Once Upon a Time (TV series)/WMG: Difference between revisions

→‎Students at Henry's school are...: replaced: [[Lord of the Rings → [[The Lord of the Rings
(→‎Students at Henry's school are...: replaced: [[Lord of the Rings → [[The Lord of the Rings)
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There was some sort of time travel/transporter incident that resulted in amnesia and since Emma looked just like his wife... Unfortunately, he was returned to his own time before Henry was born and promptly forgot about his trip to the past with a similar bout of amnesia.
== Henry's father is [[The Mighty Thor (Filmfilm)|Thor]] ==
Which makes it terribly creepy because his grandfather is [[The Mighty Thor (Filmfilm)|Fandral]], one of Thor's best friends. And you don't sleep with your best friend's daughter?! Also, apparantly [[Captain America: theThe First Avenger|Bucky]] is alive and has a secret daughter and can travel through worlds with a magic hat.
== Regina's mother made a deal with Rumpelstiltskin for her magic ==
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Is the miller's daughter from the original Rumpelstiltskin tale. However, given the universe differences, it is not likely she will go through the "guess my name" hoops as in her original story.
* There's a theory mentioned above that Regina was the Miller's daughter (hence her "earth" last name of Mills), and if this was true, it would somewhat explain her hatred of Snow White/Mary Margaret.
** Not really. "Snow Falls" (at least the fairy tale parts) takes place ''immediately'' after "The Shepherd", and in "Snow Falls", Snow White has been wanted for such a long time that even ''a shepherd'' knows about her. There's no way that James could have been standing in for his dead brother long enough for the first part of the "[[Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs (Literaturenovel)|Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs]]" story to play out. They didn't even bother training him to go after the dragon and right after that was over, he and Abigail (who was wearing the same dress) left.
== The past life thing can be proven via DNA testing ==
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== Rumpelstiltskin will be the last Dark One ==
Someone (Regina or August?) will attempt to kill him in order to take his place as the next Dark One. However, Belle will save him with [[True LovesLove's Kiss]] and change him back into a human, effectively breaking the curse. He may even experience a [[Redemption Equals Death]], effectively changing the focus of his character from being a Chessmaster that makes deals (Rumpelstiltskin) to being the monster redeemed by love (The Beast).
== Regina's mother is the Miller's Daughter from the original Rumpelstiltskin's story ==
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In Episode 19, he asked the Blue Fairy if there was a curse to get to the "world without magic" that Baelfire went to. This eventually leads him to make the Dark Curse. Counting on Regina being willing to do anything to get back at Snow White for her perceived crime against her, he tells Regina about the curse. Rumpelstiltskin knew that (at least) he would remember his life in the Fairytale world, because he would need his memories to try and find his son in the other world. The curse is designed to keep them all in Storybrooke purposefully, so Rumpel can narrow down which of the city's residents is his son.
== The [[The Adventures of Pinocchio (Literature)|Ringmaster of Pleasure Island]] will be an eventual Big Bad ==
August mentions being on "an island where all your fantasies come true" during the twenty-eight years between Emma's arrival and the present. He may have been on the actual island from the story, simply transported to a different place in the real world than Storybrooke (possibly because it was powered by dark magic). After August manages to leave, the Ringmaster will realize that he's headed towards the only person who can break the curse, and restore his powers. He and his minions will follow him to Storybrooke and attempt to gain that small amount of magic in this world for himself.
* The island was Phuket, Thailand; August specifically said so. It's simply a nod on the show's part to the Pleasure Island of the story, as Phuket is the closest thing the real world has.
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== When they break out Oz, they ''aren't'' going to use [[The Wonderful Wizard of Oz]] ==
* When [[Disney]] took a shot at Oz, they used elements of the second and third books [[Land of Oz (Literature)|(there are forty in all - 14 alone are Baum's)]] to make one ''hell'' of a HONF-loaded [[Cult Classic]] in the form of [[Return to Oz]]. It would make for an interesting twist, especially since the original Baum could get bloody ''terrifying'' in places.
== Alice and [[The Wizard of Oz|Dorothy]] both come from the real world ==
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== On some level, Mary Margaret has figured out she's Snow White ==
* She seemed pretty blasé about Henry stealing her credit cards, almost as if he did it with her blessing or while she agreed to look the other way. She also had the book in her custody before lending it to Henry, and presumbably read it. Her life in Storybrooke stinks to the point where "[[Daydream Believer|well, wouldn't it be kinda]] [[I Wish It WereWas Real|nice if it were true...]]" Worse, she's spent an unknown amount of time being Regina's favorite verbal punching bag to the point where she has no self-worth or ability to fight back. But while she's accepted the crappy life she has, she's not condemning Henry to the same - so one book of stories and a credit card later...
== David isn't David ==
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Although she has only appeared in a few episodes, so far she seems to have circumvented the [[Equivalent Exchange]] rule of the fairy tale world (Thomas' disappearance was caused by breaking the deal with Rumpelstiltskin, rather than the quill's creation). However, it's possible that her powers only extend to delaying the price of the spell. After countless years of dark magic building up to balance her good deeds, but not being able to act upon anything, eventually the Dark Curse was formed and continued to become stronger and stronger.
== We're going to see a [[Kingdom Hearts]] [[Shout -Out]] ==
* If they are going to fly in a reference to Space Paranoids, then why not? Three kids in Henry's school named Sky, Carrie, and Rick make a one-shot appearance to help Henry's fight?
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* And in that last episode, the kid gave Emma reasons for "reasonable doubt" by arming himself with a ''keychain''.
== Henry's father is [[Supernatural (TV series)|Dean]] ==
If you consider the possibility that the story Emma told Henry wasn't a total lie, it's not hard to imagine Dean pretending to be a fireman and complaining about lack of pie. And giving Dean's [[They Killed Kenny|life]], it wouldn't be much of a stretch for Emma to discover he'd "died" at some point after they'd met. Also: [[Rule of Cool]].
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* [[Inheritance Cycle|Eragon]]
* A [[Harry Potter]] [[Expy]]
* [[The Lord of the Rings|Frodo Baggins]]
* [[Peter Pan]]
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* A Victorian Enlgand settign populated by [[Sherlock Holmes]], Dorian Grey, Professor Frankenstein, etc.
* A world populated by characters from the works of [[William Shakespeare]].
* The world of [[Merlin (TV series)|Merlin]].
== The people of Storybrooke didn't return to the fairy tale world because of a hidden clause in the Dark Curse ==
* The reason Rumple wanted to come to Earth to begin with was to find his son, so of course he wouldn't make it possible for anyone to go back until he found him. Even though the bulk of the curse is broken now, no one can go home until Baelfire shows up again. Or more generally, until everyone from the fairy tale world gathers in Storybrooke -- likeStorybrooke—like no one goes back until everyone can.
== Breaking the curse will bring back Graham ==
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== The Blue Fairy is secretly evil and will be the series Big Bad ==
* She's got some strong Chessmaster tendencies--shetendencies—she interfered with Nova and Dreamy's relationship, got rid of the Dark One, and lied about the tree without so much as a flinch. Who's to say that she hasn't been manipulating everyone (including the master chessmaster himself) from the beginning for some heinous plot?
** When Baelfire first summons her, and the way the girl talked about "Reul Ghorm", such a being sounded pretty scary. I definitely wasn't expecting a fairy.
** That's...actually not that farfetched, now that I think about it. After all, she was the one who told Rumpel about the curse in the first place. Possibly, she knew that he wouldn't follow Baelfire into the real world (and even if he did, she'd be rid of a powerful enemy), and with that, she knew that he would do anything to get to that world, even sacrifice the whole land with a dark curse. So she "accidentally" let it slip when he was asking for ways to get to Earth. What her motive might be, I have no idea, but it's actually a pretty interesting thing to think about.
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