Old Man's War: Difference between revisions

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* [[Black Comedy]]: And plenty of it. This is, after all, a war story.
* [[Bloody Murder]]: CDF soldiers can ignite parts of their SmartBlood at will. It's mostly used to deliver a satisfying demise to alien mosquito-analogues, but Jared comes up with some more... ambitious applications.
* [[Brain In Aa Jar]]: Mentioned in ''The Ghost Brigades'' as the CDF punishment for refusing direct orders.
* [[Casual Interstellar Travel]]: Averted due to the CU monopoly on skip drive, most human starships are either warships or colony ships. Though it's implied that some other species do travel to other systems casually and the monopoly is mostly to prevent unauthorized colonization.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: {{spoiler|1=Weaponized SmartBlood and the use of trees climbing to avoid hostile guns in ''The Ghost Brigades''.}}
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* [[Shout-Out]]:
** In ''Old Man's War'', two of Perry's fellow recruits are named [[Neil Gaiman|Gaiman]] and [[Dave McKean|McKean]].
** ''The Ghost Brigades'' introduces the Gamerans, whose collective name [[Gamera|is itself a shout out]], and who take their individual names from science fiction writers, including [[Charles Stross|Stross]] and [[George RRR. R. Martin|Martin]].
** The chap named [[Penny Arcade (Webcomic)|Gabriel Brahe]] can't be a coincidence.
** The Obin are an author-admitted tip of the hat to [[David Brin]]'s Uplift series.
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** And that's just the basic soldier, their Special Forces have even better reflexes and reaction times, not to mention being born that way. And there are even some who can [[Space People|survive in hard vacuum.]]
* [[Swiss Army Gun]]: Justified in that it is a [[Matter Replicator]] for several different flavors of hurt.
* [[Taking You Withwith Me]]: {{spoiler|Dirac's nasty surprise for Charles Boutin after the latter took over Dirac's body}}.
* [[Theme Naming]]: Special Forces soldiers have the last name of a famous person in science and philosophy (or science fiction, for the Gamerans).
* [[To Serve Man]]: Some species, the Rraey in particular, find humans to be quite tasty.
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* [[Weirdness Magnet]]: Whilst it's never quite clear whether he's blessed with exceptionally good luck or cursed with exceptionally bad, John tends to be at the centre of a ''lot'' of improbable coincidences.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: Charles Boutin.
* [[We Will Use Wiki Words in Thethe Future]]: Mostly for the trademarked hardware that makes up a CDF soldier's body.
* [[What Did You Expect When You Named It?]]: Roanoke, which is very much ''intended'' to act like its namesake.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Lots of 'em, in all sorts of different directions. Let's just say that this is a series that believes in giving weight to many different viewpoints in many different situations and leave it at that.