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Sometimes, characters are casually given skills with languages which would be very remarkable in real life, if not downright unrealistic. Most people find it hard work to achieve native-level fluency in just one foreign language, even when they're a full time student of it, but a fictional character might speak thirty languages well enough to be mistaken for a native speaker in each. Or the character might somehow learn the local language fluently just by chatting while playing cards each evening for a few weeks. Or perhaps, due to having taken evening classes for a month when they were twenty years younger, they are able to win debates on metaphysics in a particular language. At the very least, they read the [[Genius Book Club]] books in the original language.
Sometimes there may be justification for this -- perhapsthis—perhaps it's a superpower, or perhaps they had an [[Upgrade Artifact]]. And sure, some people genuinely are good at languages. But sometimes, it just seems to be a case of [[Did Not Do the Research]] -- the—the author is just not aware that learning a foreign language properly can be quite difficult and time-consuming (perhaps because the author has never properly learned a second language himself). The result is a sort of [[Charles Atlas Superpower]].
Also has an annoying habit of being introduced via [[Suddenly Always Knew That]]; "Whoa, you speak Tagalog? You never mentioned that!" "Well, [[You Didn't Ask|You Never Asked]]..." (Trivia: that's one of the languages ''not'' (yet) on Google Translate.)
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== Fan Works ==
* In ''[[Luminosity]]'', this tends to come with the territory of being an immortal--perfectimmortal—perfect recall and the time for ''anything''. Notably Bella and Edward cultivated this skill, and Bella passed it on to Elspeth.
** Quite possibly Aro, and hence {{spoiler|Addy, Elspeth, Siobhan, and everyone in range during Helper.}}
* In [[Keepers of the Elements]] each generation of Keepers is granted this as a secondary ability.
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* Stephen Maturin of the ''[[Aubrey-Maturin]]'' series can speak English, French, Spanish, Catalan and Latin fluently. He can speak Ancient Greek and Portuguese well, though of the latter he says in one of the later books that he has trouble with pronunciation. Over the course of the books he learns Urdu, Arabic and Malay, as well as picking up some Polynesian, Turkish and Berber. His cradle tongue was Irish, but by 15 he had forgotten it; by the second book he can subconsciously understand the Irish-speaking mutineers, and by the fourth he is writing political propaganda. In the rest of the books, he is fluent again.
* The protagonist of Brazilian novel ''O Homem Que Matou Getulio Vargas'' (released in English as ''Twelve Fingers'') learns many languages before becoming a teenager due to being raised on a traveling circus.
* In ''[[The Jungle Book (novel)|The Jungle Book]]'', Mowgli -- andMowgli—and by extension his teacher Baloo -- knowBaloo—know all the languages of all the creatures of the jungle. Baloo knows them because he's old, wise, and accepted everywhere, and he teaches Mowgli them because being a "mancub" means that nobody will accept his presence at all unless he learns their language. Mowgli eventually one-ups Baloo by adding the Indian human tongue to his list.
* Kelhus of ''[[Second Apocalypse]]'' has a perfect memory, above-genius level intellect, and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. It's no surprise that he learns new languages in about a week, just from talking with people who speak it. He even became fluent in the ancient language of magic in two weeks--whichweeks—which took his genius teacher six months to learn the ''grammar''.
* Tirla of [[Anne McCaffrey]]'s ''Pegasus'' series has a [[Psychic Powers|Talent]] for communication that she used to survive in the slums as a messenger. At one point, it's mention that she can speak 93 languages like a native.
* Norse and Teutonic folk hero Sigurd/Siegfried gained the ability to understand the language of birds after drinking the blood of the dragon Fafnir. Dragons being masters of language is a common power in western mythology.
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* ''[[White Wolf]]'' has the Linguistics skill. In early editions of the game, each rank in that skill (up to five) gained you one additional language. Eventually the [[All Writers Are American|writers]] realized that this wasn't nearly epic enough compared to the rest of the games, so now each dot ''doubles'' the amount of languages you speak. A skill level of five was supposed to represent top human ability, and knowing sixteen additional languages is about right looking at the Real Life section below.
** The trope itself gets parodied in some of the flavor text describing the Linguistic skill in ''Adventure,'' when it turns out the team Omniglot...isn't. Sure, he speaks six dialects of Sumerian, but that doesn't mean he speaks ''Spanish.''
** They also veered too hard in the ''other'' direction initially in the ''[[New World of Darkness]]''. Each language you knew besides your native language was a separate one-to-three-dot merit, and you required two dots to be literate and conversationally fluent -- onefluent—one dot meant you were minimally fluent and illiterate. For reference, this means that it took nearly a third of a character's starting merit dots to be able to read and speak an additional language, and it cost as much in merit dots or experience as having an intuitive sense of impending danger or being a relatively significant celebrity. They quickly rewrote it in the errata so it now acts as the original version of the Linguistics skill, except as a merit.
** A bunch of the game lines likewise have powers that take care of this. ''[[Werewolf: The Forsaken]]'' has at least three language-derived Gifts, ranging from "you instantly pick up the native language" to "you can understand what anyone says, but you can't converse back." ''[[Mage: The Awakening]]'' has Mind rotes that let you blow past the language barrier. ''[[Promethean: The Created]]'' has Transmutations that allow a Promethean to translate any written language and speak in a tongue that everyone understands. And ''[[Changeling: The Lost]]'' has a Merit that allows a changeling to temporarily draw upon a language by using the Wyrd to draw upon the collective unconscious.
** If you have demons in your DNA ([[You Fail Biology Forever|whatever that means]]), you can learn an infernal power, Tongue of Babel, that allows you to comprehend and speak any language, permanently.
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** The rulebook quote:
{{quote|"Ancient Martian [[Punctuation Shaker|Frang'Twa]] dialect? I know a few phrases."}}
* There's actually a trait for it in ''[[Eclipse Phase]]'' called Hyper Linguist -- itLinguist—it reduces the time and cost to learn Language skills to one-third, lets your character automatically learn a language through a single day of complete immersion, and grants a + 10 modifier to interpreting languages they don't know. Given that you need 50 points in a language skill to be fluent, and you normally require one Rez Point per skill point and one week of studying per point, plus you're restricted to 5 points in a skill per month, this is '''very''' handy if you're not planning to rely on your Muse's translation program for communication. It can also be varying degrees of justified, as your character can be anything from a custom-programmed AI to a centuries-old world-weary immortal.
* One of the Epic Intelligence Knacks in ''[[Scion]]'' is Language Mastery - if you listen to a language for a few minutes, you'll speak it with complete fluency. There is a drawback: you can also write that language, but you don't gain automatic mastery of how it's ''spelled''.
* Similarly, ''[[Exalted]]'' has Linguistics Charms that produce various effects of this type, ranging from "You pick up the language temporarily after listening to it for a few minutes" to "Your body language cuts through the linguistic barrier."
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** Played with on a flight to Brazil. Bart learns and understands Spanish before they land, but the realization that Brazil's first language is Portuguese prompts Homer to order him to forget it. Bart does so by [[Percussive Maintenance|hitting himself over the head]] with the phone in the back of the seat in front of him.
** Lampshaded in possibly its first use. Bart is lamenting the fact that he can't speak French, since it means he can't denounce his evil exchange "guardians" to a friendly but uncomprehending gendarme. As he reaches the end of his complaint, he suddenly finds himself speaking perfect French.
** Homer is such an omniglot he can even [[Speaks Fluent Animal|speak Penguin]] -- and—and his comment that he can understand "food talk" in any language may mean he has a limited grasp of any animal language.
* Bubbles of the [[Powerpuff Girls]] can apparently speak pretty much any language. This isn't limited to human languages, either.
** "[[Speaks Fluent Animal|She's talking to squirrels again!]]"
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** Actually, the Tamaranians can absorb new languages just by physical contact. Starfire is...uhm...well, she just seems to like using kissing to do so, as for the longest time she doesn't actually seem to understand what a kiss actually ''means'' on Earth, but she eventually figured it out. Her comic book counterpart is the same way, but she ''does'' know what a kiss means by this point.
* Drew Saturday from ''[[The Secret Saturdays]]'' states she speaks 27 languages. Ulraj claims to speak 15 of their "surface languages", but he doesn't seem to know what countries they come from, but what do you expect for someone who lives underwater?
* An episode of ''[[All Grown Up!]]'' shows Susie Carmichael knowing various words in various languages as part of a language contest. She claims that she has a "freaky knack" for this. Problem is, such an ability is attested only once outside of the episode in question. <ref>In ''Rugrats in Paris'', Angelica boasts that she's going to Paris and brags about learning the language. Susie responds in perfect French, "I feel sorry for the French people who will hear you."</ref> The even bigger problem is that this ability solely exists to eventually {{spoiler|force Susie into picking [["Friend or Idol?" Decision|helping her friends win the language contest over auditioning for a singing contest]].}}
* It's a little more subtle than most of these examples, but Velma on "[[Scooby Doo]]" seems to be able to read absolutely any language, no matter how obscure or ancient.
* Zack on ''[[Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiego?]]'' can speak a large number of languages, which comes in useful as he and his sister travel the globe chasing the titular villain.
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* Cleopatra was known to speak between 6 and 9 languages, depending on who you ask. The general consensus seems to be Aramaic, Egyptian, Ethiopic, Greek, Hebrew, and Latin, Greek being her native language, and Egyptian the language of her kingdom.
* Robert Stiller, Polish translator, linguist and essayist makes professional literary translations from and to at least dozen languages (including Polish, German, English, Russian, French, Czech, Ukrainian, Hebrew, Yiddish, Hindi, Old English and Old Icelandic), knows of at least twenty more and possesses cursory knowledge of further few dozen languages and dialects. Although he claims to really 'know' only languages he uses on daily basis in his work.
* Out of all the [[Seiyuu|seiyuusseiyuu]]s out there, [[Tetsuya Kakihara]] is the only one who's known to be able to speak ''five'' languages and those are Japanese, German, English, Spanish, and Latin.
* Sir Richard Francis Burton, [[Genius Bruiser]] that he was, spoke 29 European, African and Asian languages.
* Polish-Russian linguist Jan Niecisław Ignacy Baudouin de Courtenay (AKA Ivan Nikolaevich Baudouin de Courtenay) knew [[Beyond the Impossible|92 languages with reasonable fluency]] and reportedly had some understanding of several dozens more. There's a rumor that he once said that learning a language is only difficult if you're doing it second or third time, once you know five, learning one more is a breeze.
