Noticing the Fourth Wall: Difference between revisions

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** [[Grant Morrison (Creator)|Grant Morrison]] was punished for this by having his [[Author Avatar]] (codename: The Writer) drafted into [[The DCU]] Suicide Squad.
* Superboy-Prime from DC Comics flips this around. He loses the real world (ours) and ends up going more then a bit nuts in the realms of comics that used to be fake to him.
* ''[[The Simpsons (Comic Book)|The Simpsons]]'' "Treehouse of Horror" comic "Immigration of the Body Snatchers" ends this way. After a parade of [[Shout -Out|Shout Outs]] to twist endings from ''[[The Twilight Zone]],'' ''[[Planet of the Apes]]'' and even ''[[Monty Python]],'' Sideshow Bob shouts that none of it is real and they're all just ink on paper. Everyone laughs at him...until he points to the surrounding panels and to the reader.
{{quote| '''Homer:''' If I don't exist...does that mean I can't eat doughnuts?}}
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* All of the characters in ''[[One Over Zero (Webcomic)|One Over Zero]]'' know that they are fictional and constantly [[Contemplate Our Navels|Contemplate Their Navels]], pondering subjects such as whether they exist and whether they will continue to exist after the author stops writing the comic. However, the comic has [[No Fourth Wall]] to speak of.
* ''Eyebeam'' has a version that was combined with [[All Just a Dream]], [ these] [ three] [ strips].
* [[Deconstructed]] in ''[[Captain SNES]]'', where video game characters Touched by a particular [[Eldritch Abomination]] realize that they're video game characters... and don't [[Freak -Out|take]] [[Start of Darkness|it]] [[Fallen Hero|well]] [[More Than Mind Control|at]] [[You Bastard|all]].
* An ''[[Xkcd (Webcomic)|Xkcd]]'' strip features this, when the subject of [ this man's] daydream realizes the truth and it all goes [[Off the Rails]].
* Done in [ this] ''[[Sinfest]]'' comic.
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