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* [[The Rolling Stones|"Sympathy For The Devil"]] really doesn't portray him very sympathetically at all.
* Intestinal Disgorge's "I'm Going To Fuck Your Kid." They even acknowledge this partway through:
{{quote| This song has nothing to do with fucking kids, by the way...}}
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
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** Although the Chrono Trigger item is relatively insignificant, the description that's given to it ("It is pure potential. By unleashing a specific course of events, it can have a powerful effect on time...It represents a possibility, it may or may not hatch.") applies equally well to the party, meaning that the time travelers themselves are a kind of Chrono Trigger. It gets a little meta.
** Speaking of misleading titles in ''[[Chrono Cross]]'', one would not expect a song called [[Wangst|Scars of Time]] to be so damn [[Crowning Music of Awesome|funky]]!
* ''~[[Plumbers Don't Wear Ties~]]''. In one scene early on in the "game", John is seen playing air guitar with a plunger while wearing a tie.
* ''[[Metroid Prime]] Hunters'' does not involve Metroids or any incarnation of Metroid Prime at all. It includes creatures that attack in a similar manner to Metroids, but not Metroids themselves. (Though the demo version, ''First Hunt'', that was included with DS systems at launch, did include Metroids.)
* ''[[The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind]]'' - The eponymous scrolls get one mention in the game itself, and it's also the fifth game in the series...