistic Self Parody|a remark]] regarding his [[Long Pants|apparent lack of pants]]. (And The Cheat for covering his screen in magic marker.)
{{quote| '''Original email''': "Why doesn't homestar ever wear pants? It's kind of creepy how he walks around with no pants on all the time. Anyway, I think you should get him some pants..."<br />
'''Edited email''': "Why wear pants? Creepy pants all the time get some..."<br />
''(later)''<br />
'''Strong Bad''': Noice work, Clanky. You made Homestar go nuts, and you've seriously creeped me out. And how am I supposed to get ''this'' crap offa here? Stupid... made-up technology... that I made up... paint pen... The Cheat! Call tech support and tell 'em you broke the Lappy again! }}
** Actually in the case of the Cheat, it might just be that the Cheat technically counts as a pet, and with all the crap that happens to Strong Bad's computers, saying "my pet did it again" is the only way to get service from tech support.
* Caboose from ''[[Red vs. Blue]]'' will often quip "Tucker did it" whenever something bad happens - regardless of who is actually to blame.
** He later fumbled a grenade toss, leading to this immortal exchange:
{{quote| '''Washington:''' That, was the worst throw. Ever. Of all time.<br />
'''Caboose:''' Not my fault. Someone put a wall in my way. }}
** Caboose once switches from gloating to this ''mid-sentence'' when things suddenly go south after he stops {{spoiler|Tex}} from [[Curb Stomp Battle|curb stomping]] the Reds and Tucker:
{{quote| '''Caboose''': I did it! I {{spoiler|beat up the girl}}! I--Not my fault! Not my fault! The computer made me touch it!}}
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* Mandark from ''[[Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi]]'' really can't bring himself to accept {{spoiler|that he killed Dee Dee}}. This being [[Dexter's Laboratory|Mandark]], he blames Dexter.
** Not quite true. {{spoiler|Mandark did blame himself for Dee Dee's death. However, he hates Dexter for [[Death Seeker|not avenging her by finishing him off when he had the chance]].}}
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** Silas Merlot is sentenced to work on Castle Heterodyne, a punishment reserved for particularly nasty criminals, after an incredibly lengthy situation involving indirectly killing someone important to Baron Wulfenbach's plans for running his empire, and later deliberately killing many, many people to hide the evidence of what they worked on. Since Agatha (who Merlot has despised as long as he's known her) was either at the center of, or even the specific subject of, every stage of the situation, Merlot decides that it's all her fault for being born in the first place.
** Gil Wulfenbach has a bit of trouble with this too; his part in the above situation was to defend himself. Unfortunately, "defending himself" meant swatting a bomb away, and more unfortunately, "away" meant "back at the guy who threw it, who was the one who was important to the Baron's plans". For the rest of the scene everyone shouts at Gil for killing Dr. Beetle, and Gil eventually gives up on impotently crying that Dr. Beetle threw a bomb at him.
* In ''[[Strays]]'', in [[Dreaming of Times Gone By|Meela's dreams]], after a [[Stalker with a Crush]] [ kills the mother, he sees the child and] -- ''blames him.''
* ''[[The Order of the Stick|Order of the Stick]]'': This is Miko Miyazaki's downfall; when [[Brought Down to Normal|the gods strip her of her powers]] for killing Lord Shojo, she refuses to believe it was her own fault and places the blame on a conspiracy by the Order.
** [[Start of Darkness]] posits that this is Redcloak's major flaw. If he admits that allying with Xykon — let alone making him a [[Our Liches Are Different|lich]] — was a mistake, then the deaths of all the goblins who aided him in executing "the Plan" will be on his shoulders. During [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] that Xykon delivers to Redcloak, Xykon bluntly states that Redcloak will never betray him because Xykon is Redcloak's excuse for his inexcusable deeds.
* Vriska from ''[[Homestuck]]''. She initiates a [[Cycle of Revenge]] that leaves three of her companions paralyzed from the waist down, blind, and dead, respectively, then she says the other trolls are jerks and weaklings for not wishing to associate with her anymore. She amasses large numbers of pointy dice which she scatters across her floor and never cleans up, and then she says it's [[Born Unlucky|just bad luck]] that she keeps stepping on them. It's only in {{spoiler|the last hours of her life}} that she admits to anyone else that there might be something wrong with her.
* Lark in [[Mike: Bookseller]] will blame anyone or anything to get out of trouble: "Lark, that's a cardboard display of [ Henry Winkler]".
* In ''[[Jack (webcomic)|Jack]]'', this is a consistent trait among the damned. None of them will ever admit full guilt in their actions; doing so is actually the first step in getting out of hell, which most of them simply can't take. This is one of the reasons why the damned can't stand angels; easier to blame and hate an authority figure who sent you to hell (even if they didn't) than admit you might actually deserve being where you are.
* In ''[[Dominic Deegan]]'', Siegfried's inability to admit guilt for his misdeeds is ultimately what keeps him {{spoiler|trapped in hell}}.
* Paul Christophoro, the instigator of the infamous [[Penny Arcade]] vs. Ocean Marketing fiasco is apparently suing the company that hired him to sell the controllers for [[Internet Counterattack|getting the entire internet after him and ruining his company]]. [[Insane Troll Logic|Apparently being a egomaniacal jerkass is the fault of the company who had nothing to do with anything past making the controllers.]]
== [[Western Animation]] ==
== Western Animation ==
* ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]''
** "Bart Star": Homer has a [[Flash Back]] to a floor gymnastics routine. Abe yells "You're gonna blow it" at him... and so he does, and Abe then gets mad at him. To add insult to injury, Abe's bitter condemnation to Homer -- immediatelyHomer—immediately after yelling this out -- areout—are "This is what I get for having faith in you."
*** Which is even sadder because Homer [[Hidden Depths|was doing really well]] up until that point.
** In the episode "Rosebud," Adolf Hitler blames losing [[World War II]] on ''a teddy bear''.
** Homer in full [[Jerkass/Western Animation|Jerkass]] mode always finds someone else to blame:
{{quote| '''Gabriel''': Homer, your problem is quite simple. You're a drunken, childish buffoon.<br />
'''Homer''': Which is society's fault because... }}
** And who can forget when Homer tried to back out of donating a kidney to his dad (whose kidneys Homer was responsible for damaging):
{{quote| '''Homer''': Oh, but I don't want them cutting up my soft, supple body! Why didn't someone tell me what I was volunteering for? This is everybody's fault but mine!}}
** Sideshow Bob gives a slight variant in "Funeral for a Fiend"
{{quote| '''Bob''': I did try to kill the Simpsons. I really did. But I would like to plead not guilty, on the grounds of insanity. Insanity, caused by my persecution, at the hands of *Points at Bart* [[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!|this- young- BOY!]]}}
* ''[[Thomas the Tank Engine]]'' frequently shows railwaymen screwing up, causing no end of crashes and delays. But of course, the engines will nearly always be blamed for it. In ''Thomas Comes To Breakfast'', Thomas crashed through the station master's house because a cleaner had fiddled with his controls but the Fat Controller still chewed Thomas out for it. Also in the episode ''One Good Turn'' everyone blames Bill and Ben for the incident with the turntable, when the narrator very clearly said that it was the foreman's mistake.
* ''[[The Spectacular Spider-Man]]''
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* ''[[Spider-Man: The New Animated Series]]'' has it's fair share (this being a Spider-Man cartoon and all). In the second episode, when Kingpin tricks Spidey into stealing a very important chip, Peter is kidnapped by an FBI agent who interrogates him, and confiscates a video tape of a science lesson that Peter recorded for Mary-Jane, accusing Peter of being involved in Bio warfare. The agent later calls Peter and berates him for wasting time giving him the tape.
* ''[[Danny Phantom]]'' - Valerie in the [[Chained Heat]] episode, though at least Danny has the nerve to call her out on it:
{{quote| '''Valerie''': This is all your fault!<br />
'''Danny''': Right, 'cause ''clearly'' [[The Hunter|the maniac]] who cuffed us and dragged us in here didn't have anything to do with it! }}
* ''[[Gargoyles]]'' - Used for much more serious effect [[Ironic Echo|twice in identical instances]] with two different characters, [[Not So Different|Demona and Jon Canmore]], as each realized the full scope of the consequences of their actions:
{{quote| "[[My God, What Have I Done?|What have I]]--what have '''they''' done to you?!"}}
* Done seriously in ''[[Transformers Animated]]'': Sentinel Prime hates Optimus Prime because {{spoiler|Optimus was unable to save Elita-1 from the [[Giant Spider|giant spiders]] on an alien planet, even though it was ''Sentinel's idea'' to go to the planet and search for the energon that made the spiders huge in the first place.}} What a [[Jerkass]].
* ''[[Futurama]]'' does this from time to time, but most memorably after Leela is blinded, she crashes the Planet Express ship through the roof of the building. Hermes, having seen everything, turns to Zoidberg and says: "That's coming out of YOUR pay." Zoidberg is reduced to tears. Of course, this is normal for the show, as Zoidberg is the primary [[Butt Monkey]].
** Also done by Zapp Brannigan, usually blaming his [[Egregious]] mistakes on Kif, his beleaguered lieutenant.
{{quote| '''Zapp Brannigan''': Prepare to take the blame in 3, 2, 1...<br />
'''Kif''': Aaah! }}
* In an episode of ''[[House of Mouse]]'', Donald offers to give Mickey the money he needs to pay the club's rent if he'll let Daisy do an act tonight. Mickey reluctantly accepts the offer, but after Donald reveals to Daisy that he paid Mickey to put her on stage, she declines, saying she wanted to get her act because she would be good at it, not out of monetary reasons. As she walks out, Donald complains to Mickey, "Now see what ya did?"
* The ''[[Buzz Lightyear of Star Command]]'' episode "Plasma Monster" has Mira and XR building a really big gun, which they then use to shoot a laser at the monster of the episode's title. The conversation that follows:
{{quote| '''Mira''': Hate to pat myself on the back, but how about that laser shot?<br />
'''XR''': We fried that monster but good! Ha ha!<br />
'''Petra''': You idiot! That monster is my boyfriend! ''(pushes XR down)''<br />
'''XR''': ''(to Mira)'' You idiot! That monster was her boyfriend! }}
** Similarly, ''[[Toy Story (franchise)|Toy Story]] 3'' has Jessie admit to Woody that the toys were wrong not to believe him. When she says that she was wrong specifically, Mr. Potato Head adds, "Jessie's right, Woody. She ''was'' wrong!"
* ''[[Family Guy]]'': Brian notes that Peter is a terrible liar. The scene then cuts to Peter and one other man in an elevator. Peter farts. The other man looks at him. Peter's remark? "Um... That was you."
** Though Meg [[Mis BlamedMisblamed|was already blaming Chris]], Peter, mistaking the blame to be directed for having to relocate towards him, also blames Chris... even though it was Peter's fault in the first place for [[The Millstone|revealing Chris' identity to the crook who wanted him dead]].
** After hitting Brian with his car:
{{quote| '''Peter''': I know we're not here to place blame or beat ourselves up, but I can't help feeling like this is somehow Meg's fault. }}
** Stewie frequently meddles into Brian's attempts at finding women and gives him bad advice. When it inevitably fails and Brian confronts him, Stewie will always accuse ''him'' of trying to blame his incompetanceincompetence on others.
*** Not that Brian isn't capable of doing this on his own, such as cheating on Rita, his (older) fiancee, with a hot young thing, then saying he just needed one last fling before settling down with her. She doesn't buy it.
* ''[[Codename: Kids Next Door]]'': This was Numbuh 86's beef in her introduction episode, going hand in hand with her [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]] and [[Straw Feminist]] persona. She constantly blames Sector V for everything going wrong in the mission despite the fact it was her overzealousness that hampered their efforts. Thankfully karma stepped in at the end of the episode when she finds out she inadvertently screwed up an undercover mission of another operative (A ''girl'' operative at that, and one of the highest ranking ones) and harshly gets chewed out for it.
* The ''[[Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends]]'' episode "Eddie Monster," in which Eduardo runs away, needs to be listed, because in it, Bloo refuses to accept that it's actually his fault Eduardo ran away, and instead blames the others for it. Even at the end of the episode, he tells the big guy that "I am very sorry for all the mean things... that all the others said about you."
* Lucius on ''[[Jimmy Two-Shoes]]'' once destroyed every washroom in Miseryville to torment Jimmy...[[Didn't Think This Through|including his own]]. He immediately hands the detonator he used to [[Butt Monkey|Samy]] and says "Look what you've done!"
* On ''[[South Park]]'', [[Butt Monkey|Butters]] is used to being a scapegoat.
{{quote| '''Butters''': It's great, you get to throw rocks at cars and if the driver gets angry, you blame me."}}
** Also done in [[The Movie]], as the end of the song "Blame Canada" has the line ''We must blame them and cause a fuss/before somebody thinks of blaming us!'' due to them allowing their children to go see a movie with foul language, vulgar jokes, and various other things and blaming Canada for it instead of themselves.
** In another episode, the parents are angry that the school is not teaching children about sex, something that is usually the responsibility of parents. Of course, at the end of the episode, they get called out on that by Chef, as the teachers they pick to explain are Mr. Mackey (who hasn't had sex in decades), Ms. Choksondik (who [[Does Not Like Men]] and thinks [[Sex Is Evil]]), and Mr. Garrison (nowho explanationis necessaryhomosexual and into BDSM).
** Butters is often a scapegoat for ''his own parents''. In one episode, Butters is grounded because his dad mistakenly put Hamburger Helper in his coffee.
* ''[[Justice League]]'': The Atom is battling a (relatively) large nano-machine, and blames it on his assistant.
{{quote| '''The Atom''': He's bigger than my car now, Katie. Personally, I blame you.<br />
'''Katie''': How can it ''possibly'' be my fault?<br />
'''The Atom''': Because otherwise it would be my fault. That can't be right. I'm a professor. }}
* Lucy in ''[[Peanuts]]''. In the animated special ''It's Your First Kiss, Charlie Brown'', she pulls the football from Charlie Brown in an actual football game with a game-deciding last-second field goal on the line, and then later (with Peppermint Patty) blames him for missing. (It should be noted that Charlie Brown himself [[It's All My Fault|feels let down]] by this miss, even though it clearly wasn't his fault).
* Played very darkly in the [[Disney Animated Canon|Disney]] animated movie ''[[The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney film)|The Hunchback of Notre Dame]]'':
** Frollo, a pious, merciless man, develops an obsession with the gypsy Esmeralda, rationalizing his lust by claiming ''she'' seducedenchanted him. All she did was flirt with him a little during her dance.
{{quote| '''Frollo''': It's not my fault! / I'm not to blame! / It is the gypsy girl, the witch who sent this flame!}}
** Frollo also chases a woman through the city on his horse because he thinks the bundle she's carrying is stolen property, only to unintentionally kill her in front of Notre Dame; his excuse to the Archdeacon is that wouldn't have happened if she hadn't run from him in the first place. He also orders his men to burn down a home, ''with an innocent family still inside'', with the excuse that they were harboring gypsies (despite the only "proof" being that someone had found a gypsy emblem on their property).
* ''[[Fanboy and Chum Chum]]'': Boog and Lenny blame Fanboy and Chum Chum in "Monster in the Mist" for pretending they were the eponymous monster, when in fact it was Boog and Lenny's impaired vision that made them see it. Lenny could be forgiven, though, since his eyesight was handicapped by them.
* Done by [[Goofy]] of all characters in ''[[A Goofy Movie]]''. When their car starts rolling down the mountain he blames Max for both the car running away, (Goofy should have put the brakes on) and the door being locked. Max retorts that the locked door was on Goofy's side. Goofy then blames Max for distracting him and tells Max he should have put the brakes on himself, then he accidentally breaks it. Max use that to show that Goofy "ruin everything". Then Goofy blames Max for "ruining the vacation". Then Max told him he never even wanted to come and should have just let him stay home. The argument ends with Goofy saying all he wanted was to spend time with him and doesn't want them to become any more distant.
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* Governor Ratcliffe from ''[[Pocahontas]]'' who blames the Native Americans for not finding any gold and John Smith for [[Taking the Bullet]].
* In ''[[Moral Orel]]'', Clay Puppington practically lives by shifting blame. In one episode, he teaches Orel the same (thankfully, Orel didn't keep that lesson for long). Orel counsels Principal Fakey to do the same, regarding Fakey's infidelity. This extends to claiming he's been faithful and accusing his wife of cheating on him and giving him gonorrhea, while he's having sex with the woman who gave the disease, as she tells him it's not that bad. He then states there's no decency in the world and goes home from school to throw her out. With his pants around his ankles the whole way.
* [[Recess]]: Dr. Phillium Benedict blames Principal Prickly for losing his job and his girlfriend. In truth, he lost his job and his girlfriend because he attempted to abolish Recess. Unfortunately, he didn't learn a lesson from that and he later became Secretary of Education so that he could abolish recess nation-wide. The president fired him for doing so.
** When his head scientist fails to move the moon to the position that the former principal wanted it to go, Benedict blames everything on him, even though he could have chosen a location that had more electricity to power up the beam in the first place. Though in his defense, Third Street Elemtnary was the ''last'' place that people would look for the stolen laser (and the police are apparently incompetent).
== [[Real Life]] ==
* [[Truth in Television|If you don't know anyone with a habit of shifting blame, then you probably do it yourself]]. And at the same time, if you accuse ''everyone'' in your life of shifting blame, you probably do it yourself. [[Hypocritical Humor|And if you didn't want to know this unsavoury tidbit about yourself, then it's your own damn fault for reading this page.]]
== Real Life ==
** As famous existentialist [[Jean-Paul Sartre]] once remarked, an individual who only blames others for his failures can never be truly free, because he never accepts responsibility for his own actions.
* [[Truth in Television|If you don't know anyone with a habit of shifting blame, then you probably do it yourself]].
* According to [[Peloponnesian War|Thucydides]], the Athenian democracy was like this. Generals who survived a failed expedition were often [[You Have Failed Me...|put to death]] by democratic vote, despite the fact that the people had voted for the expedition and it was obviously not the generals' fault.
** And at the same time, if you accuse ''everyone'' in your life of shifting blame, you probably do it yourself.
*** [[Hypocritical Humor|And if you didn't want to know this unsavoury tidbit about yourself then it's your own damn fault for reading this page.]]
** As famous existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre once remarked, an individual who only blames others for his failures can never be truly free because he never accepts responsibility for his own actions.
* According to [[Peloponnesian War|Thucydides]], the Athenian democracy was like this. Generals who survived a failed expedition were often [[You Have Failed Me|put to death]] by democratic vote, despite the fact that the people had voted for the expedition and it was obviously not the generals' fault.
* Psychologists call this the [[wikipedia:Fundamental attribution error|fundamental attribution error]].
* A lot of politics can be seen like this, depending on how cynical you are. Politics is, in a lot of ways, a popularity contest. If you plan on moving up the political ladder, you need to try and keep something of a clean record. When a large political blunder occurs (like the current{{when}} debt crisis), there tends to be a lot of shuffling blame to avoid being the ones with egg on their faces when it's time for re-election season.
* Actually a very common argument many convicts make to justify their crimes. Most people who watch enough crime documenteriesdocumentaries can list at least one criminal who for either [[Lack of Empathy]] or desire to eventually be proven innocent blames other people.
* This is basically how the chocolate companies try to justify doing little or nothing to help the many child slaves that gather cocoa. They claim they have no control over the cocoa farms they buy from, when they could just stop buying from said farms and/or spend some of the billions they have to help those children.
* Entire ''governments'' can play this game with other countries, such as in "Operation Paul Bunyan". Two US soldiers were attacked by around 40 North Korean soldiers. North Korea then claimed that the Americans attacked them.
* The list of people and organizations blamed for [[Hillary Rodham Clinton]] losing the election in 2016 continued to grow for [ more than six months]. It does include most of her supporters, but not herself.
* The Japanese have yet to ''properly'' apologize for [[WWII]], angering China and especially South Korea and making the relations between the countries bitter.
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