Never Trust a Trailer/Live-Action TV: Difference between revisions

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** And in the trailer for the seventh season finale, Meredith walks in on a cleaned-out bedroom after having a fight with Derek, during which he said he couldn't live with someone who'd {{spoiler|screwed up his Alzheimer's trial}}. In the actual episode, the room isn't even Derek's, and Meredith actually asked that character to move out earlier in the episode.
* Happens far too often on ''[[House (TV series)|House]]''. For example, the trailer for an episode during the Tritter arc had the following exchange:
{{quote| '''House''': This test isn't exactly FDA-approved.<br />
'''Wilson''': You committed a crime! Do something! }}
** The reality, however, was more like this (somewhat paraphrased):
{{quote| '''House''': This test isn't exactly FDA-approved. [the test goes exactly as planned with no ill effects]<br />
'''House''': [much later] Hey, Wilson, Tritter is still bugging me about my drug habits, which, [[As You Know]], I did some illegal stuff to support.<br />
'''Wilson''': You committed a crime! Do something!<br />
'''House''': I don't wanna, cause I'm a [[Jerkass]]. }}
** Also, the [ trailer] for the season 5 ep. Lucky Thirteen made Thirteen's sex scene look way hotter than it was
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*** This trope has been so overdone for House, anytime you see House getting "some" in a trailer it would be safe to assume shenanigans.
** The recent episode with the suicidal author had this exchange:
{{quote| '''Author''': You really think I believe you're going to help me commit suicide?<br />
'''House''': I'm giving you a choice.<br />
Turns out, he was just trying to prove that she was still suicidal to extend her psychiatric watch. }}
** The ad for the sixth season, showed Cuddy with House's voice saying that ''she had said yes, but he heard no'' which could be seen as that House had proposed to Cuddy and she had said yes. {{spoiler|Turns out that he was talking to Wilson about how Cuddy had given him permission for an insane treatment on his patient and House was having second thoughts about it}}.
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* Newer ''[[How I Met Your Mother]]'' trailers in Germany feature only various scenes of Barney, letting it appear as if he were the main character.
* ''[[Top Gear]]'' plays with this, especially since season 3. Their previews are not only useless, but also mislead on what the episodes actually mean.
{{quote| ...Hammond falls on a valley...}}
** Top Gear Season 16 had a preview which went, "Tonight! I wear a hat! Richard wears a hat! And James! Wears a hat!". And true to their word, they all did!
* ''Glee'' does this a lot by leaking songs for the upcoming episodes...reading too much into the lyrics and what they may or may not indicate about your favorite couple is not advised.