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** Although, with ''Macross Frontier'', its incredible popularity works against it. Even if all the parties to the legal morass were to agree to let it get licensed ''at all'', it would cost any licensor (especially an American one) several appendages and probably a few internal organs to get it, and that's before having to deal with Harmony Gold and their notorious price-gouging.
** It's gotten so bad that some people with dogs in the fight have said that it could be that ''nobody'' knows who has international rights for some bits of the ''Macross'' franchise, particularly "Do You Remember Love?"
*** Robert Woodhead, [[Anim EigoAnimEigo]]'s CEO, once said he does not expect to ever see a legal US release of ''Do You Remember Love'' because of the titanic, multi-side battle (yep it's not just Harmony Gold who's in the way, but apparently Shogakukan, Toho and a few others who have some sort of interest in the film).
** As noted above, it's not specifically a ''Macross'' problem; it's an industry-wide phenomenon. ''Macross'' just takes the cake for being ensnarled not only inside Japan, but ''outside'' of it too.
*** For those readers who want to know how Harmony Gold (an American company) fits into the Japanese legal snarl, you can thank some nameless, dense California judge. Harmony Gold created the Frankenstein's monster that is ''[[Robotech]]'' (see its entry), and as the legal battles over international rights heated up in Japan, they got involved to try and keep from losing the series. The judge granted Harmony Gold not only exclusive control of the international distribution of the original Macross, but also inexplicably gave them ''permanent'' rights to license and distribute every Macross-related series that ''will ever exist''. In other words, HG holds the copyright on Macross outside Japan and there's nothing the original creators can do about it except just refuse to license it out (which is exactly what they do) as a middle finger to Harmony Gold.
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** However, it is worth noting that ''[[Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure]]'' did relatively well in America, it being eight volumes long and having a fairly engaging plot outside the games it was based on, making it a bit of an [[Ensemble Darkhorse]] in the Pokemon fandom. Also, the manga based on the anime movies also continue to sell.
** However, ''[[Pokémon Special]]'' has had its annoying run with this trope. Its initial run in America didn't go too well as the volumes were overpriced during a non-friendly manga age, leading it to being canceled after 7 volumes. Years later, the manga was re-released in America with a more reasonable price tag, [[And the Fandom Rejoiced]] when it went the GS arc reached American shores for the first time...and then the fandom cried when Viz announced that they had no plans to release the third generation arcs. The fourth and fifth gen arcs have been skipped ahead to, meaning many plot holes and spoilers are sure to come for any new readers.
* Are you a ''[[Ranma One Half½]]'' fan? Living in the UK? Sucks to be you, doesn't it. The Manga is available, but the licence holder for the Anime is [[MVM Entertainment]] and the only thing they carry is the two movies.
** If you like ''any'' anime series and live in the UK, the chances are it sucks to be you.
* Are you a North American fan of ''[[Urusei Yatsura]]''? Want to read the manga beyond the first couple dozen chapters (or unflipped at all)? Too bad. Viz never put out a 2nd edition of the manga - the only one of Takahashi's RomComs to be dropped before completion.