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== Anime and Manga ==
* The ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'' monster Ryu Kokki is a giant demon made entirely out of human skulls.
* ''[[Sengoku Basara]]'': [[Oda Nobunaga]] has a giant pile of skulls in his throne room. His throne, which has a skull motif, is sitting right in the middle of it. He even uses them as drinking cups.
* ''[[Berserk]]'': The road to the castle.
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* In ''[[Lord of the Rings|The Return of the King]]'' Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas are nearly buried under an avalanche of [[Nothing but Skulls]]. The writers [[Lampshade Hanging|comment on]] this, explaining that there were different rooms for each bone, and if Aragon, Legolas, and Gimli had been in a different part of the cave they would have been buried under a pile of femurs, or kneecaps, or something.
* In ''The [[SpongebobSpongeBob SquarePants]] Movie'', SpongeBob and Patrick arrive at an ice-cream stand surrounded by skulls. (Turns out it's [[That's No Moon|a trap set by an anglerfish.]]) Patrick at first appears to notice the skulls and shouts to SpongeBob as if to warn him... but turns out he's just asking for chocolate.
* The catacombs under Venice in ''[[Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade (Film)|Indiana Jones and Thethe Last Crusade]]'' had niches in the walls that contained only skulls, one to a niche. Justified in that the skull is the "densest" indicator of death, those niches were probably high-density tombs and crypts. The body may not reside there, but the skull and the soul are there.
* ''[[His Dark Materials]]'': Oxford College has skulls in niches.
* ''[[Predator]]''; In somewhat of a subversion, goes for nothing but skulls ''with'' the spinal cord still intact. Presumably they go for more on Ebay.
* ''[[Terminator|Terminator 2]]'': The opening 'Future War' segment features an apparent ''carpet'' of [[Nothing but Skulls]], seemingly specifically so Skynet's mecha can symbolically crush them beneath their feet and treads as they engage Resistance troops in yet another bitter firefight. A [[Shout-Out]] to this can be found in the losing [[Full Motion Video|cinematics]] of ''[[Wing Commander (Videovideo Gamegame)|Wing Commander]] III'', with a [[Mega Neko|Kilrathi]] foot in combat armor doing the crushing.
* ''[[Ghostbusters|Ghostbusters II]]'', at least in terms of imagery. Viggo the Carpathian says, "On a mountain of skulls, in a castle of pain, I sat on a throne of blood." Also a [[Badass Boast]] or whatever.
* In the opening scene of ''[[Muppet Treasure Island]]'', there's a cavern full of skulls. They sing a line of "Shiver My Timbers".
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* ''[[Discworld]]''
** Parodied in ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Interesting Times|Interesting Times]]'' when Cohen and his Silver Horde learn from a local that the claiming of the throne of the Agatean Empire is traditionally accompanied with "seas of blood" and/or "a mountain of skulls". The Horde eagerly begins quizzing exactly how many skulls this precisely means, and their informant gets testy: "I don't know how big a mountain! A lot of skulls!"
** In ''[[Discworld (Literature)/The Last Hero|The Last Hero]]'', mention is also made of the now retired Pamdar the Witch Queen.
{{quote| "She runs a shop now. Pam's Pantry. Makes marmalade."<br />
"What? But she used to queen it on a throne atop a pile of skulls!"<br />
"I didn't say it was very good marmalade." }}
** In ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Hogfather|Hogfather]]'', the Tooth Fairy has a mountain of teeth.
** In ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Night Watch|Night Watch]]'', it's mentioned that the Temple of Small Gods sorts the bodies of the dead by what bone they are. The entrance of the tomb holds the skulls.
* A bit of the [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]] mentions an artist who depicted Emperor Palpatine as sitting on a throne atop a mountain of skulls. He was executed.
* ''[[The Dark Tower]]'' by [[Stephen King]]: The Crimson King has a throne made of skulls.
* ''[[GauntsGaunt's Ghosts]]'', ''Blood Pact'': A rumor circulates about a valley filled with millions of [[Madness Mantra|dusty skulls with the tops sawn off]]. To the point that it scares the crap out of hardened veterans of several wars, and even freaks out Gaunt himself a bit. Of course it helps that the entirety of the building they're camped in is thoroughly evil.
* In ''[[The Night Angel Trilogy]]'', there's a bridge in Khaliras made entirely out of skulls and magic. The only real point of the skulls is to intimidate and show where the bridge actually is (it's possible to cross it with the skulls gone). Did I mention this bridge crosses what appears to be a mile wide bottomless chasm, and is the only way into the castle?
== Live Action TV ==
* In the ''[[MST3KMystery Science Theater 3000]]'' episode "[[Cave Dwellers]]" there's a giant snake pit with lots and lots of skulls. "Oh look, anal-retentive snakes, they lined up the skulls!"
* Episode 2 of the first ''[[Doctor Who]]'' serial ''An Unearthly Child'' was called ''The Cave Of Skulls'', it featured [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|a Cave full of Skulls]].
** More recently, we have "The Wedding of River Song", which featured a crypt full of ''living'' skulls, leftovers from the process of creating Headless Monks.
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** Oh, [[It Got Worse|it's longer than that]]. It stretches for over a hundred miles to the north of the capital, to the first petty fief Iuz took over. It' also being expanded towards the southeast to the city of Molag, more than doubling its length.
** The Greyhawk [[Cosmology/Planescape|Planescape]] campaign features (or once featured) the Pillar of Skulls on Baator, composed of the skulls of those who hid knowledge from another, and as a result the person they hid it from died.
* [[The Empire|The Coalition States]] from''[[Rifts]]'' uses a skull motif for ''everything'' in its armed forces, from rank and unit insignias to body armor and [[Powered Armor]] helmets, to the front of troop transports, helicopters and [[Tank Goodness|battletanks]], to their [[Humongous Mecha]] (both humanoid and [[Spider Tank|spider-walkers]]), and of course their [[Skele -Bot 9000|skelebots]].
== Video Games ==
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* ''Zelda'' series:
** Skulls often replace [[Crate Expectations|crates and jars]] in natural caves. There are usually no other bones, [[Everything Fades|or corpses outside undead-themed dungeons]], and the sheer number of them suggests that someone is [[Money for Nothing|shooting green rupees out of a slingshot]] to kill enemies. It's reasonable to assume the 'normal' skulls are just dead skull-enemies.
** ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time]]'': In the Shadow Temple, there are rooms where the floors, walls and ceilings are made entirely out of skulls.
* ''[[King's Quest VI]]'': The Lord of the Dead was surrounded by a gigantic pile of bones, made up almost entirely of skulls, as shown in [ this screenshot].
* ''[[Heroes of Might and Magic]]'': In one version, the Necromancer city can build a 'Pyramid of Skulls', which looks somewhat garish, but boosts your weekly production of Skeletons significantly.
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** Diablo's Chaos Sanctuary is ''littered'' with skulls.
** Plus you can slot some of them into equipment for added bonuses!
* ''[[Castlevania: Symphony of the Night]]'': There are two rooms in in which the floor is made entirely of skulls, and there are huge piles of them in the background. The boss fought in this room is a giant floating ball of corpses that was hiding in said skulls before you entered, and in the upside-down castle version of that room, you face [[That One Boss|Galamoth]].
* ''[[Harmony of Dissonance]]'': Almost the ''entire'' Skeleton Den area, which is just an immense catacombs. With, appropriately, lots of skulls used as a building material (along with other bones and non-bone materials).
* In ''[[Sid MeiersMeier's Alpha Centauri]]'', there are Secret Projects playing the same role as Wonders do in ''[[Civilization]]''. The cinematic for one of them, "Dream Twister", involves (among other nasty things) a photo of a pile of skulls.
* ''[[Brutal Legend]]'' has a mountain of skulls as the first level of the game.
* ''[[Team Fortress Classic (Video Game)|Team Fortress Classic]]'': In a crossover with [[Ludicrous Gibs]], a mod made it so that not only did the body spawn more bones than was physically possible, ''all of them were skulls''.
* ''[[Mother 3 (Video Game)|Mother 3]]'': The giant snake pit has piles of nothing but skulls.
* The Pillar of Skulls (see above under Tabletop Games) is visited in ''[[Planescape: Torment]]''.
* Cave areas in ''[[Adventure Island]] III'' and ''IV'' contain several piles of human skulls.
* Shields with human skulls are a very common wall decoration in human homes in [[Albion]]. Locals are quick to point out that they are old family heirlooms.
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'''DM:''' [[Durable Deathtrap|It's just a trap]]. Dungeons have them all the time.<br />
'''Aragorn:''' I'm not calling the device into question. I'm questioning the payload. Thousands and thousands of skulls? How does that work exactly? Was this a race of floating heads? }}
* ''[[Romantically Apocalyptic (Webcomic)|Romantically Apocalyptic]]'' usually averts this, but once had a mountain of skulls in [[Shout-Out]] to The Apotheosis of War
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* ''[[The Secret Saturdays]]'': used in episode "Where Lies the Engulfer", where a cryptid made of water smashed Doyle down to the bottom of the lake and he sees a skull leering back at him amidst a floor of bones. "Ahhh. Now that's just sick!"
* In the ''[[TMNTTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]'' episode "The Trouble With Augie", Donatello eventually founds a mass grave organized in this manner. While one can see bits and pieces of other types of bones, skulls are by far the most common.
* [[Squidbillies]]: Dan Halen uses a pile of his employee's skulls to top off "Mount Murder". The last surviving manager, Glen, tells him it would look better with one more on top, [[Too Dumb to Live|hands him an axe]] and [ positions his head exactly where he thinks the last skull should go.]