Old Man Logan: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.OldManLogan 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.OldManLogan, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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* [[Car Fu]]: "It's the '''Spider-Buggy''', dude. She can take her share of knocks"
* [[Chekovs Exhibit]]: Wolverine and the Red Skull fight in a trophy room full of trophies taken from dead superheroes. The latter wields Black Knight's sword, while Wolverine uses Captain America's shield and pieces of Iron Man's armour.
* [[Coat, Hat, Mask]]: Without the hat. The Red Skull now always wears Captain America's mask, often combined with his [[Badass Longcoat]].
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: It's not called ''Old'' Man Logan for nothin'.
* [[Corrupt Hick]]: The Hulk Gang counts as this very much, even though they are located in California. The Hulk himself is the corrupt hick leading them and in charge of a territory called Hulkland. They are violent and quite murderous, considering how they {{spoiler|murdered Logan's family and left the bodies unburied}} while he was busy trying to pay off a debt he owed them. Why? Because they got bored. They are a family of cannibals. Oh, and they are also inbred, because Hulk raped his own cousin Jennifer more than once to form the Hulk Gang!