  • Complete Monster: The reptilian beings refered in some of their songs apparently fall under this trope.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Karl Sanders interviews happen to be really cool, the best one probably where he told the interviewer about how he made an entire afroamerican gospel choir sing Die Rach Krieg Leid der Assryche.
    • For one of his solo albums, Karl Sanders "quoted" the book "Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten," which, if you know your Cthulhu Mythos, is sort of like a German version of the Necronomicon, and much like said tome, does not actually exist. Mr. Sanders decided that since the various authors in the circle such as Robert E. Howard, Derleth, and Lovecraft all freely used self made references to the same fictitious books to make readers think they were actually real, that he should try doing the same. It ended up working better than he thought it would, as he received a sudden rash of e-mails wanting to know where he had found a copy of the book. When he told the e-mailers that the book wasn't real and that he had invented the "quotes," they simply became convinced that he was lying to them, and that he was "keeping the dreaded, "legendary" tome to [himself]."
  • Face of the Band : Karl Sanders. He's the only member of the band that's been around since the inception. He also writes about 80% of the music, and about 99.9% of the lyrics (Dallas wrote the lyrics to one song). Unusually though, he is not the frontman, and is quite comfortable letting the other members take the main spotlight onstage.
  • Narm: "Unas Slayer of the Gods" has a quite narmy spoken word section, to wit:

Unas hath taken possession of the hearts of the gods!
Uuuunaaaas feedeth on their entrails!!
He hath gorged on their unuttered sacred words!!!
He hath ASSIMILATED the WISDOM of the GODS!!!!

    • In Karl Sanders' first solo album, there is a section in "The Forbidden Path Across the Chasm of Self-Realization" that makes the above sound completely serious:

I am that which hath becommmme,
Omnipotent, eTERnal, mmmboundless.
Theeee immutable principle upon which aaaaall speculation is possible;
The tranSCENDing fowace of human conception.
I become as beyond the range and reach of thought;
UnthinkAble and unspeakAble.
I become my OOOOWN absolute reality.
For I am all that shall ever be,
And all that ever was.