Nyaruko: Crawling with Love: Difference between revisions

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* [[Alien Geometries]]: Nodens' auction house in R'lyeh is [[Bigger on the Inside]] that on the outside, of course.
* [[Alien Lunch]]: An ongoing [[Running Gag]]. Nyarko keeps using alien ingredients on everything she cooks, be it shantak bird eggs, Shub-Niggurath (the "Black Goat of the Woods") meat or her famous [[Fun with Acronyms|"BLT"]] (Byakhee-Lloigor-Tsathougga) sandwich. And then there's the hotdog from Episode 4 of the second anime -- "dog" here meaning "Hound of Tindalos".
{{quote| '''Mahiro:''' "I'm definitely gonna kick the crap out of you if you prepare something like that!" (Episode 1, referring to the "BLT")}}
* [[Amusement Park of Doom]]: In Episode 2 of the second anime, we learn that R'lyeh is essentially a twisted version of Disneyland which caters to [[Eldritch Abominations]].
* [[Animation Bump]]: ''Remember my Love(craft-sensei)'' is a flash series, but the Ending credits are done traditionally. As a result, the Credits have better animation than the show itself.
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* [[Bodyguard Crush]]: Nyarko practically begged to take the job of protecting Mahiro after seeing his picture.
* [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]]: Nyarko reminds Mahiro to be careful with that fork or they might be taken off the air in the first episode of the second anime series.
{{quote| '''Nyarko:''' "You really want us to get taken off the air?!"}}
** Also occurs in the first series:
{{quote| '''Mahiro:''' "Wait a minute. Why'd did you get censored by the broadcast code?"}}
* [[Brutal Honesty]]: "I don't like you", by Mahiro to Nyarko in Episode 7 of the second anime. It was enough to drive the latter into a [[Heroic BSOD]] and [[Color Failure]] which Mahiro [[Tsundere|would later have to reluctantly rectify himself]] at the sight of [[Dude, She's Like, in a Coma|Cuuko about to exploit Nyarko's shock to undress her in the middle of the beach]].
* [[Buffy-Speak]]: When asked about the crowbar she was holding, Nyarko describes it as "some kind of unspeakable Bar thing."
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* [[The Cameo]]: Characters from other light novel series, such as ''[http://ga.sbcr.jp/novel/miyama/01.html Miyamasanchi no Berutein]'' (written by Aisora) and ''[http://www.enterbrain.co.jp/product/mook/login_trpg/10392701.html Rl'yeh High School]'' (illustrated by Koin) can often be seen in the background, with two from the latter actually part of Mahiro's class. In turn, Mahiro, Nyarko and Yoriko are minor characters in the former.
* [[Cassandra Truth]]: In Episode 7 of the second anime, Mahiro insists that [[That Liar Lies|Nyarko isn't pregnant with his child]] (after the latter's failed attempt to seduce him at the end of Episode 6) despite the latter's insistence. That doesn't stop Yoriko, Hasta, Tamao and [[Not So Above It All|even Yoichi]] from believing her.
{{quote| '''Mahiro:''' "Seriously, why is this happening to me?"}}
* [[Catch Phrase]]
{{quote| '''Nyarko:''' "I'm the Chaos that always crawls up to you with an smile, Nyarlathotep!"}}
* [[Captain Ersatz]]: The hero of the [[Show Within a Show]] ''Kurogane no Striber'' look much like [[Kamen Rider Kuuga|Kuuga Ultimate Form]], but with different head, [[Scarf of Asskicking]], and [[Laser Blade]].
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]]: Human characters can be distinguished by their natural hair color; the Lovecraftian characters have bright color motifs based on their Mythos counterparts. Hasta is yellow (alluding to Hastur title, the "King In Yellow"), Luuhi is green since she is Cthulhu, and Cuuko is red -- alluding to Cthugha, a sentient fireball. The odd one out is Nyarko, whose hair and [[Henshin Hero]] form is sliver. Nyarlathotep's traditional color is black, though it is used for her standard outfit.
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** Nyarko also has had these moments twice. The first is in Episode 4 when she misunderstood Yoriko's advice to her to start her relationship with Mahiro as [[Just Friends]] for being friendzoned before [[Giving Up the Ghost]]. The second is in Episode 7 (coupled with [[Heroic BSOD]]) after Mahiro [[Brutal Honesty|bluntly tells her]] that he doesn't like her.
* [[Content Warnings]]: Used in "Remember my Love(craft-sensei)", accompanied by dramatic music. Each episode begins with one, followed by some [[Non Sequitur]]:
{{quote| ''ATTENTION PLEASE!! When watching animated shows, please make sure the room is well-lit and do not sit too close to the screen. Also, there's not much movement.''}}
* [[Crash Into Hello]]: Hasta bumps into Mahiro while lost and looking for Mahiro's house. [[Love At First Sight|Sparks fly!]] ([[Incompatible Orientation|In one direction]])
** Also happens with Nyarko in Episode 8.
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* [[Fast-Forward Gag]]: In the first episode of the second anime series, Nyarko's explanation for who/what she is and her purpose for being on Earth gets fast-forwarded due to being extremely long-winded and Mahiro has to summarize everything in a format that the audience can understand and respects broadcasting time constraints.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: Occurs in Episode 5. Mahiro tries to figure out why his Mom is taken by Luhy. He thinks it has something to do with "sononium", which he thought was merely Yoriko's excuse to hug him. [[Mistaken for Evidence|Turn's out he was mistaken]]. The ''real'' foreshadowing was Yoriko discussing how [[Gamer Chick|she collects old video game consoles]].]
{{quote| '''Mahiro:''' "''That'' was the foreshadowing?!"}}
* [[Freaky Friday Flip]]: When Isuka, a Yithian (currently in Tamao's body), fails to take over Nyarko's body, this happens to her and Mahiro. [[First Law of Gender Bending|The device of course runs out of power immediately]].
* [[Funny Background Event]]: The Flash series feature this often.
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* [[Idiot Hair]]: Nyarko has one, pretty much a replacement of tentacles.
* [[If It's You It's Okay]]: Even if it's actually Mahiro in Nyarko's body, Cuuko would still attempt to have her way with him, so long as it's Nyarko's body. The fact that Mahiro is relatively easy on her compared to Nyarko also helps.
{{quote| '''Cuuko:''' "Just her [i.e, Nyarko] body will do."}}
* [[Incompatible Orientation]]
** Cuuko would [[Lovable Sex Maniac|love to jump on Nyarko]] if she has the chance. Never mind that they are both girls, and that cthughans and nyarlathotepians are mortal enemies, much less that Nyarko [[No Guy Wants to Be Chased|tries her darndest to get her off her back]], she's more than willing to [[Psycho Lesbian|do just]] [[Yandere|about anything]] just to win her over.
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* [[Love Dodecahedron]]: Nyarko is madly in love with Mahiro, [[Tsundere|who claims he doesn't like her]] and/or doesn't want to date an [[Eldritch Abomination]]. Cuuko is also madly in love with Nyarko, [[Incompatible Orientation|gender issues]] and [[Dating Catwoman|racial animosity]] notwithstanding. Hasta also likes Mahiro, but they're the same gender and [[Stupid Sexy Flanders|Mahiro is not sure how to react]], though he also [[Bi the Way|admits to feeling the same for Luhy]], who may or may not also feel the same. Tamao has an [[All Love Is Unrequited|unspoken crush for Mahiro]], but [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy|relents in favor of Nyarko]]. It just gets crazier from there.
* [[Luminescent Blush]]: This very obvious blush is proof that Mahiro isn't that annoyed by Nyarko's presence. Sometimes.
{{quote| '''Nyarko''': "Oh, you're blushing! How cute, Mahiro!"}}
* [[Madness Mantra]]/[[Survival Mantra]]: After losing his SAN, Mahiro begins to repeat "It's only ink..." while trying to forget about the pool of Nightgaunt blood shed by Nyarko.
* [[Magical Girlfriend]]/[[Interspecies Romance]]: Parodied, with the girlfriend in question being a Lovecraftian horror.
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* [[No Guy Wants to Be Chased]]: Mahiro spends a lot of time keeping Nyarko's advances at bay. Also Nyarko does the same to Cuuko.
* [[Nominal Hero]]: While technically a space cop doing her job, Nyarko is protecting Mahiro out of a crush, takes on the bad guys with too much enthusiasm and does a little personal smuggling of the kind she's supposed to stop.
{{quote| '''Nyarko''': "It's not a crime if no one finds out."}}
* [[Not-So-Innocent Whistle]]: In Episode 1, Mahiro was worried about what kind of chicken he had just eaten, and doubly so when Nyarko starts whistling. And Nyarko can't whistle.
* [[Not What It Looks Like]]: When Yoriko arrives home at the beginning of Episode 4, the first thing she sees is her son entangled with two girls in highly suggestive positions.
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* [[Schoolgirl Lesbians]]: Cuuko has a one-sided crush on Nyarko. More of a post-schoolgirl case since both have already graduated from space elementary school but attend Mahiro's alma mater, Boryo Municipal High School to keep an eye on him.
* [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]]: Playing with Lovecraft's love of colorful, obscure adjectives and words, Nyarko sometimes gives ominous, long descriptions of mundane things. For example, in Episode 1 of the anime, after Mahiro alerts her to a Nighgaunt attack with a bump on the head...
{{quote| '''Nyarko''': I'm suffering from abnormal and blasphemous amounts of ominously chaotic pain. }}
* [[Share the Male Pain]]: A nightgaunt may be a creature seeking to abduct him for who knows what, but Mahiro definitely felt this way towards the poor sucker Nyarko kneed.
* [[Shout-Out]]: See the the [[Haiyore! Nyaruko-san/Trivia|subpage]] under the Trivia section.
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* [[Space Police]]: The Planetary Defense Organization has sent Nyarko to stop a smuggling and human-trafficking ring.
* [[Space X]]: Nyarko and Cuuko refer to the alien equivalents of CQC, Kindergarten, etc. by simply adding the word "Space" before them.
{{quote| '''Mahiro:''' "[[Lampshade Hanging|Stop adding 'space' onto almost everything!]]"}}
* [[Speak of the Devil]]/[[Call on Me]]: Nyarko tells Mahiro to say her name if he needs her.
* [[Starfish Aliens]]: Nyarlathotepians, Chtughans, etc. are actually abominations the human mind cannot grasp without going insane. The human forms they take are quite pleasant, though.
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* [[The Triple]]
** Nyarko has come to Earth with three duties: protecting Mahiro, destroying a smuggling ring, and shopping.
{{quote| '''Mahiro:''' "[[Lampshade Hanging|Obviously the last one is of your own making.]]"}}
** "Hasta is an alien? Hasta is Hastur, the Outer God of Wind? Hasta is... a boy???"
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: In the second flash series, with Nyarko and Nyarue.