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Some movies will feature similarly neutered explosives; rather than killing people in the blast radius, they transform people into stuntmen who are then pulled into the air by cables while going "Aiiieee!" Often it's possible to survive such a device even if standing a few feet from the detonation point.
A similar behaviour can be seen in many video games, where fragmentation grenades typically have an incredibly small blast radius after which the lethal wall of burning-hot shrapnel they create simply vanishes. Some games (mainly multiplayer ones) even allow players to survive grenades going off right in their faces or even direct hits from rockets -- albeitrockets—albeit just barely -- asbarely—as a way to prevent explosives from being [[Game Breaker|Game Breakers]]s. It goes even further in games where [[Made of Explodium|every enemy and object dies with an explosion]] and where [[Chain-Reaction Destruction]] phenomenon is common as the explosions caused in that manner are outright harmless.
Often a source of [[Amusing Injuries]]. Compare to the truly hideous example which lies in many [[Real Time Strategy]] video games, known affectionately (or not-so-affectionately) as the [[Slap-On-The-Wrist Nuke]].
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** But played straight with [[Samuel L. Jackson]] 's character in one of the earliest scenes.
* Of all places, ''[[Sin City]]'' had one in a short back-up story featuring [[Those Two Bad Guys|Shlubb and Klump]]. Their task was to dispose of a dead body that was revealed to be a dummy filled with explosives. It was a [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|message]] from the various mob bosses they continually disappoint. Despite the violent nature of the comic, that particular story ended with the two bad guys in [[Ash Face]] and [[Amusing Injuries]] as opposed to a more relaistic result.
* In ''[[Over the Hedge (animation)|Over the Hedge]]'', the De-Pelter Turbo causes what looks like a huge explosion, but the result is merely removing the hair from the animal it has trapped (if that -- Dwaynethat—Dwayne gets out of it with his comb-over intact).
* Happens (in a notably funny situation) in ''[[Jingle All the Way]]''. What makes this example even more [[Egregious]] is that the characters milk the living hell out of how dangerous the bombs are before a camera cut simply shows everyone covered in soot, including the officer who directly ripped it open.
* ''[[Mousehunt (film)|Mousehunt]]'': Ernie and Lars are both blown up by the mouse ''twice'' (the first time, Ernie is ''blasted from a chimney and into a nearby lake'') but luckily, they only have some soot on their faces and shredded clothes to worry about.
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** One fan explanation has this "explosion" as a burst of heat and light that the Pokémon emits in a big burst before fainting from the exertion.
** Unless you're playing by the recently-popularized [[Final Death|Nuzlocke]] rules, in which case, [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|yes, you just ordered your trusted friend and ally to make a]] [[Taking You with Me]]. And they'll do it, too. [[Video Game Caring Potential|Because they love you]]. [[Jerkass|Even if you]] [[Moral Event Horizon|don't deserve it]].
** In the [[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]] anime, Team Rocket sometimes threw bombs at Ash and company -- ifcompany—if it was a critical hit they would have nothing more than an [[Ash Face]] and temporary [[Clothing Damage]], and if Team Rocket was hit by them, it just sent them [[Once an Episode|blasting off again]].
* This is pretty much the entire schtick of Bob-ombs in ''[[Super Mario Bros.]]'', one way or another. While Mario can often survive their explosions when they're his enemies, heroic Bob-omb allies in the ''[[Paper Mario (franchise)|Paper Mario]]'' series all have the ability to blow up without suffering any harm to themselves at all.
* The blast mask from ''[[The Legend of Zelda]]: [[Majoras Mask]]'', which is essentially a reusable bomb that you ''[[Violation of Common Sense|strap to your face]]!'' Somehow, raising your shield protects you from harm.
