Oda Nobunaga: Difference between revisions

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** Less famous but arguably more horrifying than the destruction of Mt. Hiei was the burning of Nagashima, a fortress of another warrior monk sect. The group resisted a siege by Nobunaga for several years, but were eventually forced back within their entirely wooden inner fortifications. Nobunaga built a wall around the building, then set it on fire. With nowhere to run, not a single one of the 20,000 inhabitants survived. Note that once again, many of these inhabitants were noncombatants, including both women and children.
* [[Kill It with Fire]]: Nobunaga had a rather disturbing tendency to burn and raze the strongholds of his enemies... with his enemies still inside them.
* [[Never Bring a Knife to A Gun Fight]]: Part of why he was so successful was that he basically wrote the book on firearms in warfare till the invention of the metallic cartridge.
* [[Lucky Bastard]]: Not one but ''two'' lords and tremendously skilled generals (Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin) died under mysterious circumstances soon after having initial success in their campaigns against Nobunaga. Needless to say, conspiracy theories about these deaths abound.
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]