Non-Mammal Mammaries: Difference between revisions

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[[File:ednafuturama_crop.jpg|link=Futurama (Animation)|rightframe|<small>[[Hand Wave|They're not breasts! They're eggsacs!]]</small> ]]
{{quote|''"I dunno, there's something about the combination of beaks and feathers with some distinctly, er, mammalian characteristics that just utterly [[Squick|squicks]] me out."''|'''[ The Comics Curmudgeon]''', in reference to the comic strip ''[[Shoe]]''}}
{{quote|''"Blimey! Fish from space have never been so... buxom."''|'''[[Doctor Who (TV)|The Doctor]]''', "The Vampires of Venice"}}
Look closely at a female reptile, a female amphibian, a female bird, a female fish, a female insect, or most non-primate mammals. You'll doubtless notice the lack of a particular characteristic that is common to female humans.
Most animals do not have human-like breasts at all, even if they fall into the category "mammal". Artists tend to oversize the mammaries of characters that do have them or put them in places where they don't belong. Compare the bellies of a male and female dog, or even the chest of ''a female gorilla,'' and you won't find much difference unless she's recently given birth to a litter and is nursing young (that's about the only time she will ''ever'' have any vague semblance of what we call "breasts" on humans). Both the size and position of human breasts are likely [http://en.[ selection in human evolution#Human_anatomyHuman anatomy|the results of bipedalism]]-- or more likely, the longer infancy-period of humans in relation to other animals (see "female gorilla," above).
Prominent breasts, or lack thereof, is one of the simplest instinctive [[Rule of Perception|visual cues]] [[Most Writers Are Human|for hominids]]. Giving all female animals big boobs, or at least a body shape that mimics them, allows for distinction between the sexes without adding [[Tertiary Sexual Characteristics|glaringly obvious costume tags]], a wasp waist, or the more [[Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism|bizarre gender-specific characteristics in some other animals]]. Another reason for large boobs on [[Humanoid Animals]] is of course [[Fan Service]].
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* ''[[The Mighty Ducks (Animation)|The Mighty Ducks]]'' series has three prominent examples of this, with Mallory, Tanya, and Lucretia. All of them, are female, anthropomorphic, alien ducks.
* Daisy Duck of all characters, was given cleavage for the ''[[Quack Pack (Animation)|Quack Pack]]'' series. Of course, her character was also completely redesigned into a [[Hot Scoop|sassy, female reporter-type]] as well.
* ''[[Regular Show]]'' has Margaret the cardinal. In her first appearance, she's showing [[Side BoobSideboob]], and in her second (which was part of a brief dream), she has on a [[Seashell Bra]].
* Several original female duck characters on the cartoon ''[[Duck Tales]]''. One of the stand outs being Featherika Von Strangeduck in the episode "Hotel Strangeduck."
* ''[[The Penguins of Madagascar]]'' episode "Miss Understanding" has Skipper thinking he's a female due to a misreading of a DNA test result. During a few scenes showing how his new gender identity causes confusion during missions, the boys go for the chest bump after a successful completion but Skipper and Rico are both uncomfortable with that due to Skipper's newfound (and nonexistent) female features. Notwithstanding that they're BIRDS and don't have mammaries to begin with (or that Skipper really ISN'T a female anyway).
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== Literature ==
* The Khepri of ''[[Perdido Street Station]]'', though they are more along the lines of [[Mix -and -Match Critters|women with scarabs for heads]].
** [[Fridge Logic]] still means this trope applies, as infant khepri probably wouldn't be able to nurse with insectile mouthparts, so their humanoid bodies' breasts have no purpose aside from [[Fetish Fuel]].
* The ''Shadows of the Apt'' series by Adrian Tchaikovsky has all of its' main characters as some form of insectoid; Beetle-kinden, Ant-kinden, Spider-kinden, Dragonfly-kinden, Moth-kinden, and so on. Whilst they are humanoid in appearance, they are still definitely insects by their own admission. And yet the females have breasts. Also, Adrian (briefly) studied zoology at university.
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== Live-Action TV ==
* Chantho, the blue humanoid grasshopper girl in the ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' episode "Utopia". She can [[Squick|feed off her own milk]] with [[Bizarre Alien Biology|some sort of internal feeding system]], too.
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== Literature ==
* Averted by the Mardukans of John Ringo's ''[[Prince Roger]]'' series. Mardukans are amphibian humanoids with six limbs. (Males are also biologically female, and vice-versa, but let's not discuss that in detail. It involves "penis" ovipositors and "females" producing sperm for internal fertilization.) During a pivotal meeting with a Mardukan merchant and the merchant's wife, Roger brings his [[Bodyguard Crush|Marine friend, Nimashet]] with him. The Mardukan merchant is curious about human breasts, so Nimashet takes off her top to allow closer examination and even allows the merchant a few inquisitive pokes. Roger, of course, nearly [[Nosebleed|chokes to death on his food]].
* The Falleen from ''[[Star Wars]]'', although, technically, they're [ reptomammals]. Granted, [[Truth in Television|there were indeed]] [http[wikipedia:// |mammal-like reptiles]] in prehistoric times. But designating the Falleen as such was probably an attempt to justify this trope. And anyway, ''if'' they fed their young on milk, it's very likely real synapsids did it like modern monotremes, who secrete milk from diffuse region of skin and thus don't have... "[[Unusual Euphemism|large tracts of land]]". The real reason is because Falleen are supposed to be appealing to a wide variety of species, [[Most Writers Are Human|and being human-created]] this means breasts must be on the females.
* In ''[[Larklight]]'', a reptile girl (who is presumably the equivalent of a teenager) is remarked upon as not having these -- specifically in the context of how ridiculous it makes her look when she wears a dress not specifically tailored for her. Of course, the tail doesn't help matters there.
* Averted in the ''[[Cordwainer Smith]]'' short story "The Dead Lady of Clown Town", where the narrative specifically mentions that the rather pretty snake-woman is completely flat-chested. [[Fridge Logic|Although, since the snake-woman also mentions that her people can't reproduce naturally, there's still no justification for her curvy hips.]]
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== Live-Action TV ==
* The Cardassians from ''[[Star Trek Deep Space Nine]]'' have scaly skin and prefer hot climates, which suggest they have a reptilian ancestry (although this is never made explicit), yet Cardassian women still have cleavage (sometimes). Depending on how generous you're feeling, you could ''almost'' [[Hand Wave]] this by assuming the Cardassians evolved from their world's equivalent of [http://en.[ |Synapsids]].
** Except that synapsids most likely did not, and never had, scales.
** Whatever they are, it [[No Biochemical Barriers|doesn't stop them]] from [ interbreeding with] the [[Human Aliens|more obviously mammalian]] Bajorans.
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*** Also, ''[[Star Trek the Next Generation]]'' established as canon that all humanoid species of the galaxy, like Humans, Vulcans, Romulans, Cardassians etc, can interbreed because they're all in some way descended from an ancient humanoid Precursor Race that seeded Earth-like planets with their own DNA millions of years ago, intermixing it with the local lifeform most likely to develop sentience.
** Questionable example, as some mammal species on Earth have scales of a sort. Just look closely at a beaver's tail, or check out a pangolin's or armadillo's coat of armor. If that's what they evolved from, Cardassians could have come by their mix of scales and breasts (hair too) honestly.
* The current run of ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]] redesign'' of the Silurians includes distinct breasts on the females.
* Venus, the female turtles added to the ''[[Ninja Turtles the Next Mutation (TV)|Ninja Turtles the Next Mutation]]'' series, had nipple-less shell breasts in her plastron.
* The Abbai in ''[[Babylon Five]]'' are clearly amphibians, but of course still have breasts. The [[All There in the Manual|official tie-in guide]] explains it away as a structure of coiled tendrils that have a similar purpose but are not ''actually'' breasts. It's all a coincidence, apparently...
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== Web Original ==
* Parodied by the [[Our Mermaids Are Different|Mermaids]] in ''[[Tales of MU]]''. They have breasts, of course, but are ignorant of lactation. Instead, they are used to ''get free beer'' and {{spoiler|lure sailors to their doom}}.
** {{spoiler|[[Did Not Do the Research|Which would mean the creators confused them with the]] [[Mix -and -Match Critters|female-human-headed-bird Sirens]].}}
*** {{spoiler|Actually, apparently they're the same race in that universe, since one of the Mermaids has decidedly avian features in her least-human form}}.
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* The Neti from ''[[Star Wars]]'', though they at least are shape-shifters and implied to choose such things because they want to look more humanoid, so as to fit in better in a galaxy dominated by humanoids in general in and humans in particular.
** However, the [ Zelosians] have no such excuse.
* The Cactacae of ''[[Perdido Street Station]]''. Justified by their being human/plant [[Mix -and -Match Critters]], and implied to nurse their young once they've sprouted.
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** Zhaan may be atypical, however. Some members of her species have displayed something that certainly looks like hair (and is bright orange, to boot).
** The show also flips this one on its head in one episode. "Female of the species" anyone?
* Jabe, from the ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' episode "The End of the World". Possible justification, as her race ("From the Forest of Cheem, we have... trees!"), may be half-human (one of the "mongrels" referred to by Lady Cassandra). The only stated fact of their evolution is that they are descendants of tropical rainforests transplanted from Earth five billion years earlier.
* Lyekka from ''[[Lexx]]''. (Unfortunately for Stanley Tweedle she's also "smooth round the bend".) Justified because she is a psychic predator that [[Horny Devils|took that form specifically to prey on male humans]].
** Not just male humans, she also used it on females as well (although she complained that a woman who displayed no sexual attraction tasted bad, but another female who had been hitting on every main character except Stanley apparently tasted quite nice).
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* There's a large-breasted sunflower in ''[[Conkers Bad Fur Day (Video Game)|Conkers Bad Fur Day]]''. You need to ''pollinate her'' with the king bee to increase her bust size. Which you can then use as a trampoline.
** [[Blatant Lies|They're stigmas]].
* Averted in, of all things, ''[[Disgaea]]'' with the Flora Beasts. While these nymph analogues certainly appear to be female, a close look will reveal that they have no breasts to speak of. The game not only uses this to [[Dropped a Bridget On Him|trick the player]], but takes it a step further by actually naming the Flora Beast in question [[Shout -Out|Bridget]]. Then again, this is ''Disgaea'', and given their [[Pettanko|tendencies with female characters]], this may have been simply a coincidence.
** Then again, they are ''demons'', like Q-Bee listed above.
* Really, just about any [[Robot Girl]] that wasn't made for Sexbot purposes. Some of the others might be justified simply by aesthetics, but sometimes there is no excuse for the robots to be [[Ridiculously -Human Robots]], let alone [[Robot Girl|Robot Girls]] with huge knockers.
** Aigis from ''[[Persona 3]]'' is slightly justified in that her creators deliberately designed her that way so she could be given a fully-realized, [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?|human-like persona]] (which would allow her to manifest a [[Summon Magic|Persona]].) A sexual identity ([[Fridge Logic|even if she lacks the necessary equipment]]) is part of such self-identification within human society and for human interaction.
* Somewhat averted in ''[[Portal (Video Game)|Portal]]'' as even though GLaDOS has a feminine "body", there aren't actually any breasts to speak of, unless you count the Curiosity Core.
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== Live-Action TV ==
* ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' shows a Chimeron woman nursing her child... with a miniature power generator. Chimerons suckle on energy. So why do Chimeron women have breasts?
* In ''[[Star Trek Enterprise]]'', Trip gets raped by a forehead-of-the-week and grows nipples on his wrists. The alien has normal humanoid breasts.
* ''[[Star Trek Voyager]]'' reviewer [[Sci Fi Debris|sfdebris]] pointed out the unlikelihood of Kes, an Ocampa, having breasts if her species actually existed in real life, since her species only has to mate once in a lifetime. (Ocampas get plenty of foreknowledge of when that mating will take place so there's no reason to "fool" the males into thinking that the females are always fertile, and thus no reason for females' breasts to always remain swollen.) Also, expanded universe material suggest that Ocampa give birth in multiples to keep up their populations' numbers, and yet, Ocampa only have ''one'' pair of breasts.
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== Advertising ==
* Jamba!'s ringtone mascot "Crazy Frog", a.k.a. "The Annoying Thing" is this. The blue frog creature sports ambiguous but noticeable genitalia that caused some controversy when he began appearing in late night ringtone ads. When he first began appearing in music videos in the United Kingdom, a prominent black bar was used to censor his groin area.
** The irony of this? With the exception of the [http://en.[ frog|tailed frog]], [[You Fail Biology Forever|amphibians don't even have external genitals]], so the mascot wasn't even anatomically correct.
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