Nippon Ichi: Difference between revisions

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* [[Cut-In]]
* [[Everything Fades]]: Applies in all games except ''Phantom Brave.'' In that one, piles of corpses may impede movement or targeting. A moderate amount of damage applied to the corpse will remove it. You could also simply [[Grievous Harm With a Body|use them]] as a weapon, stepping stool, distraction, etc etc.
* [[Extended Gameplay]]: By the bucket, even if you do generally have to start a [[New Game Plus+]] at least once to get at some of it.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: Common result of obeying One Stat To Rule Them All. The Magic-based classes typically fall into this trope.
* [[Hub Level]]: Games that don't use a world map typically have one of these. ''[[Phantom Brave]]'' combines the two.
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* [[Mana]]: Mana in Nippon Ichi games is different from how it's handled in other similar games. There is indeed a secondary bar called "SP" which drains as you use special abilities, but Mana is a separate statistic from that. It's usually generated from defeating opponents (depending on the game) and is a measure of how much hidden power or potential a character may have. In the ''Disgaea'' games, this means you can ask for different things from the Dark Assembly. In ''[[Cla Dun]]'' it's how many slots a character gives you for upgrade items. In ''Phantom Brave,'' mana is used to gain new skills on weapons and fuse them to make them stronger.
* [[Monster Allies]]: From the very beginning, monsters can join the party.
* [[New Game Plus+]]
* [[Nonstandard Game Over]]
* [[One Stat to Rule Them All]]: Because of how damage is calculated, defense becomes increasingly useless as attack power increases. At high levels, the most viable strategy is to pump your attack stat (usually ATK or INT) as high as possible and just blitz the enemy in a one-turn do-or-die attack. In [[Phantom Brave]], Speed can claim a tie or even a solo first if used as the attack stat.
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* [[Defeat Means Friendship]]
* [[The Ditz]]: Usually as a foil for the [[Deadpan Snarker]].
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]]: Asagi... maybe, kinda. To elaborate -- Asagi was a demo character used to test out one of the games's engines (the persistent rumor is that she was supposed to be the main character of the canceled ''Makai Wars'' for the PSP), but the developers liked her so much that they kept her around as a cameo in other games. She usually [[Painting the Fourth Wall|bemoans the fact that she doesn't have her own game yet]] and tries to [[Hostile Show Takeover|take your game for her own.]] So she's an Early Bird Cameo for a game that hasn't been made yet.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Seedle, Drazil, and Super Hero Aurum all get lectures like this.
* [[Everything Is Better With Penguins]]: Prinnies have been a Nippon Ichi staple since Disgaea, [[Verbal Tic|dood]].
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* [[The Stinger]]
* [[Stripperiffic]]: Many, but the sexytype monsters (drawn by the artist of the Marl series instead of the Disgaea artist) take the cake. Not to be outdone, the Disgaea artist has drawn nudist green flower-<s>girls</s>[[Dropped a Bridget On Him|guys]] and warrior women wearing a pair of belts as a tube top.
** Lampshaded in Disgaea 2, where said flower-man's name is [[Shout -Out|'BRID]][[Guilty Gear|GET.']]
** Not to mention that only a handful of the ''male'' characters actually cover their chest.
* [[Superhero]]: The Prism Rangers, [[Superhero]] Aurum, and the newest, Absolute Victory Unlosing Ranger, Star of Z.H.P.[yada yadda].