New Media Tropes: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''But shouldn't he also have [[The Nth Doctor|ten]] different [[Face BookFacebook|facebooks]]? And maybe a my(time and relative dimensions in)space page as well?''|[[Live Journal]] comment about [[Doctor Who|The Doctor]] and new media}}
"New media" for our purposes means computers, the Internet, and everything on them: blogs, podcasts, machinima, online collaborative fics (see: ''[[Orions Arm]]''), games, and - since we are here - wikis.
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Other New Media Tropes and definitions:
* [[Access]]
* [[Animutation (Web Animation)|Animutation]]
* [[ASCII Art]]
* [[BB Code]]
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** [[Play-By-Post Games]]
* [[419 Scam]]
* [[Fun Withwith Autocensors]]
* [[Genius Programming (Sugar Wiki)|Genius Programming]]
* [[Godwin's Law]]