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[[File:WereBeasts_copy_copy_6135.jpg|link=Guild Wars 2|frame|[[Everything's Worse Withwith Bears|Werebears]], [[Werewolves]], and [[Full Boar Action|Wereboars]], [[Wizard of Oz|oh my]]!]]
{{quote|''I'm looking forward to two fantastic monthly events now. One of which turns me into a vicious monster and [[Bait and Switch Comparison|the other one into a were-cat]].''|'''Katie McBride''', ''[[The Wotch]]''}}
Werebeasts are creatures that can [[Shapeshifting|transform]] between a human (or at least humanoid) form and an animal or animal-like form. They are also known as "werecreatures" or "were-animals". The prefix "were" comes from the Old English word "wer", meaning "man". The technical term for this is ''therianthropy'', from the [[Gratuitous Greek|Greek words]] for "beast" and "man". The better known ''[[Lycanthropy]]'' comes from the Greek words for "wolf" and "man", and should only be used for [[Werewolves]]. Such creatures can be found [[The Oldest Ones in Thethe Book|in the mythology of many cultures]], and the myths have inspired the frequent use of werecreatures in modern [[Speculative Fiction]], particularly [[Fantasy]] and [[Horror]].
By far the most common form of werebeast depicted in fiction inspired by European folklore is the [[Our Werewolves Are Different|Werewolf]], but many stories use other animals as the basis of their werebeasts. Some of these are inspired by real world mythologies and others are purely the invention of the authors. Other than wolves, potentially dangerous predatory mammals such as cats, panthers, lions and bears are the most frequently depicted werebeasts (due to their [[Rule of Cool]]). However, many other types of creature has been used as the basis of a werebeast. Sometimes authors use normally harmless creatures as the basis of a werecreature for the sake of [[Rule of Cute]] or [[Rule of Funny]]. Some works will even use extremely unconventional ideas such as were''cars''. It should also be noted that while werebeasts normally have humanoid shapes as their default form, sometimes a work will reverse the order and make a werebeast an animal that [[Humanity Ensues|transforms into a human]]. The wolf version of this is sometimes called a "wolfwere".
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* Zoan fruits in ''[[One Piece]]'' turn the recipents into werebeasts. They tend to be dangerous mass of muscle even if the template creature was relatively harmless (this is also a general tendency among werebeast. A werehamster can be as dangerous as a werewolf).
** Essentially, it depends on the user's own skills and creativity, as with all devil fruit users. Used properly, a devil fruit can enhance a person's already powerful skills. Used improperly, the person becomes overly dependent on that devil fruit and can easily be defeated by anyone who has actual fighting skills. Thus, if someone has an elephant zoan fruit, but is an average joe otherwise, they can be easily defeated by someone with a mouse zoan if the mouse zoan has more expertise.
* Saiyans in ''[[DragonballDragon Ball]]'' transform into giant rampaging monkeys when they see the light of a full moon. Cutting off their tails prevents this, but until they reach a certain age, it will grow back under said full moon.
* The manga ''[[Cowa]]'' has the main character who is a werekoala and also part vampire.
* Evangelion Unit-02 from [[Rebuild of Evangelion]] can "shed its human form" when [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7NZESmjjJM given the secret password] "The Beast".
* Blair from ''[[Soul Eater]]'' is a cat that frequently takes a [[Catgirl]] form that looks mostly human except for her cat ears and tail.
* The chimeras in [[Fullmetal Alchemist (Mangamanga)|Full Metal Alchemist]] are combinations of animals, which can and does sometimes include humans. As the manga progresses, the humanoid chimeras go from being tragic abominations, to quirky mutants, to tough guys that[[Voluntary Transformation|can turn into even tougher beast-men]].
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== Film ==
* ''[[Cat People (Filmfilm)|Cat People]]'' involved people that could turn into black panthers when sexually aroused.
* ''[[Ladyhawke]]'' features a couple of young lovers cursed to take on animal form at different times, as to keep them apart; the man turns into a wolf at night, and the lady into a... guess what.
* ''[[The Howling]] III: The Marsupials'' features were-thylacines (an extinct marsupial predator more commonly known as the Tasmanian Tiger).
* ''[[Black Sheep the(2006 Moviefilm)]]'' has two characters becoming weresheep after being bitten by the titular killer ovines.
* In the film ''[[The Secret of Roan Inish]]'' the eponymous secret involves a selkie.
* ''[[Track of the Moon Beast]]'' (1976) features a rare were-lizard man! Caused by being struck in the head by a radioactive chunk of moonrock!
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* ''The Turning'' by Helen Ellis has an werecats. It's genetic, starts sometime during puberty, then lasts for two weeks every year for five years before stopping permanently. The 'turning' is brought on by contact with a cat (real or 'turned'). {{spoiler|there is a cure, but it only works before the second time you 'turn'.}}
* In ''Warwolf: The Centurion Warrior Book 1: The Warriors'' has mentions of werecats and even a were''cobra'', in addition to the more typical werewolves.
* [[Christopher Paolini (Creator)|Christopher Paolini]]'s ''[[Inheritance Cycle]]'' series includes several characters who are werecats. The novel describes werecats not as shapeshifting humans, but as a separate magical species.
* The children's novel, ''Prince of Pirates'', features an enchantress named Leonora, who can turn herself into a panther at will.
* Laurell K. Hamilton's ''[[Anita Blake|Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter]]'', in addition to werewolves, has wereleopards, werelions, weretigers ({{spoiler|including blue, red and black tigers in the last book}}), at least 3 weredogs (their abilities are inherited not infection), weresnakes (at lest 2 species cobra and anaconda), swanmen (some are cursed others inherit their abilities like the weredogs), wererats, werebears, and werehyenas.
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* The ''Jill Kismet'' series by Lilith Saintcrow contains a number of werecat (or cat-were) characters.
* In the ''Otherworld'' series by Yasmine Galenorn one of the main characters is a werecat named Delilah D'artigo.
* In [[Patricia aA. McKillip]]'s novel ''The Tower at Stony Wood'' the characters meet a selkie, or were-seal.
* In the first novel of the ''[[Merry Gentry]]'' series, ''A Kiss of Shadows'', Merry's lover is a selkie named Roan Finn who has temporarily lost his ability to change shape.
* James A Hetley's novels ''Dragon's Eye'' and ''Dragon's Teeth'' have a family with the hereditary ability to turn into seals.
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* [[Spider Robinson]]'s "Lady Sally" stories have a were-beagle.
* In ''[[The Dresden Files]]'', while Harry Dresden is researching werewolves, Bob also mentions that there have also been such things as werebuffaloes and weregoats.
* In ''[[Sunshine (Literaturenovel)|Sunshine]]'' by [[Robin McKinley]], there are all kinds of were-animals, and wolves are said to be comparatively rare.
* In Patricia Brigg's ''[[Mercy Thompson]]'' series features Mercy who is a were-coyote.
* The Fayth Hunter series ''[[Jane Yellowrock]]'' features a [[Skin Walker]] named Jane who is technically a classic shifter who can assume any form but prefers (or is forced to) take cat form mostly.
* Mary Janice Davidson's ''[[Jennifer Scales (Literature)|Jennifer Scales]]'' series has were''[[Our Dragons Are Different|dragons]]''.
* People who can turn into animals are one breed of Other in ''[[Night Watch]]''. [[Werewolves]] are always Dark, but the rest can apparently be of any alignment.
* In ''[[The Sookie Stackhouse Mysteries]]'', Sookie's brother Jason is abducted and bitten by a were-panther, so he turns into a sort of panther-man at the full moon.
* The ''[[River of Dancing Gods]]'' series has, in addition to werewolves and other common types of werecreatures, a variation simply called a "were", which transforms into whatever animal is nearest when the full moon takes effect.
* ''[[Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks]]'' has a werecat and a weretiger.
* ''[[In the Blood (Literaturenovel)|In the Blood]]'' features werecats.
* ''[[Silicon Wolfpack (Literature)|Silicon Wolfpack]]'' includes multiple types of hereditary werebeasts. Including [[Scaled Up|weresnakes]].
* [[Poul Anderson]]'s ''[[Operation Chaos]]'' has a weretiger. Because Anderson's [[Magic Aa Is Magic A|laws of magic]] insist that [[Shapeshifter Baggage|mass remains constant]], he is a very large, fat man in human form.
* Fred Saberhagen's novel ''Dancing Bears'' features, guess what, ursanthropes.
* Curtis Jobling's series of fantasy novels ''[[Wereworld]]'' has all sorts of werecreatures, not limited to mammals.
* In [[Robert E. Howard]]'s "[[Queen of the Black Coast (Literature)|Queen of the Black Coast]]" [[Conan the Barbarian|Conan]] fights werehyenas who are the minions of the story's [[Big Bad]].
== Live-Action TV ==
* ''[[Mystery Science Theater 3000]]'': During the episode ''[[Werewolf (Filmfilm)|Werewolf]]'' (fittingly enough) Mike gets bit/scratched by Crow and becomes a "were-crow".
* ''[[Dinosaurs]]'': In an [[Halloween Episode|October 31st Episode]] Robbie scares Baby by telling him a story of becoming a were-caveman.
* ''[[Big Wolf Onon Campus]]'' has an episode has, in addition to werewolves, a French exchange student who was a werecat.
* The were-panthers in ''[[True Blood]]''.
** Unlike the books the show is based on, "wereism" is hereditary and cannot be transmitted by a bite. Despite this, Jason is abducted by a group of were-panthers and repeatedly bitten and [[Rape Asas Drama|raped]] in the hopes of producing viable were-children. Jason stays a human and gets over the rape pretty quickly, although the incident serves as a catalysm to his {{spoiler|relationship with Jessica.}}
** The series also shows that werewolves can interbreed with other supernatural beings. Specifically, Sam's [[Love Interest]] is a Shifter like him (like werewolves but can turn into any animal), who has a daughter fathered by a werewolf. The mother hopes her daughter will become a Shifter.
* In ''[[Blood Ties (TV)|Blood Ties]]'', a werejaguar takes revenge on a hunter that kills various types of werebeasts. It is implied that (as in the ''[[Blood Books]]'' the series was based on) wereism is hereditary, rather than transmitted.
* Freya on ''[[Merlin (TV series)|Merlin]]'' was a Druid girl cursed to turn into a winged werepanther at the stroke of midnight.
* In ''[[Grimm]]'' there are many people that have both a human form and a "creature" form, which have so far included werewolves, werebears, wereboars, wererats, satyrs, ogres, weresnakes, and weremice. There has been no indication of any limit to what "creatures" [[All Myths Are True|could be out there]]. And it is awesome.
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** Bears (Russia)
** Boar (Greece and Turkey)
** Wolves (All over the place, naturally. Special mention goes to the werewolves of Russia and Scotland, which are thought of as being simply another "race" or "tribe" of people who happen to have the ability to turn into wolves, rather than witches who made a [[Deal Withwith the Devil]])
* Asia
** Crocodile (Indonesia)
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** ''[[Mystara]]'' has Chevall. The centaurs who turn into full horses at will and can be hurt only by silver or magical weapons and... that's all.
** ''Van Richten's Guide to Werebeasts'' is an AD&D 2nd Edition, ''[[Ravenloft]]'' book with a host of rules on werebeasts. Unlike most settings, lycanthropes in Ravenloft are almost universally evil, except for the [[Lawful Good]] wereravens.
** The tibbits, introduced originally in ''[[Dragon (Magazinemagazine)|Dragon]]'' magazine and reprinted in the ''Dragon Compendium'' book, qualify. Their humanoid form is small, with [[Pointy Ears]] and [[Animal Eyes|cat eyes]], somewhat resembling [[Hobbits|halflings]]. They can turn cats at will.
** ''Dragon'' magazine also included a sillier variant in the form of the werehare. Among other things, the creature could only be harmed by magic weapons and [[Monty Python and The Holy Grail|holy hand grenades]].
* [[Warhammer Fantasy]] has Werebears living in the [[Grim Up North|Northlands]].
* ''[[Magic: theThe Gathering]]'' has Werebears and Wererats.
** With Innistrad and its accompanying marinade of [[Hammer Horror]] tropes come Werewolves.
* ''[[Rifts]]'' and other games in Palladium's ''Megaverse'' have them as multiple species, ranging from Wolves to Bears, and some of the big cats such as Werepanthers and Werejaguars.
* The [[Old World of Darkness (Tabletop Game)|Old World of Darkness]]' ''[[Werewolf: The Apocalypse (Tabletop Game)|Werewolf: The Apocalypse]]'', in addition to the titular werewolves, has 11 other breeds of shapeshifters, described in their own [[Splat]] books. Some examples include the Corax (were-ravens), Gurahl (were-bears), Bastet (were-cats), Rokea (were-sharks), Mokole (were-lizards), Kitsune (were-foxes), and Ananasi (were-spiders).
** The [[New World of Darkness (Tabletop Game)|New World of Darkness]] also has [[Werewolf: The Forsaken (Tabletop Game)|werewolves]], and provides tools to build just about any wereanimal you can think of (in ''Skinchangers'', ''Changing Breeds'' and ''War Against The Pure'').
* ''[[Ars Magica]]'' includes were-bears and were-lynxes.
* The ''[[Munchkin (Tabletop Gamegame)|Munchkin]]'' card game gives us a werepenguin, a werehamster and a weremuskrat. They are all oversized and sharp-toothed - even the penguin has fangs.
* In the ''[[GURPS Supers]]'' supplement ''Wild Cards'', Sewer Jack is a were-alligator.
* ''[[Exalted]]'' features the Lunars, who are technically werebeasts in that they have one totem animal they strongly identify with and can easily shift to -- but then again, [[Voluntary Shapeshifting|they can shift into anything if they drink its heart's blood]]. Two of the signature Lunars (Red Jaws and Ma-Ha-Suchi) are technically werewolves, but if you go by signature characters alone, you've got wereowls, werecats, werebulls, wereorcas...
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* The 1988 video game ''[[Altered Beast]]'' includes a stage wherepower-ups transform the player into a weretiger, which provides extra strength and firepower.
* In ''[[Bayonetta]]'', the main character has the ability to transform into a black panther at will, granting her cheetah-like speed. Likewise, the character Jeanne (a fellow witch in the game) can transform into a red lynx.
* ''[[Borderlands (Video Game)|Borderlands]]'' has Were-Skags in the first DLC <ref> Skags are pretty wolf-like, coming in varieties like "Pup" and "Alpha", but possess armor plating and heads like Venus fly traps, which open vertically.</ref>
* ''[[The Elder Scrolls]]'' universe features a variety of therianthropic creatures, including werewolves, wereboars, werelions, werecrocodiles, werebears werevultures and even [[Unreliable Narrator|possibly]] weresharks. Apart from werewolves and wereboars, all of these were only mentioned in the in-universe book "On Lycanthropy" in ''Daggerfall''.
* The main gimmick of ''[[Bloody Roar]]'' is that every character is some sort of werebeast. There's a weretiger, werebear, werelion, wererabbit, werefox, werecat, wereboar, weremole, werebat, werechameleon...
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* ''[[Nethack]]'' has wererats and werejackals in addition to the usual werewolves. All three types can infect you with their flavor of lycanthropy.
* ''[[Dragon Age|Dragon Age: Origins]]'' a variety of werebeasts. Most werebeasts are actually humans or animals possessed by demons from [[Spirit World|the Fade]] and subsequently mutated.
* While ''[[Castlevania]]'' is usually content with werewolves, ''[[Circle of the Moon]]'' features werebears, werejaguars, weretigers, and more. ''[[Aria of Sorrow]]'' features a couple of these also. ''[[Castlevania (Nintendo 64)]]'' devotes a tower to battling a variety of them, and its prequel ''Legacy of Darkness'' gives us Ortega, a werelion who receives enough power from Dracula to become a werechimera.
* ''[[Atelier Iris]]'' features werecats as random monsters.
* While not called werebeasts or werecreatures, the game ''[[Fire Emblem Tellius (Video Game)|Fire Emblem Tellius]]'', has Laguz: a race of people who can shift from human-like forms into animal forms. When in human form, they still have certain animal-like physical traits, such as tails, wings, ears, and colored stripes on their faces. Varieties include cat, tiger, lion, [[Werewolf|wolf]], hawk, raven, heron, and [[Our Dragons Are Different|dragon]].
* The ''[[Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines]]'' game includes werebatlike creatures and weresharks which come as a [[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere]] event.
* In ''[[The Muppets|Muppet Monster Adventure]]'' Fozzie Bear is turned into a Wocka Wocka Werebear.
* The Druid of ''[[Diablo]] II'' can turn into a [[Mighty Glacier|Werebear]] or [[Fragile Speedster|Werewolf]].
* Pictured above are the animal forms of the Norn race from ''[[Guild Wars 2]]'', they have a pantheon of animal spirits that they worship, but venerate four above all the rest for directly aiding them in an exodus from their homeland, besides the bear and wolf (they lack boar in-game, interestingly) pictured above, there's also the raven and snow leapord forms.
* In the DLC for [[Dungeons of Dredmor (Video Game)|Dungeons of Dredmor]], there's a skill that allows the player to become a Werediggle. Diggles are the game's [[Mascot Mook]], rubbery birdlike things with drills on their beaks.
* ''[[The Legend of Zelda]]'':
** In ''[[A Link to The Past]]'': When people enter the Dark World, they turn into an animal (real or fantasy) that reflects their personality. Link becomes a pink bunny rabbit but keeps his trademark tunic.
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== Webcomics ==
* ''[[Peter Is the Wolf]]'': About one in every 1000 people in the world is some sort of were; werewolves are most common and have the most developed social structure, but there are plenty of other were species with their own idiosyncracies (werebears are antisocial, werelions are arrogant and lazy, etc.)
* ''[[The Wotch (Webcomic)|The Wotch]]'' has a few lycanthropic minor characters (a hereditary werewolf (Samantha "Wolfie" Wolfe) and an inflicted werecat (Katie McBride). Transformations occur involuntarily under a full moon (or a spell capable of duplicating those conditions), and victims lose their normal personalities while transformed (though both above characters can overcome this thanks to a magic amulet). There's even a case of a "were-woman", a man who turns into a woman with an independant personality of her own (this is apparently super-rare even among weres, probably because most women don't go around biting people.)
* [[Living Withwith Insanity]] has a cat that used a spell on herself and can now [http://www.livingwithinsanity.com/index/?p=507 transform into a human at will].
* ''[[El Goonish Shive (Webcomic)|El Goonish Shive]]'' has Shapeshifting is one of main themes. A traditional curse-based [[Werewolf]] was only in the backstory, but there are shapeshifting [[Little Green Men|Uryuoms]] and their hybrid offspring running around. A chimera typically is born able to shift between the [[Shapeshifter Default Form|default hybrid form]] and forms of parent species (other than Uryuom) while retaining some traits.
** Grace is sometimes referred to as a "were-squirrel", since she morphs between human, squirrel and squirrel/human (she does mix in the third base form, especially when upset, but early on this was rather subtle), due to genes of human, squirrel, and two shape-shifting aliens.
** Then a new term was coined from Dewitchery Diamond's purpose and nature of the last "curse" it "removed": ''[[Gender Bender|weregirl]]''.
* Roger in ''[[College Roomies Fromfrom Hell]]'' is a were-coyote.
* ''[[Clan of the Cats]]'' Chelsea's suffering from a Curse running in her father's family, making werecats out of every female member.
* ''[[Eerie Cuties]]'' has werecats.
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== Web Original ==
* The ''[[Whateley Universe]]'' has several "weres" that draw from numerous different archetypes.
* The ''[[Protectors of the Plot Continuum]]'' have had a number of were-somethings, in include [[Werewolves]], [[Everything's Better Withwith Penguins|werepenguins]], weretigers, werehawks, and even a were-sea-anemone.
* ''[[Above Ground]]'' also features all kinds of werebeasts, although the predominant one remains werewolves. Whatever their animal type, their bite is not infectious: it is a trait inherited genetically. Furthermore, the weres are [[Voluntary Shapeshifting|Voluntary Shapeshifters]] who learn how to control their change as they grow older. To be able to fully control the change back and forth is their passage into adulthood.
* [http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/253/a/d/nsa_files__terrordactyl_by_shadow_aspect-d3jrbr5.png Adam Squall], the [[Author Avatar]] in ''[[The Incredibles]]'' crossover fanfiction ''[http://fav.me/d3jaeor Rise of the Galeforces]'', is a were-''[[Ptero-Soarer|Pteranodon]]''.
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* An episode of ''[[Dave the Barbarian]]'' has Dave get bitten by a cow and turn into a werecow. Also halfway through the middle he gets turned into other things like a cat, Oswitch, a hamster, Lula, an egg beater, a gym teacher, and finally... himself! But the twist comes at the end where Faffy ends up turning into a weredave.
* Egon got turned into a were-chicken in ''[[The Real Ghostbusters]]''.
* In the 1998 animated film ''[[Scooby Doo Onon Zombie Island]]'', Lena DuPrais, Simone Lenoir and Jacques (the film's antagonist) were werecats. They were referred to as "cat creatures" several times. Other occurrences of "cat creatures" have appeared on ''[[What's New Scooby Doo]]?'' and ''The Scooby-Doo Show''.
* In ''[[She -Ra: Princess of Power (Animation)|She Ra Princess of Power]]'', the villainess Catra can change into a panther.
* On ''[[Regular Show]]'', Rigby is attacked by a Were-skunk.
* Also, in the ''[[Codename Kids Next Door (Animation)|Codename: Kids Next Door]]'' episode, "Operation H.O.U.N.D.", Numbuh Five confronted her rival, Valerie, who was revealed to have the power to transform into a were-poodle. {{spoiler|Earlier in the episode, Numbuh Five was attacked by a vicious dog who ate her homework, who was later revealed to have been Valerie in her were-poodle form.}}
* An episode of ''[[Mona the Vampire]]'' has a wereclown.
** A Halloween episode of ''[[DextersDexter's Laboratory (Animation)|Dexters Laboratory]]'' also had a wereclown concept where Dexter gets bitten by a pair of clown dentures and turns into a [[Monster Clown]] whenever he laughs.
* An episode of the ''[[Ace Ventura]]'' cartoon had Ace go to a village to hunt down a killer moose; it later turns out that it was a weremoose. Almost everyone Ace runs into in the village happens to be a weremoose, with even his own pet monkey Spike getting turned into one. Later on, it turns out that the very person who brought him there is the original weremoose and has the power to transform at will via a [[Transformation Trinket|special talisman]] and the very reason he brought Ace over to the village is so he could turn him into one, telling him that he'll be granted special powers and that together they'll create a race of moose men.
* In the ''[[Kappa Mikey]]'' episode "Night Of The Werepuff", there is a creature called a werepuff- it's a furry creature that eats clothes. Mikey gets turned into one.
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* One episode of ''[[The Little Mermaid]]'' involved Flounder becoming a "Howling Hairfish".
* The new [[Halloween Episode]] of ''[[Phineas and Ferb]]'' features Doofensmirtz turning into a werecow.
* ''[[Ben 10 (Animation)|Ben 10]]'' can turn into not one, but 10 (at least at the beginning, later he gets more) different aliens, each with a different super power. Part of the show involves him slowly learning how to better discern which alien's power best fits a given situation.