One-Hour Work Week: Difference between revisions

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** Admittedly, a patent attorney who still has plenty of time for biking, reading, and telling his son outrageous fibs, but there ''have'' been several strips where his working was relevant, usually in the context of not being able to play with Calvin.
*** There was also one strip where he was getting ready for work, and thinking it was a shame he had to sit in an office when he could be spending quality time with his family. Then he sees Calvin tearing off in a hurry, followed by his wife in a bath towel screaming at Calvin to remove all the bugs he put in her shampoo. The last panel shows him hard at work and whistling contentedly.
**** Another comic has Calvin's dad explaining to Calvin that when Calvin was born, the two of them discussed which of them should stay home and which of them should work. He then implies that Calvin's mom ''lost'' that discussion, and that he doesn't have to go to work, he '''gets''' to go to work.
* In the French comic ''[[Blacksad]]'', the title character meets a little weasel (no, he's literally a weasel -- the characters are [[Better Than It Sounds|furries]]) who goes by Weekly. He claims it's a work-related nickname -- he's a journalist, and his articles are so good that he's still on the payroll even though "Weekly" is how often he shows up at the office. Later on, he admits that while it was coined by a coworker, it has more to do with his (well deserved) reputation for poor hygiene; the rumor goes that "Weekly" is how often he bathes.
* The protagonists of the German comic ''[[Lula und Yankee]]'' also qualify: Lula plays in a girls' rock band (OK, they have one guy, but everyone overlooks him). Yankee doesn't seem to have a job at all.
* Cutter John from ''[[Bloom County]]'' is a particularly big example; we're told he's the new town doctor in his first appearance, but we '''never''' see him doing anything remotely medical. Maybe Bloom County's residents are just so healthy that he has all the time he needs to make out with his girlfriend and play ''[[Star Trek]]'' with the local [[Talking Animal|Talking Animals]].
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