Nuclear Weapons Taboo: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Command & Conquer: Tiberium Wars]]''' German translation made aurora bombs out of the nuclear bombs due to the fact that depicting weapons of mass destruction in computer games would lead to an X-rating of same game. There was a Kane edition which still had nuclear bombs (and suicide bombers) and was sold only to adults.
* ''[[Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3]]'' removed nuclear weapons from the game through a plot device while its predecessors used them amply. This no doubt had to do with the addition of a Japanese faction and someone rightly figuring that creating a game that you won by dropping a nuclear weapon on the Japanese might make someone mad.
* The original ''[[Ace Combat]]'' setting, Strangereal, is supposed to be an alternate universe of our Earth with approximately equal level of technological advancement. However, the only nation that apparently has ever developed its own nukes is Belka (essentially an alternate [[Nazi Germany]]) and even then their warheads counted in ''single units'', not the thousands that world powers possess in [[Real Life]] today and seems to lack long range delivery systems. For this reason, Strangereal's two superpowers Osea and Yuktobanian (counterparts of the US and Soviet Union) could duke it out in ''Ace Combat 5'' in what would have basically become [[World War III]] in our world, without risking a nuclear apocalypse. In fact, when Belkan remnants try to use their remaining nuclear warheads in that war, the hostilities soon cease and everyone gangs up on the Belkans instead. That ''[[Ace Combat]]'' was developed by the Japanese company Bandai-Namco probably explains things.
** Belka is the only nation stated to have ''used'' nukes in a war. During the events of [[Ace Combat Zero]], in an act of desperation, they resorted to dropping nukes on 7 of their own cities to try and delay the allied advance. The rest of the world was ''horrified'' at this, and may explain the world's preference for other types of weaponry.
** Even when Namco changed over to the real world in Ace Combat Assault Horizon, they played this trope straight. The [[Big Bad]]'s super weapon, Trinity, was shown to have varying levels of destruction, ranging from vaporizing a medium-sized bridge, to destroying an entire city, and still having enough power to nearly knock the Protagonist off his feet from twenty or thirty miles away. However, Trinity has shown to have zero nuclear fallout, and by all means, it is still a conventional warhead, all things considered. In short, it's not a nuke, but a really, ''really'' big bomb.