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*** Actually, the comic addresses exactly that, and very elegantly so. The Supreme Court rules that the opening of his life-support pod in Kansas counts as "birth" for eligibility effect.
** The ''ultimate'' President Action has to be [[Ronald Reagan]] in the comic series ''[http://www.toonopedia.com/reagan.htm Reagan's Raiders]''. Best described by Don Markstein:
{{quote|The basic idea was to go the 1960s TV cartoon ''Super President'' one better, putting presidential incumbent Ronald Reagan himself, along with several top members of his administration, in red, white and blue costumes like [[Captain America (comics)|Captain America's]] or The Shield's, and sending them out to do superhero work among the rice paddies and sand dunes of America's most hated enemies. This was accomplished by means of a technological marvel invented by a Professor Cashchaser, that gave the Raiders the bodies of young men (and instantly instilled commando training too, apparently).}}
** [http://www.superdickery.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=798:president-reagan-bad-ass&catid=30:frames-and-panels-index&Itemid=34 This] undoubtedly ''epitomizes'' President Action.
*** Note: that is {{spoiler|actually the Martian Manhunter in disguise.}}
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** While President [[Lex Luthor]] was... well, it's Lex flippin' ''Luthor''. What do you ''think'' he was?
*** In "[[Red Son]]", Lex Luthor was the greatest American President, he brought 14 states back into the union and defeated Communism, at the same time bringing the nation out of economic depression and defeating Superman with a single handwritten note. {{spoiler|His presidency is so amazing, his political and scientific policies eventually turn Earth into the paradise Krypton, in a bit of causality loop.}} He laments that if Superman were raised in America they could have been friends...
* In some [[Elseworld|versions]] of the [[Marvel Universe]], Steve Rogers (a.k.a [[Captain America (comics)]]) has served as President -- often as something of a President Action himself. Well, what else did you expect?
** In the core Marvel Universe, Cap was approached to run as a third-party candidate for the presidency in 1980. After considering it, he declined. In a [[What If]] story, however, Cap accepts the nomination and defeats Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter to win the presidency. Rogers is the ultimate President Personable and President Action, as epitomized by both his inspirational inaugural speech ''and'' the fact that he takes off in the middle of it to disarm and capture his would-be assassin! After which:
{{quote|'''Secret Service Agent #1:''' And we're supposed to be guarding ''him''?
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* ''[[Final Fantasy VIII]]'' has two characters as examples. The first is a [[President Evil]], Galbadian President Vinzer Deling. The second is Estharian president {{spoiler|Laguna Loire}}, who fits several of the subtropes. He's a subversion of President Buffoon. Prior to his being revealed as the President, the game portrays him as awkward, dimwitted, and reckless. However, he seems to be doing quite well as president. He's also President Action {{spoiler|(You get to control him for several portions in the game, and he wields a machine gun, his theme is even called "The Man With The Machine Gun")}}, he's also a pretty nice guy once you finally meet him, making him President Personable as well. He's also {{spoiler|the main character's father}}.
* In ''[[Destroy All Humans!]] 2'', Crypto has risen to the presidency of the United States, allowing the player to control a combination [[President Evil]] and [[Authority Equals Asskicking|President Action]]. Mwahahahaha!!!
* President "Screw 'Em All!" Ackerman of ''[[Command and& Conquer|Red Alert 3]]'' pretty much epitomizes the concept of President Iron along with President Lunatic/President Evil. His solution to illegal immigration? ''Attack dogs!'' His position on serving special interests? None; he's too busy serving the Commies a steaming platter of ''shame'', with a side order of ''suck it!'' Vote for Ackerman, ''if you want to live.'' His hatred for the Soviets leads him to try and use superweapons (not nukes; they haven't been invented thanks to the eradication of Albert Einstein from the timeline) to obliterate the USSR from a secret base in Mount Rushmore after the rest of the Allies are readying a cease-fire with them, {{spoiler|though he turns out to be right not to trust them.}}. Then again, his militant attitude is due to the fact that {{spoiler|he's a Japanese Cyborg Spy sent to make the Allies more aggressive towards the Soviets.}}
** This game also includes the rare non-American President Action, as the Japanese Emperor personally takes to the field in his [[Humongous Mecha]].
* President Orwen from ''[[Front Mission]]: Gun Hazard'' definitely qualifies as a ''President Personable''; he's a genuine nice guy, but gets screwed over by his subordinates early on. Orwen doesn't go down without a fight though, and has a ''President Badass'' moment when he rams the truck he's driving into [[Evil Chancellor|Ark Hellbrand]]'s [[Real Robot|Wanzer]], forcing Ark to retreat.