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{{quote|'''Ziva''': In my professional opinion, the potential for serious injury is substantial.<br />
'''Director Shepard''': I agree. But there are protocols that have to be followed.<br />
'''Ziva''': Which are useless if it doesn't provide a tactical advantage!<br />
'''Director Shepard''': Don't underestimate appearances, Ziva. I have known entire ''missions'' to fail because an asset didn't ''[[Noodle Incident|button her lapel properly]]''.<br />
'''Ziva''': ''(starts to speak but stops)'' I see your point.<br />
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** In the first episode of that season, the Scoobies are preparing the Buffybot for its most dangerous trial yet. Parent-Teacher Day at school.
** In "Doomed" Xander enters the basement but there's no sign of Spike. Then...
{{quote| '''Spike:''' Don't turn around. ''([[Scare Chord]])'' <br />
'''Xander:''' Spike, what is it? What happened?<br />
'''Spike:''' Don't look at me ''<br />
''Xander turns around to see {{spoiler|Spike dressed like a [[Hawaiian-Shirted Tourist]].}}'' }}
** "The Body" has an example of this ''not'' being played for laughs. Buffy says she'll have to tell Dawn about her mother's death. Dawn is then shown in tears...about something mean a classmate said about her. She rallies herself and returns to class, only for Buffy to enter with the news, whereupon Dawn breaks down completely.
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** There's also an episode that opens with Wesley and Gunn staring each other down and talking about "facing the odds." Turns out they're playing a board game.
** And one where [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|The Groosalugg]] takes Angel aside, very seriously reminds him of their long history as champions for everything good and the many battles they've fought together, and begs Angel to just this once consider his advice:
{{quote| Pomegranate Mist is the wrong colour for this room.}}
* An episode of ''[[Red Dwarf]]'' had Rimmer telling a story about how he was in a dangerous situation and needed to use all his skills to survive. He then listed the sequence of dice rolls that enabled him to win that game of Risk.
* On episode of ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'' opened with a tense bit of dialogue between Riker and Dr. Crusher -- it turned out they were rehearsing a scene from a play. Became a sort of [[Chekhov's Gun]] later in the episode where enacting that same scene got them out of a jam.
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* On an episode of ''[[Scrubs]]'', there is an intense argument between Dr. Wen and Turk during a crucial surgery, but it turns out they're discussing what music to listen to when they operate.
** Also on Scrubs:
{{quote| 'I've lost an engine...Oh God, I've lost another engine'<br />
'Calm down, the engines are on the top shelf'<br />
'Oh, there they are' }}
* ''[[Monty Python's Flying Circus]]'' has this example, combined with a [[Large Ham]] [[Laurence Olivier]] impression:
{{quote| '''Judge''': Mr Larch, you heard the case for the prosecution. Is there anything you wish to say before I pass sentence?<br />
'''Harold Larch''': Well... I'd just like to say, m'lud, I've got a family... a wife and six kids... and I hope very much you don't have to take away my freedom... because... well, because m'lud freedom is a state much prized within the realm of civilized society. It is a bond wherewith the savage man may charm the outward hatchments of his soul, and soothe the troubled breast into a magnitude of quiet. It is most precious as a blessed balm, the savior of princes, the harbinger of happiness, yea, the very stuff and pith of all we hold most dear. What frees the prisoner in his lonely cell, chained within rude walls, far from the owl of Thebes? What fires and stirs the woodcock in his springe or wakes the drowsy apricot betides? What goddess doth the storm toss'd mariner offer her most tempestuous prayers to? Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!<br />
'''Judge''': It's only a bloody parking offense. }}
* [[Chuck]] does this a lot. Some examples: