Number Two (Script): Difference between revisions

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* [[The Sixties]]
* [[Theme Naming]]: '67 Doc's dog is named Newton, joining Copernicus and Einstein.
* [[Timeline -Altering MacGuffin]]:
** The former [[Trope Namer]] Gray's Sports Almanac appears in this script. Surprisingly, in this version, it takes Marty ''very'' little time to retrieve the book in the third act, and 1985-A fades away from a matchbook almost as soon as the almanac is back in Marty's possession (he doesn't even have to burn the book or anything).
** Later on, it's subverted: Marty is forced to throw the almanac out of the DeLorean to reduce the excess weight, whereupon {{spoiler|it's discovered by Otis Peabody, who is camping out nearby. Peabody promptly burns it as useless garbage.}}