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* The Maxwell Church from ''[[Gundam Wing]]'' was very poor, but otherwise it did well and was run by the kind Father Maxwell and his assistant Sister Helen. {{spoiler|Pity it was blown up in the war and the only survivor, Duo, was [[Broken Hero|quite traumatised]].}}
* In ''[[Cowboy Bebop]]'': {{spoiler|Ed was raised in one of these.}}
* [[The Hero|Rosette]] and [[Ill Boy|Joshua]] from ''[[Chrono Crusade]]'' grew up in an [[Orphanage of Love]] named Seventh Bell after their parent's deaths. It's very understaffed (seeming to only have a single aging woman watching the kids) so the orphans seem to end up doing a lot of the chores, but they're well taken care of and seem to be spoiled rotten. It seemed like the ideal place for them to live, until [[Comes Great Insanity|Joshua went insane]] [[Deal Withwith the Devil|when he put a pair of demon's horns on his head]], [[Where I Was Born and Razed|destroyed the orphanage]] and [[Taken for Granite|froze all of the orphans and Ms. Jean in stone]].
* [[Ridiculously-Human Robots|Epsilon]] of ''[[Pluto]]'' runs one of these for human war orphans.
* Tohma from [[Magical Record Lyrical Nanoha Force]] was sent to one of these after his hometown was destroyed. He would have gone on to be [[Happily Adopted]] if the plot hadn't come along.
* Dee from ''[[FAKE (Manga)|FAKE]]'' was raised in an orphanage like this, {{spoiler|It was nearly destroyed by a developer who wished to build on it and the orphanage's owner who raised Dee, a nun, is nearly killed.}}
* ''[[Hana Nokono Ko Lunlun]]'' has the heroine running across one in the South Italian countryside (not exactly mentioned ''where'' in Italy, but considering she had just left Sicily, it could be anywhere in [[wikipedia:Calabria|Calabria]]), run by a nun named Sister Mariana and with kids from the age range of 5 to 15. The eldest children, lead by the [[Hot-Blooded]] Emilio, also fret over cute little Lucero's [[Ill Girl]] condition and desperately seek for the money they need for her operation, so they're overjoyed when there are rumors about a hidden treasure coming from [[World War Two]]. {{spoiler|It wasn't a treasure... but an old ''bomb''.}}
* Najika of ''[[Kitchen Princess]]'' had one of these in the Lavender House, {{spoiler|which the director of her school tried to shut down, in order to blackmail Najika into losing a cooking contest. It didn't work.}}
* ''[[Trigun]]'' - Wolfwood grew up in one of these.
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* The orphanage in which [[Harry Potter|Voldemort]] grew up is more or less described as a pleasant, if gloomy, place to be raised -- Tom Riddle himself was the problem.
** From a certain point of view, Hogwarts itself could be seen as one of these as far as several students are concerned. {{spoiler|Which makes it all the worse in the seventh book when the school is run by Death Eaters.}}
* Jean Webster's book ''[[Daddy Long Legs (Literaturenovel)|Dear Enemy]]'' is composed of letters written to various people about the goings-on after the heroine takes on the responsibility of an orphanage, which used to border on [[Orphanage of Fear]] until she came along. The "Enemy" of the title is the doctor with whom the heroine cannot get along ([[UST|for most of the book, at least]]). The orphanage suffers from a lack of staff and money, but at least manages to get some community support when {{spoiler|a fire burns the place down and the orphanages get sheltered with various townsfolk for a while}}.
* The orphanage in ''Adopt-A-Ghost'' certainly applies, to the point at which the children love the matron and other orphans so much that they try to ''avoid'' being adopted if possible..
* ''Which Witch?'', {{spoiler|at the end when the old matron-turned spider is replaced by a sweeter woman}}.
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* In ''Brat Farrar'' by [[Josephine Tey]], the protagonist's backstory features such an orphanage:
{{quote| It was a very good orphanage; a great deal happier than many a home he had seen in passing since. The children had loved it. They had wept when they left and had come back for visits; they had sent contributions to the funds; they had invited the staff to their marriages, and brought their subsequent children for the matron's approval. There was never a day when some old girl or boy was not cluttering up the front door.}}
* Mother Karen's home in ''[[Spellbent]]'' and ''Shotgun Sorceress'' by [[Lucy Snyder]] is one of these. Mother Karen herself rivals [[Mister Rogers' Neighborhood|Fred Rogers]] in the "Friend to all children" category and is unfailingly kind even when monumentally stressed out. What she can't do, she relies on the teenage orphans (raised under her sterling example, of course) to do.
* In [[John C. Wright]]'s ''[[Chronicles of Chaos (Literature)|Chronicles of Chaos]]'', the boarding school stradles the line between this and [[Orphanage of Fear]]. On the one hand, they are treated affectionately and given an excellent education. On the other hand, the teachers are under orders to kill them if they start remembering things.
== Tabletop Games ==
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* From ''[[Ryu ga Gotoku|Yakuza 3]]'' onwards, Kazuma runs one in Okinawa. His kids have a loving father figure who feeds them, gives them shelter, educates them and overall is one cool dad... and if someone messes with them, [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown|he'll savagely beat them til they puke their sternum out]].
* The {{spoiler|entire playable party (plus Seifer, minus Rinoa)}} in ''[[Final Fantasy VIII]]'' grew up in one. {{spoiler|GF-induced amnesia made everyone except Irvine forget}}.
* Milla Vodello in ''[[Psychonauts (Video Game)|Psychonauts]]'' has a backstory where she worked in one of these. Until {{spoiler|the orphans tragically died in a fire, an event that haunts her subconscious to this day}}.
* Jade from ''[[Beyond Good and& Evil (Videovideo Gamegame)|Beyond Good and Evil]]'' operates her Lighthouse Shelter, specifically for war orphans. They run a little low on cash sometimes, but there's warm beds, plenty of food, a [[Big Friendly Dog]], and, you know--lighthouses are inherently [[Rule of Cool|cool]].
* This is in {{spoiler|Kou Ichijo's}} backstory in ''[[Persona 4]]''.
* The third world in ''[[Mystic Ark]]'' could essentially be summed up as this ( {{spoiler|Even though they never had parents to begin with and Cecille (the caretaker) created everything from the ground up with the help of the Wisdom Ark}}), though for a good half of the time you spend in that world, Chimera, influencing Cecile, turns it into the opposite, especially during the final part of your visit there when the orphanage is overrun by monsters.
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* In ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' both the horde and the alliance both have an orphanage in their capital cities for children who lost their parents due to the war. Both are run by caring and loving women, and they all seem to have lots of fun there. And once a week every year they host a holiday event whee players take a kid on a world wide trip to give them a perfect day out.
** Unfortunately, the [[Lord British Postulate]] extends to these kindly matrons. When they relocate to take their charges trick-or-treating, some of the less desirable elements may target the matrons.
* {{spoiler|Hanako Ikezawa}} from ''[[Katawa Shoujo (Visual Novel)|Katawa Shoujo]]'' lived there until she came to Yamaku. There's somewhat of a subversion, though: {{spoiler|while the staff treated Hanako kindly and she was kind of a [[Parental Substitute]] for the youngest children in her last days there, she still couldn't make friends.}}
== Web Comics ==
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* The orphanage in ''[[Meet the Robinsons]]'' where Lewis and Goob grow up appears to be one of these, complete with kindly matron Mildred.
** Interestingly, the DVD commentary says that Mildred is careful to not coddle the children ''too'' much since they need to be able to leave when adopted without emotional hang-ups. The biggest problem at Lewis' orphanage is, well, [[Mad Scientist|Lewis himself]], though he [[Character Development|gets better]].
* ''[[FostersFoster's Home for Imaginary Friends]]'', but with imaginary friends whose owners have grown-up and left them. It has a surprisingly very very very small staff for such a one-of-a-kind place, but everyone there generally enjoys their stay.
** Mr. Harriman and Mrs. Foster are essentially administrators. Many of the orphaned friends do a lot of work to keep the place running, though Frankie has to take up the slack.
* The orphanage where Tim lives in ''[[Nocturna (Film)|Nocturna]]'' doesn't really feature too much in the movie, but it appears to be more or less this trope; children are given the run of the place during the daylight hours and there are plenty of toys to keep them amused. The only hitch is that Tim tends to be given rather a rough time by the other children because of his noisy bedtime ritual.
* [[Jem|Starlight House]] isn't an orphanage, but the same principle applies.